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Topics - Kudos

General / Strontium Dog question for the groupmind
21 September, 2013, 10:12:48 PM
Help me group mind, you're my only hope...

I'm writing a thing on the use of time travel in Strontium Dog and I'm having real difficulty. I'm looking for examples of Alpha using his time bombs for something other than killing the bad guys. I know he uses one to trap NBK in a time loop and one was used to transport Alpha and Blood Moon back in time, but are there examples of the device being used in any other ways.

I have a niggle that he once used a bomb to escape from a building and ended up zapping himself to the other side of town or something, but I've been scouring through my progs and can't find anything. Did this happen and if so what story was it used in, or am I making it up? And are there any other novel uses of the device?

Help me...

Does anyone know what's going on with the exclusive Day of Chaos T-shirt?

I saw the item advertised in today's email news letter and having seen the images before, and wanted it on a shirt since then, I quickly snapped one up. I've just been back to show the item to a friend and the link on the news letter no longer works and I can't find the shirt by looking round the shop?

What's happened to it? Anyone any idea what's going on with this?
General / New Carlos Ezquerra Dredd collection book?
05 October, 2012, 01:37:10 AM
I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the new Carlos Ezquerra collection "Judge Dredd: The Complete Carlos Ezquerra" which is being advertised for pre-order on Amazon here:

It's not just as re-release of the Carlos Ezquerra collection from 2007 with Helter Skelter and the Cursed Earth Coburn stuff in as this book is said to have a larger page count - 248 over the previous book's 224 - and the page says it's out in February 12th of next year and is a collection of "classic B&W" stuff and will contain "many complete stories." The page also names it as volume one, which would suggest more to come.

I had a look around the forum but couldn't find anything about this, does anyone got any info about this or have any idea what stories it might feature? Is it for the US market or over here in the UK?
News / Wagner and Ezquerra announced for SFX Weekender
02 December, 2011, 11:55:14 AM
The SFX website today announced the appearance of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra at February's third SFX Weekender... I already have tickets to the Weekender but this is the best news I've heard about the event so far. Anyone else here going?
Welcome to the board / Hello there.
09 December, 2009, 12:36:45 AM
Hello people. How are you all?? I don't know why I didn't join earlier. I've been a lurker here for ages. Anyhow. I'm a long time reader of 2000AD starting way back with prog 301. Fave characters are Dredd, Johnny Alpha and Zenith. Erm, what else... Ermm... I suppose I'll take questions form the audience now...