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Topics - nick_coyle

General / Nikolai Dante news
27 July, 2003, 05:42:20 PM
After checking out the excellent Semi-Official Nikolai Dante website ( it appears the there will be a new ND story starting in prog 2004 drawn by the man himself and scripted, of course, by Robbie Morrison.  Have to say I cannot wait for this since Nikolai is probably my favourite Tooth character after dreddy boy


Link: The Semi-official Nikolai Dante Website

General / Prog 1159
02 February, 2003, 03:06:44 AM
Looking through my collection of 2000ad's today I noticed that for some reason I have two editions of prog 1159 with different covers! CAn anyone shed any light on why this might be?
Yours Confused
General / 2000AD Graphic Novels
25 November, 2002, 10:07:53 PM
Just bought the latest Anderson graphic novel and it looks well good. I really enjoy old school thrills like what is collected here and the recent ABC Warriors book and I have been overall very impressed with the graphic novels that I have bought so far (and even the free Glimmer Rats I got in the post from Tharg).

HAs anyone got any ideas on what is going to come out next year? More Strontium Dog and Slaine hopefully and some old Dredd wouldn't go amiss either.
General / Khronicles of Khaos
26 October, 2002, 12:16:45 AM
I am in the middle of reading the abc warriors saga 'khronicles of khaos' and I have come to the conclusion that:
a) things were not all bad around the mid 700's and
b) Kevin Walker's art is absolutley amazing. I do not think it is going to far to suggest that this is some of the best seen in 2000AD EVER!
What do you guys think? Any new of a KOK graphic novel soon?
General / Red Herring!
15 October, 2002, 01:08:20 AM
OK probably way wide of the mark here but:
What if John Wagner has bowled us all a googly and the return of Prager is just to throw us off the scent of someone or something else returning to the Dredd's world. As Prager says 'there are worse things down there than werewolves dredd'. I for one would like to know what.
General / The Black Hole
11 October, 2002, 07:58:30 PM
Has anyone got the latest ABC Warriors book yet? Is it any good? I seem to remember reading the saga in BO2000AD a few years back and thinking it was awsome. I hope things haven't changed.

Anybody know what else is coming out soon. I've heard that Nemesis and Rogue Trooper books are being published, though I would really like to see some more early Slaine.

General / Friday Afternoon Fun
06 September, 2002, 08:06:24 PM
Ok, out of pure curiosity:
Does anyone know of anyone famous who reads 2000AD? Ever seen copies of tooth under the Beckham's coffee table in a Hello photo shoot, spotted Britney Spears in disguise walking round Dreddcon 2 or even cursed as him out of 'The Office' grabbed the last copy of the Megazibe from your local newsagents about a micro second before you got there?

Personally I can think of 2 examples
1- the guys out of the channel 4 sitcom Spaced
2- I also seem to remember a few years back in an interview for select magazine Leroy out of the Prodigy said he had a life sized cut out of Johnny Alpha.

Better still, are any of the message board posters famous themselves and using a pseudonym to protect themselves? I wouldn't mind betting, from the way he behaved, that Scojo was really Roy Keane in disguise.

General / 2 Questions
02 September, 2002, 10:54:42 PM
Hi guys
I am new to the board and have a couple of questions to ask. I started reading 2000AD in the mid 800's and have bought a few back issues but there are a couple of gaps in my knowledge

1) Was the original Sam Slade by Wagner and Grant any good? I have read some of his stories since he was bought back to tooth and did not think much of them (though I quite enjoyed Rian Hughes' artwork).

2) Who or what are the Judda? All I know is that they appeared in the Oz saga and have something to do with Judge Kraken.

Any answers would be gratefully recieved