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Topics - Shakira? Shakara!

So, I've just cancelled my subscription to the 2000ad Ultimate Collection. I'm having a rationalisation of all my various collections, and as a lot of it duplicates what I already have I'm going to pick and choose which volumes to buy.

I just wondered if people had any thoughts on which parts of the 2000ad canon that Hachette may be a better option than the Rebellion printings? Obviously these things are subjective - I prefer a nice hardcover to an easily creased softcover, on the other hand, I prefer a spine that actually says what's in the collection rather than a fancy piece of artwork and a random number! But here are my thoughts:

Rogue Trooper / Robo-Hunter / Sinister Dexter - never bought any of these as collections, so these are ones I'd pick up as part of the UC. Also smaller stuff and one offs like Bad Company, DR & Quinch, Halo Jones, etc.

Strontium Dog - this is probably the most complicated one. I have the 5 S/D Files as Strontium Dog is probably my favourite series, but I've never bought the rebooted series as collections. So at the very least I'll be picking those ones up. But then, why not have them all so they are in a consistent format and in HC? Well, the deciding factor may be the lack of the Starlord strips, which are in the first S/D Files collection so obviously I am not going to bin that one off! Think I may therefore just pick up the reboot volumes in this series.

Nemesis / Nikolai Dante / Slaine / Shakara - Have all of these as Rebellion collections, so just have to consider if it's worth rebuying these just for the sake of having them in HC. I suspect the expense involved will mean I don't.

ABC Warriors - this is the easiest decision really. The Mek Files are pretty definitive versions. Colour spreads restored, artwork is bigger, nice attractive HCs. No need to get the Hachette volumes, they aren't an upgrade.

Anything else I haven't taken into account? Anyone else picking and choosing which volumes to buy?