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Topics - Graham Pearce

Books & Comics / SGT MIKE BATTLE
28 February, 2013, 09:33:54 AM
Hi guys, Its been a while since I posted any SGT MIKE BATTLE updates, so long in fact that I've got 2 new issues and and 1 trade paperback to pester you with!

Firstly there is...
SGT MIKE BATTLE #17 features STAR-SPANGLED WARS which is set not so long ago, in country far, far away. In this epic story, Sgt Mike Battle meets a young farmboy, an elderly warrior and an arrogant smuggler who are on a quest to rescue a beautiful princess from an evil empire!
I cant say any more with giving away the story but here's a review to get you interested.

Then we have...
SGT MIKE BATTLE #18 which features the first part of LAST ADMIN HERO 2. Office Worker John Trojan returns to take on a new office-related threat to America!
This issue comes with 2 covers, one where it is called SGT MIKE BATTLE #18 and another where it is called LAST ADMIN HERO 2 #1

And finally there is...

Sgt Mike Battle LAST ADMIN HERO, the 2nd trade paperback which collects the original LAST ADMIN HERO storyline from SGT MIKE BATTLE #8-10. When the terrorist group A.C.R.O.N.Y.M takeover a US Weapons Development lab, the only person who can save the day is an office worker, and all has to use as weapons is the stationery cupboard!
You can view the trailer below

All of these are available by contacting me via email or via

Books & Comics / interview about SGT MIKE BATTLE
12 September, 2011, 10:01:03 PM
This month is the 10th anniversary of the publication of SGT MIKE BATTLE: THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO! #1 and to mark that landmark I recently spoke to Geek Syndicate.

Check out the link below to hear about the origin, future and ultimate demise of SGT MIKE BATTLE
Hey guys, I just wanted to make everyone aware of a very exciting panel that is taking place this Saturday at the Bristol Comics Expo. Not only is it hosted by the lovelly Stacey Whittle but it's my first ever appearance on a panel!!!

the full details are below or at!/event.php?eid=212839678740061...

"What's the point in small press superheroes?"
Saturday, May 14 · 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Mercure Bristol Holland House Hotel

With superhero comics dominating the mainstream for the last 50 years and countless superhero titles published every month, why would a small press creator spend their own time and money producing more stories in this genre?

Former small press and current Image Comics creator, Paul Grist (The Weird World of Jack Staff), is joined by Graham Pearce (Sgt Mike Battle), Matthew Craig (Trixie Biker) and Daniel Clifford (Sugar Glider) to discuss whether they're adding to an already flooded market or providing an interesting alternative.

Moderated by Stacey Whittle, one of the hosts of the Small Press Big Mouth podcast.

So, who's gonna be there?

Books & Comics / SGT MIKE BATTLE #16
10 May, 2011, 05:15:39 AM
The latest exciting and historically incorrect issue of SGT MIKE BATTLE: THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO! is out this weekend at the Bristol Comics Expo. #16 is set in 1940 and shows how Sgt Mike Battle saved the British troops at Dunkirk, saved the RAF from the Luftwaffe, saved London during the Blitz, saved the entire country from Nazi Invasion and helped the King overcome his speech problems!

This is the greatest war story in the history of the world, a story that some are describing as 'The Kings Speech' directed by Michael Bay. Yes, it is that good.

SGT MIKE BATTLE: THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO! #16 is only £1.50 for 36 pages of freedom-loving fun and will be launched at the Bristol International Comic and Small Press Expo (14-15th May 2011)!

SGT. MIKE BATTLE: THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO! #15 is on sale now for the bargain price of £1.50!

This latest issue of the cult UK small press title retells the events of how Saddam Hussein was captured in late 2003. Forget the offical story of Saddam being found in a small hole in the ground, the events of how Sgt Mike Battle captured the Iraqi dictator is far more thrilling, brought the world much closer to destruction and is much more like a Hollywood blockbuster than you would expect!

Order your copy by sending me a PM (the first few people to order get a free SGT MIKE BATTLE badge!) or buy the comic at next weekend's Bristol Comic Expo.


...then email me for the PDF version

I must be going mad but in my efforts to spread the word about SGT MIKE BATTLE I'm giving everyone the chance to read an issue for FREE!!!

I have created a PDF of SGT. MIKE BATTLE #11 and will happily email it to anyone who asks nicely. It's the issue where Sgt Mike Battle confronts Osama in the mountains of Tora Bora

Just send me a PM and I'll email it to you!

For the next week or so I'll email it to anyone who asks. The file is about 10MB in size but if you'd rather find out a bit more about this issue before reading it then visit the review below

Peace and Love!

I'm about to book my table for Bristol International Comic & Small Press Expo 2010 and wondered who else is planning to attend?

Chris Claremont is the Guest of Honour and even Jesus will be there (i don't think its that guy from the Bible although I could be wrong ;))...

Creative Common / Illustrator 10 query
02 January, 2010, 01:45:48 PM
I've recently got a CD with Photoshop 7.0 and Illstrator 10 but I cant get Illustrator to load. I think the dics might be damaged. Can anyone recommend somewhere where I can get another copy of the software? I cant see it on ebay and am a novice when it comes to acquiring software via the net so I don't know what is safe or even legal. any tips?
Books & Comics / SGT MIKE BATTLE #15
12 December, 2009, 10:55:04 AM
i thought I'd post the cover of the next issue of SGT MIKE BATTLE.

Issue #15 reprints the epic story where Sgt. Mike Battle captures Saddam Hussein in 2003 and will be out some time around March/April 2010

What do people think?

29 November, 2009, 02:57:30 PM
Peter Kaye has announced his intention to remake the 1980s Action classic Die-Hard, but instead of taking place in Los Angeles, Kaye's version will be set in Manchester. Speaking on BBC1's Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, Kaye called the project Die Well Hard and said "I'm deadly serious. I really want to make it, exactly the same."

Whilst part of me wants Kaye to make this film, another part of me hopes it is just a joke. For every Hot Fuzz, there are several Lesbian Vampire Killers.

what do you guys think of this "news"?

To the full clip is available at
I've got a question about the legal implications of publishing fan fiction.

I have an idea for a story set in a certain galaxy far, far away but I was wondering how I can best tell that story without incurring the wrath of George Lucas and his Imperial lawyers.

In terms of breaching any existing copyright, at what point am I getting into hot water?
Can I print my story as a comic and sell it?
Can I print my story as a comic and give it away?
Can I publish the story online and let people read it for free.

any thoughts?

Books & Comics / The Best review of my so-called Career!
02 November, 2009, 08:18:25 PM
The Best review of my so-called Career! I say "so-called" because the comics I self-publish are still very much a hobbie... a very time-consuming and exhausting hobbie where the end product is its own reward. My main motivation behind SGT MIKE BATTLE: THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO! has always been to entertain myself with the sort of comic that I cant find anywhere else... but it's always a bonus when other people enjoy the book as much as this reviewer did

so based on that glowing review, are you going to buy a copy?

I've recently became a very proud Uncle. Ever since she was born I've been trying to get Keira, my (nearly) 3-year-old niece, into Star Wars and this weekend I finally made a breakthru. Whilst shopping with my wife and sister-in-law in Matalan I decided to show Keira around the toy section. She recognised the usual toys like Pooh bear, Tigger and Piglet but when I showed her a toy of R2-D2 she got excited and decided to call him "Robot".

Later that evening Phantom Menace was on ITV1 and I was so proud when Keira recognised "Robot". As we continued watching the film, my wife and sister-in-law tried to turn over but when asked Keira wanted to carry on watching Star Wars. Every time R2-D2 appeared she pointed at the screen and shouted "Robot". As the film went on her face lit up in the space battles, she laughed at Yoda funny ears and called Darth Maul "Scary Face".

I now know how Obi-Wan felt when he said to Luke "You have taken your first step in a larger world"   
Welcome to the board / HELLO
22 October, 2009, 12:18:26 AM
Hello. My name is Graham and I am creator of the smallpress comic SGT MIKE BATTLE. You can have a look at my artwork by joining the Facebook group ( or by visiting my painfully slow website,

I'll probably spend most of my time on the 2000AD forums shamelessly plugging SGT MIKE BATTLE (#14 is out now for the bargain price of £1.50), talking absolute nonsense with anyone who'll listen and desperately trying to come up with some ideas to submit as Future Shocks. I've got a couple of awesome Dredd storylines as well but I'm keeping those close to my chest for the moment. :)

SGT MIKE BATTLE #14 is out now and sees the whirlwind romance between Roger Knightly and Shapely Charms reaches its thrilling finale.

Can you really afford to miss the most shocking and heart-wrenching story in the history of comics? Do not worry about crying your eyes out as you read the comic because for a limited period you will get a free tissue with every issue!

SGT MIKE BATTLE #14 is on sale now for the ridiculous price of £1.50. Order your issue via the SGT MIKE BATTLE Fan Club on Facebook!

Only £1.50 for 36 b+w pages with a fantastic, freedom-loving colour cover

For more information, visit