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Topics - Will.S

Creative Common / Video of Rogue's Rifle, Gunnar
30 November, 2010, 09:47:23 PM
This is not the video I intended but I ended up knocking the gun off the table today, no cosmetic damage but a couple of the sounds have conked out.
I apologise for the poor sound quality, again didn't want to use this but it's the only one with everything working!
On the chip it has a blue flashing light, illuminated 2 and a sound activated red light.There are small lights in the sensors either side as well.When it is switched on it makes the sound of a camera flash/night vision switching on (not in this vid')  When the trigger is pulled you get the machine gun sound and on release the sound of an empty case landing on the ground. The site at the end of the barrel has a small laser in it. The voice of Gunnar is taken from the PS2 game.
Unfortunately there is a lot of white noise on all the recordings, but that was the best I could get with the recordable key ring chips I used.
I hope everyone likes it

Creative Common / Rogue trooper rifle
28 November, 2010, 07:10:26 PM
I've just joined the site as I thought some of the older 2000ad readers may be interested in this. I've put the details in the introduction section but think it's more appropriate here:,31087.0.html
Welcome to the board / Hello
28 November, 2010, 12:25:38 PM
Hello everyone, I've come on the site as I've recently made something that may be of interest to the members.
I remember 2000A.D. from the launch, my elder brother bought it every Saturday morning without fail, I seem to remember the first issue had a M.A.C.H.1 I.D. wallet on the front, think we bought 3 copies so that we  could all have 1! The schools all complained about 'flesh' saying it was too violent for kids, fair one as each week lots of blokes got eaten by Dinosaurs, we thought it was great! knocked the socks off all the yank stuff!
Anyway, I myself really got into it in the early 80's, my favourite character was Rogue Trooper, I've still got a few copies of the original comics with him in it, I also bought the books 1 to 6.
I again returned to 2000AD when I saw the trailer for the Rogue trooper PS3 game in between episodes of the new Battlestar Gallactica. This in turn caught the interest of my son and prompted me to dust off the book and show him wot it was all about, we bought the game and I have to be honest I was just as excited to play it as he was - in my late 30's! - I would have been absolutely made up when I was a kid to have had that game, It was great to see some thing I was so into actually come to life!
I decided to make my son a replica of Rogue's rifle - Colin Wilson version as he was by far the best at draw him -. I photo copied and enlarged the best picture I could find and scaled up from that, obviously when you look at the gun in the various pictures the size and shape does vary. I've used a mix of MDF, ali, plastic plumbing pipe etc etc. I've also been to maplins 100's of times for LED's and resistors etc.
I've tried to keep as close to the comic original but have added a few lights here and there, also I've never seen a coloured version of the Colin Wilson rifle so used the Cam Kennedy colours plus didn't want it to look like wood, thought that would be a bit dated so it's supposed to look like plastic as in modern assault rifles.
I hope this is of some interest to some of you on the site, probably the older ones! I'LL attach some photo's and also see if there is a better place to post them on the forum.
My son's chuffed with it, however due to circumstances beyond my control I started it 4yrs ago but couldn't work on it until now thanks to a broken toe and 2weeks off work! obviously he's older now so it's not as cool as it would have been!

All the best to everyone on the site

ps I can't get any images to attach, says too big with just one and have no idea how the insert image works? help pls