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Topics - Brownish

Games / Mount and Blade
18 October, 2008, 11:13:54 PM
From the top ten lists, it seems a lot of people here have a fondness for old school, open-ended games like Elite and Sid Meier's Pirates, so I wonder if anyone else has come across this yet?

I can only describe it as the bastard child of Oblivion, Medieval Total War and Pirates (I know that's technically three parents...) It was apparently developed by a Turkish husband and wife and you can download it from their website for free, although you need to pay for the complete version.

Anyway, it's great. Haven't spent this much time on a game since Jetpac...
General / Top recent thrills?
07 October, 2008, 04:46:44 PM
This is a pretty broad question, but I hope one or two of you can give me some advice. I've been out of the country for most of the last 10 years, and my exposure to 2000AD during that time has been patchy at best, although I've tried to keep up. Anyway, I'm back now and keen to catch up on the thrillpower that I've missed.

So, my question is...where should I start?
Welcome to the board / Wotcha
01 October, 2008, 06:55:37 PM
It seems that many of my fellow skulkers have been stepping out from the shadows recently, so I thought I may as well join them and introduce myself...

I am:

A human male with a sensitive nature and most of his own teeth. I like long lawmaster rides, hiking in the Cursed Earth and candlelit dinners. I've been reading 2000AD since the early '80s, but had a 10 year hiatus until just recently.

Ideally, you'll be:

A leather-clad uberbitch like Judge Anderson, who takes an active pleasure in dispensing rough bedroom justice. I will, however, consider offers from any species, gender, model or level of assimilation...