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Messages - Woolly

Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
07 June, 2024, 07:53:58 PM
Nightbook - Loving your stuff mate. Got a Nick Dyer vibe to it, very clean too. I'd love to see more mate :)

Sharky - Some lovely textures going on there. Good 'real world' look to it too. Again, I'd love to see more! Just one of your painted works is worth a thousand shite AI prompts... (hint hint) ;)
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
04 June, 2024, 06:13:21 PM
May as well add something...

This is as far as I got for the 2000AD Art Stars ABC Warriors competition...

Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
04 June, 2024, 06:04:22 PM
Quote from: Le Fink on 27 May, 2024, 09:05:01 PMThanks! I started by drawing Hammerstein and just built the rest up around him. Not a lot of design in there, so it's a bit chaotic! Deadlock and Blackblood are tucked in the corner as they were an afterthought, I just realised I was a few warriors short  :)

I always find painting a bit of a battle, and end up painting some bits multiple times! My paintings ain't sci-fi/fantasy - just taken from life, regular town and country landscapes usually. Here's Gold Hill in Shaftesbury:

Which started out as a fairly detailed drawing, using a grid to get the proportions right, then painted over:

But there were many steps and mistakes made getting from drawing to painting.

Watching something like "Portrait/Landscape artist of the year" is a real eye-opener when you see something lifelike being wrangled out of the simple starting blocks.

Good grief but there's some incredible stuff going on in this thread!

Le Fink: All I can hear when I look at this is the old Hovis bread music. I'm incredibly jealous of your work! Just beautiful.
Off Topic / Re: Comic shop memories
04 June, 2024, 05:59:04 PM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 04 June, 2024, 12:03:30 PM
Quote from: karlos on 04 June, 2024, 11:46:37 AMAre there any comic shops left now that still have old skool atmos?

I'm not sure if its the atmos you are after but Sheffield Space Centre feels like it can hardly have changed in the 45 years its been open. Its certainly very old skool.

Logged in just to back Colin up here.
The Sheffield Space Centre (which used to advertise in the old Progs!) hasn't changed a bit.
It's small, cramped, and stacked to the gills with comics, GNs, Gundam warrior kits (and more I assume), soundtracks, sci-fi and fantasy books, trading cards, etc...

Best thing?
No f*cking Funko Pops  :thumbsup:
Quote from: Funt Solo on 23 May, 2024, 06:44:20 PMSir Jaysen of Kangsley's entirely fictional response that I'm making up for the purpose of satire:

"In medieval times, talking genital automatons were often part of family entertainment. This time on Modern History, we reenact a typical village play involving a gay, vampiric exorcist, filled with ennui, whose only companion is a jolly phallus possessed by a demon!"

I follow him on Farcebook. Recently, one of his stallions had a nasty kick in the c*ck.

Don't know where I'm going with this, but I reckon it can be written into Devlin somehow  :thumbsup:
That said, taking the centre wad of pages out of a comic would look even cheaper.

Floppy would work better.

I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about, do I Ted?  ;)
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 23 May, 2024, 06:22:45 PMThat would only work if the comic reverted to stapled format rather than perfect bound. Unless Matt's got another surprise for us next month and the reprint is in fact packaged separately, like the floppy used to be.

I'd be surprised if they go back to the floppy to be honest. Whilst awesome at times, there was a definite throw-away quality to the floppy that could make ReGened look a bit... cheap.

As for the Meg's current format... I'd forgotten that it wasn't stapled any more. Bugger.
Prog / Re: Prog 2383: Blood Work
23 May, 2024, 06:22:21 PM
I've always found the Percival droid's artwork a bit hit-or-miss in the past, but he is *really* knocking it out of the park on this one! Stunning work. I think I might finally 'get' his digital style, it's certainly making me reconsider some of his earlier work. Bit of a lightbulb moment for me!

And more musings on something nasty about to hit Mega-City One.
I reckon the Niemand droid has got something big he's setting up...
Quote from: norton canes on 23 May, 2024, 11:00:42 AMI don't buy the Meg, for budgetary reasons, so this doesn't really affect me...

(Didn't the Meg used to come with a free extra comic? Couldn't they reinstate that and put all the Regened content into it?)

Same here, so I'm not really qualified to comment on this thread.
But, like the brave Farcebook warriors, I'm going to comment anyway!

Honestly, this is a great idea.
No more moaning about missing out on 4 'proper' Progs a year, and ReGened becoming more regular in it's output (So hopefully some longer stories for Cadet Dredd, not just one-parters)

Maybe edit the Megazine so that the ReGened pages are printed in the middle, and can be easily removed from all the images of talking c*cks in Devlin Waugh?
Kinda like 2000AD Gold back in the Alan Barnes days (to which I owe my first ever reading of Fiends of the Eastern Front!)

Either way this is a win-win situation in my eyes, and I'll definitely be trying out the first Meg that features the new content.
Prog / Re: Prog 2382: Beware Iron Teeth
14 May, 2024, 06:24:55 PM
Quote from: M.I.K. on 14 May, 2024, 02:27:25 PMThe Gorbals

A lovely couple, lots of fun...

Prog / Re: Prog 2380 - By Steed and Steel!
02 May, 2024, 04:33:29 PM
Only read Dredd so far, and I'm absolutely loving it!

Rob Williams has (for me) really nailed writing Dredd since the whole 'Titan/Enceladus/gettin'-a-bit-cold-innit' stuff. For him to follow up 'A Better World' with Dredd facing off Mega-Shako (Shaknado?) is inspired!

And just how good is RM Guera shaping up to be a Dredd artist! Brilliant brushwork, and a perfect understanding of the man under the uniform. As important a new Dredd artist as Dan Cornwell. Keep feeding them scripts Tharg!

Finally Giulia Brusco's colours. Perfect to a degree that I'm not really smart enough to explain. I just really like them, they compliment the linework perfectly.

(Annie Parkhouse should get a mention too, now I think about it. I always find it a bit weird that the best lettering always goes completely unnoticed. As it should, I guess!)
Prog / Re: Prog 2380 - By Steed and Steel!
02 May, 2024, 04:07:27 PM
Brilliant as all those alternative covers are, I think Tharg made the right choice.
Aquila on horseback just looks all the more powerful and intriguing.

Either way, it's John McCrea. Absolute win regardless!
Suggestions / Re: Judge Dredd TV series
01 May, 2024, 07:49:33 PM
I'd like to take a moment to be the kind of ars*hole who points out that 'Hoover' is a brand name, and therefore the correct term for a vacuum cleaner's internal dust collection sac should be a 'Vacuum-bag'.

Prog / Re: prog 2376: Wild justice
02 April, 2024, 06:18:38 PM
Ps: I unapologetically love Frank Miller's Dredd cover. Utterly agree with it not being used, but surely it could have been a Star-Scan or something? I mean, it's Frank f*cking Miller!

Quote from: IndigoPrime on 02 April, 2024, 06:16:40 PMI thought it still looked Dredd enough, although the teeny tiny eagle looks a bit weird next to the gigantic armour on the other shoulder. Bit unbalanced.

Yep. That's my main gripe with it too. But then, original design and all that. Maybe all the big eagles were being fixed/polished?  ;)