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Messages - Le Fink

Prog / Re: Prog 2386 - Bumper Blazing Action
15 June, 2024, 09:12:36 AM
Forgot to mention, the cover is fucking awesome! How does John McCrea do these poses and get so much energy into these pictures? Sympathetic colouring from Jack Davies. Cracking stuff! He did mention at Lawless that some strip work is on the way, I don't recall if it's prog or Meg though, or which strip (who cares, just get him in there!)
Prog / Re: Prog 2386 - Bumper Blazing Action
15 June, 2024, 08:18:55 AM
The main stories are all firing nicely, especially Brink and Proteus Vex. Those five stories make this a great prog, so thanks Tharg! Brilliant to see Dan back in the prog, I find his art really appealing.

A Future shock and a Terror Tales are the bumper bonus.

The Lord Provides was the more interesting of the two for me. The art was OK, fine story-telling wise, a little bit rustic in places. The mystery was intriguing, but ran longer than it needed to. The final page twist was solid, pretty gruesome, with the biblical version of an angel news to me, so pretty interesting all round I thought. On the art front, not everyone starts out as a fully developed artist, people need a bit of room and time to grow. Give them a chance, I say.

On 'the happy wife' story Stewart K Moore's art style is unusual, maybe a bit marmitey, but works for me. The main character resembles Carlos in appearance or is it just me?

It's possible Tharg will use inserts in the bumper editions of the prog to try out new writers and artists. If so, that seems reasonable to me. Maybe it's not always going to land, but this is an anthology after all - not everything in it is going to please everyone.
Books & Comics / Re: Men's Health guide to comics!
13 June, 2024, 10:24:28 AM
Seconded - bookmarked - thanks for posting. I bought that Monsters biro book yonks ago and still haven't read it. Does look really different.
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 12 June, 2024, 08:47:24 PM...we have plans already afoot and costumes are being put together as we speak 😳

It was only supposed to be a one-off

You've got the bug now... no going back! Looking forward to seeing them. Hopefully I will recognise you this time Mr C Kent. Not many characters wear glasses, unfortunately!
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 12 June, 2024, 04:38:20 PMHis flying friend or Devlin himself 😂😂

Let's not forget you and Mrs McFad need an idea for cosplay next Lawless
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 12 June, 2024, 03:15:25 PMI see Warlord game are teasing us with a Devlin Waugh figure for their next release- not see anything else that's coming with him😳
Ha! If not, your next project, Trooper?
Announcements / Re: Rok the Meg…!
12 June, 2024, 12:35:06 PM
Funny, I've only just read the first two Rok stories as I picked them both up at Lawless. Really enjoyed them. The format of the books, particularly book 1, was on the small side, so looking forward to seeing them a bit bigger in the Meg format. And getting an all new series 3 in the Meg, sort of 'for free' as a subscriber, happy, happy days!
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
09 June, 2024, 07:24:58 AM
Thanks for the suggestions - up to now I've drawn anything 2000ad-related on paper and tweaked when necessary in Clip Studio. I have tried a cheap Wacom graphics tablet (with no screen) which I haven't really got on with yet. But then it's only getting used for things like a submission to the forum's Advent Calendar so no surprise really!
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
08 June, 2024, 09:49:48 AM
Quote from: Nightbook on 07 June, 2024, 10:56:47 PM... I'm finding skin tones in particular look very flat (to the point of being borderline cadaverous). I feel like it has potential though...

Keep us posted! I have Clip Studio and dabble very occasionally. Any tips on colouring are most welcome. My other half tells me to give Procreate a go. Anyone tried it?
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
07 June, 2024, 07:36:08 AM
Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 06 June, 2024, 11:06:22 PMHere's my latest Judge:

Nice one Shark. Ol' Stoney Face alright. I like those scratch details in the helmet, and the scars, I never think of putting that sort of thing in.
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
07 June, 2024, 07:27:32 AM
Quote from: Nightbook on 06 June, 2024, 04:41:42 PMThe man with the golden gun (well, golden everything really). I was going to colourise the red trim on his helmet but it didn't look great. I was jumping back and forth between this and the Johnny Alpha pic. Going forward I'll probably do a bit more sketchy stuff. The turnaround on this one was... not quick.

I'm not surprised, it's dead good. Are you tempted to colour in the entire uniform? I imagine you'd have to mask off each bit which would take a while.
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
07 June, 2024, 07:13:35 AM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 06 June, 2024, 10:27:23 PMGodzilla Minus One wanted to like it...and didn't just a bit... daft (again I know big monster movie get over it) and cliche.
I liked it. I really liked the early part about the survivors of world war 2 coping in a destroyed Tokyo. If the whole film had been about the adopted family I would have been happy. The Godzilla parts were good enough though and this movie does get across the awesome destructive power of the  monster and how utterly powerless unprepared people are to do anything about the attack. The prototype plane was cool. But yeah also bit cheesy. My other half sat through it too and asked why Godzilla's head was so small, why it moved like a lumbering idiot, and why it appeared to have breasts. I had no answers.
Film & TV / Re: Sovereign’s Rein
06 June, 2024, 08:36:25 PM
Scavenger's Reign - just finished the first (only) season, it's pretty gripping throughout. I like the way the creators have woven so many ways flora and fauna could predate or parasitise a human and come up with so many alien species to do it! Especially liked the nod to Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Also liked the organic / machine melding stuff. The female leads Azi and Ursula were great, well acted. The spider parasite was pretty disgusting. In fact a lot of it is kind of gross! Lots of "whaaat" moments. And it makes you care about the characters. Definite recommend.
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
06 June, 2024, 12:19:31 PM
Kudos on your Strontium Dogs Nightbook and Sharky. Anyone who can pull off Johnny's helmet :o deserves praise...
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
04 June, 2024, 06:51:45 PM
Thanks Woolly. Those warriors sketches are terrific. They do take ages to draw and there are seven (or so) of them fer crying out loud!