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Topics - Vila

Help! / Starting someone on comics
10 December, 2006, 06:49:32 AM
Hi everyone, I've lurked for a while but this is my first (meaningful) post here...

I'm trying to encourage my younger (13-year-old) brother to start reading more often. He won't voluntarily pick up a book to save his life, and when told to take a book to school for a lesson he offered to bring a copy of NME. He's so poorly read he genuinely has no idea what part a donkey has in the Nativity, leading to his mystification on opening yesterday's door on the family advent calender. Needless to say we're concerned he's going to fall behind, and are trying to think of ways to get him to read more. My suggestion was to buy him a comic of some description as a Christmas present, which is why I'm posting this message: what comics would you recommend for a thirteen-year-old boy who would otherwise refuse to read?
Ideally I'm after a GN or a TPB (2000AD or otherwise) to make for a more substantial gift. He's fond of action stories; I think Red Seas or Banzai Battalion might work for him. His mum would likely be vetoing the book before he gets it, so nothing too adult (LOEG for example).