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Topics - Doc_Holliday

Help! / Trying to find an old Rogue Trooper Image
27 June, 2007, 06:10:33 PM
Hey folks,

I used to have a cool image of Rogue Trooper, he had his hands behind his head, and there was blood on his face, it was in colour. Not terribly old, only a few years old I'd guess. I used to play in a Judge Dredd Roleplaying game in Tabletop, and my old ST is back in town, and we're going to do some Rogue Trooper stuff again, so I'd love to track down some good Rogue images to inspire the group. Can anyone advise me where to find these images without mucking up anyone's copyright?

Thanks folks...
Hey folks,
I'm sorry to plug here, but I recently discovered a really great comic. I live in Dublin, happened to hear about a comic published here that had cool characters and great art. I checked it out, I really love it, and I've met the guy who writes it, and he's a lovely bloke, so I thought I'd spread the word as much as possible.

Freakshow is set in the late 1950s in Los Angeles and New York, and the writer describes it as an outsider's look at the separate world we know from old movies.

The characters are superb, but I don't want to give spoilers so I won't go into who they are or what they get up to.

Suffice to say that there is a strong crime/detective story theme, but taken on from a really unusual and fresh angle.

Well, I apologise for plugging, but at least it's on someone else's behalf. I love the comic, and it would make me really happy to see it do well. It's already on sale in the UK.

Freakshow is published by Atomic Diner publications, 2 Exchequer St, Dublin 2.

You can get information from, and you can order it from

Please try it out and post nice things about it here, and finally please don't hate me too much for going so far off topic.

Latest issue on sale at
Help! / Texas City- what's it like?
19 November, 2004, 12:37:28 AM
once again i'm information gathering.

i've read a few progs that featured texas city, but not that many. i'd like to find out more.

can anyone recommend any GNs that feature it, and does anyone know anything about the setting?

Help! / What Exactly Happens In The Iso-Cubes?
12 November, 2004, 06:04:07 PM
once again i'm asking useless questions that in no way benefit the board, but serve to enlighten me and me only...

this week, it's:

what happens in the iso cubes?

i've read a lot of stories that mentioned them, but i've always been more of a judge dredd graphic novel reader, (and to be honest most of my 2000AD reading has been focused on ABC warriors & strontium dog Graphic Novels) and i've never read all that much about exactly what happens in the iso cubes.

i can't remember, do perps have access to anything at all, or is it just completely like being in solitary confinement with no privelages for 20 years or whatever their sentences are?

Help! / Image Search- Fave Non MC1 Judges- Contd.
30 October, 2004, 01:42:52 AM
Hey kids,
people posted a couple of great pics on the thread i put up asking about people's favourite non MC1 Judges.

i'm in a judge dredd rpg, and i'd love any scans or sketches anyone has of any non MC1 judges, or to expand it, even just anyone's favourite picture of any judge at all?

i find images are incredibly helpful for an rpg, they set the scene like nobody's bizniss.

General / Favourite non MC1 Judges
28 October, 2004, 06:27:15 PM
Personally i really love Hondo City judges, though the Pan African judge uniform is super cool.

wondering what everybody's fave is?

i'm off work sick at the moment, hence all the spam from me...

Off Topic / Any RPG people on the boards?
28 October, 2004, 04:45:55 PM
hey folks,
i came to this board a couple of weeks ago to ask some questions about genetic infantrymen for a Judge Dredd/2000AD based RPG i play in.

i was just wondering, are there any other dredd rpg'ers in the house, or even rpg-ers in general?

i tried out the apostrophe and the hyphen there, and i'm not really happy with either.

ps, want to post a public thanks to cybermax, who sorted me out with an icon about 6 seconds after i sent him a joe pineapples picture i really dig.

Help! / Rogue Trooper Special Abilities
19 October, 2004, 11:33:09 PM
Hey folks,
i've got a particularly embarrassing and loserish question for you all. i play in a judge dredd roleplaying group, using the d20 system. some of the guys are interested in doing a rogue trooper game.
I know that rogue/friday/tor/venus etc are immune to toxins and biological warfare, and that they are "genetically engineered super-soldiers", but i wonder if anyone knows anything more specific?