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Topics - Mongoose_Matt

Games / New Judge Dredd Models on Sale!
20 November, 2013, 01:28:33 PM
We have just released oodles of new Judge Dredd models, ready to join your force and take back the streets! You can find them all here;

In the mix, we have the following new goodies for you;

Judge Dredd on Lawmaster
Mechanismo Double Pack and Singles (MkI & II)
Rico Dredd and the Judge Child
A new Street Judge Double Pack
Female Street Judge
Chopper, as the Midnight Surfer

We also have the Sky Surfers back in stock, along with the HS/1 Holocaust Suit - and, of course, the huge Judge Dredd Starter Set has just been released too!
Games / Judge Dredd Starter Box Set - Now Available!
15 November, 2013, 01:03:14 PM
We have just released the Judge Dredd Starter Box Set!

The Judge Dredd starter box set contains everything you need to begin fighting on the streets of Mega-City One and beyond. Two complete forces of Judges and street gangs are included, along with a hardback copy of the rules and two limited edition miniatures available nowhere else!

Judge Dredd is a 28mm skirmish game designed to be quick, easy to learn, and capable of handling the madness that is Mega-City One, from the powerful judges to the lowliest punk or mutant.

Players can choose from a range of forces present in Mega-City One and beyond, from the Judges of the Justice Department itself, to the nastiest street gangs from the worst sectors of the city. Add to this Klegg Invasion Forces, Cursed Earth Desperadoes, Fattie Stampedes and Sky Surfers, and the true madness of Mega-City One is set to hit your tabletop with a bang!

The Starter Box Set Includes:

* 240 page Full Colour Hardback Rulebook
* A complete Justice Department Force
* A complete Street Gang Force
* The Academy of Law Training Guide
* Limited Edition Female Street Punk Leader
* Limited Edition Street Judge with Lawrod
Games / Judge Dredd Campaign Day - Nov 23rd
31 October, 2013, 05:05:20 PM
On November 23rd, Mongoose Publishing is throwing open its doors to hold an official campaign day for the Judge Dredd miniatures game. One Night in Mega-City One is a yearly Judge Dredd event that pits players against one another in a series of games to decide who has the greatest gang or force in Mega-City One. Each player will start off with a basic force and, using the campaign rules in the rulebook, build that force up with new models, equipment and experienced Heroes. There will also no doubt be opportunities to use Mercenaries, Heroes & Villains and Judges of the World in the games, meaning some of the stars of the Judge Dredd comic strip will be making an appearence!

You can find more information and get tickets here;

If you use the DREDD coupon code while ordering through our web site, you will not be charged for postage for the ticket or anything else you order at the same time!

Alternatively, you can call us up at 01793 434488 and book over the phone!
Games / New Judge Dredd Rulebook and Miniatures
25 October, 2013, 02:39:03 PM
The new Judge Dredd miniatures game rulebook is now in stock, and it is a real corker! Weighing in at 240 pages, this full-colour, hardback book is packed with Dredd-goodness, containing all you need to create forces, fight battles and play through not one but two complete campaign systems.

We have also just released many brand new Judge Dredd miniatures, including the Heroes of Mega-City One and Specialist Judges sets, the latter including Judges from the Flying Squad and Heavy Weapons Units, and brand new Med- and Tek-Judges.

On our web site, we have a new Heroes & Villains of Mega-City One section, as well as a preview of the Judges of the World miniatures, featuring Judges from other Mega-Cities.

You can find all of these, plus a free rules primer, at;
Games / The Lawmaster MkIII - Tech Spec
23 September, 2013, 12:51:23 PM
We have just posted classified information on the Lawmaster MkIII at Planet Mongoose, giving a full run down on its systems, from bike cannon to Firerock tyres!

You can find it all at;
The all new Judge Dredd miniatures game rulebook is due for release on October 18th and until then we will be running a series of previews on Planet Mongoose that delve into all aspects of the game - you can see the first at;

This is a 240 page full colour hardback, with all the rules you need to build a force and take to the streets of Mega-City One in a campaign that will see heroes rise and villains fall (or vice versa!). The core rules are simple and quick to learn, but with enough tactical depth to keep you playing for years to come.

Games / Judge Dredd Miniatures Game - Mk III Pat Wagon
20 August, 2013, 05:04:52 PM
The Mk III Pat Wagon is almost with us, and Planet Mongoose has the scoop...

After the Lawmaster, the Mk III Pat Wagon is the most commonly sighted Justice Department vehicle seen on the streets of Mega-City One. Designed to be flexible enough to bring the Law to citizen riots and armoured perps, as well as fulfil the grunt work of catch and meat wagon teams, the Mk III Pat Wagon is well respected among Judges for being able to take just about any punishment the streets can give.

You can also find the latest Judge Dredd releases here;
We are delighted to announce an agreement between these two progressive games companies that will see Warlord Games exclusively manufacture and distribute Mongoose Publishing's Judge Dredd miniatures game.

Managing Director of Mongoose Publishing, Matthew Sprange: "This is a great step for the Judge Dredd miniatures game as we believe Warlord is the premier miniatures company and we have always been huge fans of their work. We have known the chaps working there for many years and look forward to working closely within them for many more."

Paul Sawyer of Warlord Games: "We are very excited to be working with our old friend Matt on taking the Judge Dredd game to a wider audience . Many of us at Warlord are rabid Dredd and 2000AD fans and are looking forward to helping build on the solid platform built by the Mongoose team".

Plans are already well underway for the range to be reorganised and repackaged as well as having a welter of new releases added. There are already plans for a hardback rulebook amongst other new additions. For more information about the Judge Dredd line or either company check out our websites:

For details of how to stock these new lines in your gaming store please contact the Warlord sales team at
Games / Rogue Trooper miniatures game Kickstarter
04 February, 2013, 05:12:22 PM
This Friday, February 8th, at 2pm GMT, we will be launching the Rogue Trooper Kickstarter.

You can download a first draft of the rulebook from here to get a good idea of the first few units that will be appearing and how the game plays;

Hope to see you there on Friday!
Games / Apocalypse Mega-City One 2013 - April 6th
30 January, 2013, 04:22:36 PM
On April 6th, Apocalypse Mega-City One comes to our Swindon HQ!

Apocalypse Mega-City One is the first official tournament for the Judge Dredd miniatures game. We invite you all to come down with your favourite Judge Dredd force (which can include mercenaries, giving you a huge range of options!) and play through a series of games to find out who is best!

There will be many prizes available, some sneak peeks at new models and games in progress, and a wide variety of scenarios that will take you from the streets of Mega-City One to the Cursed Earth and beyond!

Tickets are just £10 each, and every entrant will receive a free miniature on the day!
Games / Judge Dredd Citi-Def Squad - Now Available
04 January, 2013, 03:54:15 PM
Just to let you know, and for everyone who has been waiting, the Citi-Def squad is now available! Staffed by weekend warriors, this is a fun force to play in the Judge Dredd miniatures game, as they have a great deal of firepower but it is not always easy getting your soldiers to point their guns in the right direction!

The Citi-Def Squad comes as a set with 8 miniatures, all of which are also available seperately.

Games / (Mongoose) Lawmaster Model
09 November, 2012, 01:43:10 PM
The iconic Lawmaster bike from the Judge Dredd comic strip has now arrived, available with either a male or female Street Judge. Planet Mongoose has a feature covering the Lawmaster, with lots of interesting details on its technical specs, as well as many photos showing the Lawmaster going through its paces on the streets of Mega-City One. You can find Planet Mongoose at

The Lawmaster will start shipping a little later this month, and you can grab your own here;
General / 2000AD RPGs and Mongoose
06 May, 2003, 07:23:38 AM
Hi guys,

There is always someone, eh?  :)

A quick update on what we are planning for the 2000AD RPG line. . .

First off, neither the Slaine nor the Judge Dredd games can be considered dead by any means, regardless of what experts like John may say.  At present, sales for both lines rival our second tier fantasy products such as the Slayer's Guides and Encyclopaedias - in the UK _alone_.  That is, well, rather unheard of in the RPG market.  A recent deal with Ottakar's has boosted sales of these lines and 2000AD fans across the country are finding the games in their high streets.  Sales in the US are also strong, accounting for around 50% of all units sold.

True, the 2000AD RPGs are not selling as well as, say, our Quintessentials nor, I suspect, will they beat our forthcoming Babylon 5 RPG - but they are still well worth us supporting.

We have had a break from producing supplements for the games for a number of reasons - primarily it was to take a break from the line in order to review what was selling and what wasn't.  Small one shot adventures are out.  Rules supplements tick along.  But it seems most of you want big fat sourcebooks  :)  We also faced problems with some of our freelance writers either ducking out of projects at the last moment or being consistently late.  To this end, we had little choice but to call a halt or have our release schedule backed up several months, which does _not_ endear us to the distributors of the US.

So, what can you expect for the future?  First order of business, likely later this year, will be another fat 128 page sourcebook, along the lines of Brit-Cit.  Current favourite for this slot is Atlantis and the Black Atlantic, though we also have our eyes on detailing other Mega-Cities.  We also have a couple of large scenarios on file, each the size of the entire Kazan Gambit combined - these may also appear this year.

For Slaine, we have another Tribes book in the works, as well as such titles as the Drune Lords and Midgard, though we are right in the middle of analysing Slaine sales and what is most popular - but hey, wasn't the Horned Lord and Moon Sow campaign a real hot number?  :)

I also want to add another 2000AD RPG to the stable.  There has been a lot of debate on what this should be.  DR & Quinch could be fun, though ultimately limited.  Strontium Dogs is a natural choice for RPGs and Rogue Trooper is very evocative.  However, I cannot help thinking that something like Nemesis might just grab the attention of US roleplayers and whack them upside the head with its weirdness!  All I need do is find a writer. . .

A quick word about John Caliber.  Neither he nor his views have anything to do with Mongoose Publishing and we are quite disappointed to have read some of his comments about us and the game, on this forum and others.  Despite his work on the early stages of the RPG, he does not have the 'inside scoop' and, indeed, I have had no contact with him for several months.  In short, if you want to know something about the 2000AD RPGs, ask me  :)

Two more things to cover - 'officialdom' and d20.  The point of officialdom within the RPG (and we seem to be just talking about Dredd here - strange, as we have added a lot more to Slaine with nary a whisper!) is a tricky one, mostly because of the variance in the original source material anyway.  Over the years, several writers have come into Mega-City One and given us all their own take on it.  Some may say this has led to inconsistencies in the background - I disagree.  Mega-City One is a _huge_ place.  Gigantic.  There is more than enough room for everyone's ideas and what goes in one Sector may well not happen in another.  This is the principle the Dredd writers themselves work to and, with a setting of this nature, a complete 'bible' of the setting may not only be unneccesary, it could be harmful and limiting.  The roleplaying game binds up most of the ideas of the comic strips and adds a few of its own - it is certainly no less valid than anyone else's ideas.  One last point on this - the Dredd writers have access to the rulebook and, I am told, use of it is being made.  Not that they will consider it as the definitive Dredd source any more than they would any other tome - why should they?  There are always new ideas  :)

A small but vocal minority do not like the d20 System.  That is cool, I acknowledge them - but they _are_ the minority.  The thing is, RPGs of this nature never bring in hordes of non-gamers into the RPG fold.  It is the Holy Grail of producing licenced products but it just does not happen.  The Judge Dredd RPG is being sold, primarily, to RPG gamers who also like 2000AD.  That is our target - a niche of a niche and, despite what some 'experts' may think, nothing will change that.

On top of this, we have to ensure that the game is successful in the US to justify decent print runs.  It should be clear that using a derivative of the rules from the world's best selling RPG (which over a million gamers actually own) is going to pull in more gamers that would otherwise give the game a wide berth.  At the same time though, this is not making a square wheel round - the d20 System is extremely flexible and anyone who thinks the combat system takes longer in play than the original Dredd game just ain't playing it right. . .

Well, I think that is enough from Rumour Control.  Let me know what you think, what you want to see and what you want done better!

Matthew Sprange
Mongoose Publishing