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Topics - Dirty Sanchez

Off Topic / WHAT
10 September, 2004, 09:59:30 PM

Link:" target="_blank">Read the description of Rogue very carefully

General / Completely bizarre filler text in The Pit
24 April, 2002, 12:17:35 AM

I was reorganising my 2000ad collection recently (read: stuffing them in the attic) and got badly sidetracked when I started reading the damn things over again. Anyway, in the Dredd story in prog #990 (The Pit: Last Rites) my pathetically straining eyes were drawn to the blurry copy in the newspaper on the first page (The Pit Bull). I could pick out a few words here and there and none of it made much sense at all, until eventually I'd deciphered a complete phrase, which I then plugged into Google out of curiosity. My search returned the following text, which matches the copy in the comic:

"Sharon twisted her ponytail absently. She didn't know a Jessica ... But she did know a Sandy, worse luck. They had been best friends at Rydell High until Sandy stole her boyfriend. Danny was such a rat! She sighed in remembrance. It was a world away from this mysterious garden and the cartoon rabbit. (How did she get here? Last thing she remembered she'd been in a Chrysler, as big as a whale, heading down the Atlanta highway, looking for a love getaway.) She was ...
"Of course" said Sharon in a disappointed voice "it's entirely possible that nobody will recognize me. After all" ... she eyed the cartoon rabbit quizzically ... "I'm merely a thinly disguised pastiche on one of literature's most famous women."

She walked towards the grassy knoll in the center of the grounds, still wondering where on earth she'd seen the rabbit before. He wasn't wearing a top hat this time. And shouldn't he have been a real live rabbit? It made little difference to the puzzle ... "

Now, according to my search results, these are the only two paragraphs of this story anywhere on the net. Does anyone, Sullivan and Frame included, have a clue where this came from and what the flipping blink it is? It's going to gnaw at me for yonks if I don't find out.
