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Messages - Blue Cactus

Games / Re: Gamebooks
Today at 12:18:11 PM
Enjoyable write up BB! Agree it's a very enjoyable one all round.
Games / Re: Gamebooks
05 June, 2024, 05:57:45 PM
Quote from: Richard on 05 June, 2024, 05:53:38 PMI remember it as a relatively easy book but also a fun one, with some interesting encounters and great art. I'd forgotten it was written by the Way of the Tiger author, I must have another look at it!

Looking forward to the rest of your write-up.

It is relatively easy, that's why I managed it!
Other Reviews / Re: Dredd: The Complete Case Files
05 June, 2024, 05:57:10 PM
Quote from: JohnW on 05 June, 2024, 05:21:20 PM
Quote from: Blue Cactus on 05 June, 2024, 05:10:17 PMShe's such an interesting member of the supporting cast.
No lie.
A glance at Cadet brought me back into the Megazine after I'd been drifting a while.
Amazing to think that we were there to see Bennett Beeny and America Jara get together, and here – after however many years – is their daughter, half-grown up and fearless enough to be putting Dredd himself through the wringer.
A character of fascinating potential, and an astonishing instance of long-view storytelling from Wagner.

Yeah, reading Cadet has made me hope that she stays interesting. There have been some appearances where she was a side character without too much to do - which is fine - but I hope that slow and satisfying development for her continues. It might depend on how other writers feel about using Wagner's characters to some extent. But it would be a shame if she just became another member of the Council of Five.
Other Reviews / Re: Dredd: The Complete Case Files
05 June, 2024, 05:10:17 PM
Just working my way through Case Files 43, with 44 lined up. First time I've read any of this era since it was originally published. Wagner was just on incredible form at this stage, wasn't he? I've not even started Origins yet but The Connection and Cadet are just great compelling Dredd. Enjoying finally going back to this early Beeny story too given how long the character's been around now. She's such an interesting member of the supporting cast.
Games / Re: Gamebooks
05 June, 2024, 12:37:24 PM
Keep of the Liche Lord - one of only about three (possibly two...) FF books I've ever completed! Enjoy!
The Nemesis photo stories finally get the deluxe treatment they deserve!
General / Re: Exposition Death Screams
04 June, 2024, 01:37:44 PM
Quote from: Barrington Boots on 04 June, 2024, 10:41:31 AMHere's a good one from Dracula Files in the new Scream book.
This is totally what I would shout when being choked by some sort of mist coming out of a letterbox.

What a beauty!
I think I remember you posting about the O-Men years ago Colin and I really fancied trying it back then. It's back in my awareness now so it will go on my 'possibles' list for once I get through my current pile. The artwork actually quite appeals to me!
General / Re: Things that went over your head...
13 May, 2024, 09:37:36 AM
Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 13 May, 2024, 09:19:25 AMIt was Brigand Doom for me - it was at least 15 years before I realised it was a play on Brigadoon.  I thought it was ok, but when I finally got round to reading V for Vendetta I realised it was a bit of a cheap knock-off (though not before someone on this board pointed it out to me).  I always liked the Tomlinson / Staples one-off in one of the specials though.

Hadn't noticed that pun before now. Hey ho! Dave D'Antiquis's artwork was lovely on that strip.
Quote from: Vector14 on 02 May, 2024, 10:25:40 AMWhile it's true that whatever a person takes from a work of art is valid, its still hard not to feel annoyed when people misinterpret the intention of the authors in some cases.
The obvious one is how some people interpret Dredd as a template for how policing should be done rather than a satire.

It does boggle the mind sometimes, doesn't it.
Great series, good write up Col. Your thoughts reminded me of some literary theory - I think Mikhail Bakhtin's but building on Roland Barthes' Death of the Author stuff. Basically the idea that the text is created by the reader in the act of reading. In other words the text is formed of what you bring to it, including your own experiences, the culture (including comics) you've previously absorbed, etc, and somewhere within all that there is also the voice of the authors/creators, not as the dominant or overriding element but just one part of the text you're creating while reading. I won't start waffling on but there is a chunk of literary theory that you've summed up nicely in your writing there!

I hadn't really thought about Spider-Man while reading KOBK but now you point it out it's definitely apparent! This was probably my favourite Brubaker-Phillips series, this or The Fade Out I think. Recommended!
General / Re: Wrap It Up
22 April, 2024, 11:53:18 AM
The grinning Hammerstein is a thing of nightmares! But it's a joyful cover. Love that Sam Slade!
General / Re: Exposition Death Screams
19 April, 2024, 07:33:40 PM
Quote from: Barrington Boots on 19 April, 2024, 03:05:07 PMBest thing shouted whilst being killed in this weeks Battle Action Force from 1986 that I read on my lunchbreak.

You don't really get these exposition death screams in the Prog anymore. Stuff like "The teeth - biting me in two! Aaargh!". Part of me misses how clunky and terrible they are. What's the best / worst you can remember?
The Men in Black - Naaaaaahhh! is ridiculous on many levels.
This frame also has a classic AIEEEEEEE

(Best death in the comic that week is Parsons in HMS Nightshade. It's a classic.)

I'm sure there's some in Flesh, along the lines of 'it's... eating me alive', although I can't remember exactly
Oh never mind, it's still on the Hachette site to buy!