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Messages - Funt Solo

Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
06 October, 2007, 09:09:27 PM
Prog 517 has no hi-res cover image.
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
02 October, 2007, 11:04:15 PM
That's 100% Cam.  You can tell even on the thumbnail.
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
27 September, 2007, 09:40:54 PM
The first three parts are listed as a One-Off series, but the rest aren't listed.
(7 pages in total.)

Prog 873, Shaky's Beyond Belief #1
Prog 874, Shaky's Beyond Belief #2
Prog 876, Shaky's Beyond Belief #3
Prog 878, Shaky's Beyond Belief #4
Prog 879, Shaky's Beyond Belief #5, inside pg 28
Prog 880, Shaky's Beyond Belief #6
Prog 1005, Shaky's Beyond Belief #7
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
27 September, 2007, 08:01:57 PM

Prog 1017, Star Scan, "Judge Dredd" (db incorrectly has Bix Barton from 1018)
Prog 1018, Star Scan, inside pg 22, "Bix Barton" (db incorrectly has Judge Dredd from 1017)
Prog 1025, Star Scan, inside pg 23, "Dredd vs. Death"
Prog 1026, Star Scan, inside pg 23, "Ukko"
Prog 1028, Star Scan, inside pg 23, "Revere"
Prog 1028, 2000 AD Design Sketches, inside pg 10, "1: Venus Bluegenes by Greg Staples"
Prog 1029, [technical readout], inside pg 22-24, "Justice 1"
Prog 1030, Star Scan, inside pg 22, "Dinosty"
Prog 1100, Star Scan, inside pg 18, "Slaine"

Prog 1183, [wraparound cover]

Prog 1526, [four star scans]
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
23 September, 2007, 10:17:54 PM

Prog 501-512, [poster, collected], "A Mega-City Primer"
Prog 513-519, Classic Covers, "[1978-1986]"
Prog 522, [scan], b&w, inside pg 15, "Torquemada"
Prog 545, [freegift], inside pg 25, "Chopper Support Kit"

Prog 646, Star Scan, "[Tharg]"
Prog 647, Star Scan, "Acid Archie"
Prog 648, Star Scan, "[Fervent & Lobe]"
Prog 659, [scan], "Thargy's Grotto"
Prog 663, Star Scan, "Terri"
Prog 675, Things to Look Forward To..., inside pg 22, "No.2 Holo-Games!"
Prog 688, Things to Look Forward To..., inside pg 16, "No.3 Robo-Mums!"
Prog 692, Star Scan, "In Memoriam, Johnny Alpha, 2150-2180"
Prog 697, Star Scan, "[Chronos Carnival]"

Prog 704, Things to Look Forward To..., inside pg 17, "No.8 Fun with Mum!"
Prog 722, [wraparound cover]
Prog 725, [scan], "Skizz"
Prog 758, [scan], "Dee-Jay Tharg"
Prog 785, [scan], "Judgement Day"
Prog 797, [scan], inside pg 22, "Flesh, The Legend of Shamana"

Prog 802, [scan], "Wireheads"
Prog 858, [scan], "Judge Dredd"
Prog 859, [scan], "Timehouse"

Prog 928, Star Scan, "Judge Dredd"
Prog 933, Star Scan, inside pg 35, "Dax Ruger of Harlem Heroes"
Prog 934, Star Scan, inside pg 35, "Jasmine Starr of Harlem Heroes"
Prog 935, Star Scan, inside pg 21, "Robo-Hunter"
Prog 939, Star Scan, inside pg 21, "Rogue Trooper"
Prog 963, Star Scan, inside pg 18, "Judge Dredd"
Prog 977, Star Scan, "Venus Bluegenes"
Prog 998, [scan], "Outlaw"

Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
23 September, 2007, 04:34:56 PM

Prog 401-402, Calendar 1985 [collected], "[D.R. & Quinch]"
Prog 403, [scan], "Purity Brown"
Prog 404, Star Pin-Up, "Azure"
Prog 405, Star Pin-Up, "The Four di Griz"
Prog 407, [scan], "Judge Dredd"
Prog 408, Star Pin-Up, "Rogue Trooper"
Prog 409, [scan], inside pg 8, "Judge Dredd"
Prog 410, [scan], "The A.B.C. Warriors"
Prog 411, [scan], "[Tharg] Greetings from London"
Prog 412,[wraparound cover]
Prog 413, Leyser Scan, b&w, inside pg 8, "The Defence of Dinas Emrys"
Prog 414, [scan], "[Judge Anderson]"
Prog 418, [scan], inside pg 8, "Nemesis the Warlock"
Prog 420, Combat Scan, "Rogue Trooper"
Prog 422, [scan], inside pg 8, "The Glyph"
Prog 423, Laser Scan, "Toby"
Prog 424,[wraparound cover]
Prog 425,[wraparound cover]
Prog 426, [scan], "The Ballad of Halo Jones"
Prog 428, [scan], inside pg 8, "[Dredd] In case of emergency - break glass"
Prog 430, [scan], "Torquemada"
Prog 431, [scan], inside pg 8, "Thoth"
Prog 433, [scan], inside pg 24, "The Vengeance of Thoth"
Prog 434,[wraparound cover]
Prog 434, Memorial Scan, b&w, inside pg 24, "Lest We Skidoo"
Prog 435, Star Laser Scan, "The Mean Team"
Prog 436, The History of Justice, inside pg 25, "The Cursed Earth"
Prog 437, The History of Justice, "The Cursed Earth"
Prog 438, [scan], "[Hoagy & Stogie]"
Prog 439,[wraparound cover]
Prog 440, The History of Justice, inside pg 9, "The Luna War"
Prog 441, The History of Justice, "Judge Death Lives"
Prog 442, [scan], "Dredd and Anderson"
Prog 444, The History of Justice, inside pg 8, "Bring me the head of Judge Dredd"
Prog 445, The History of Justice, "Monkey Business"
Prog 447, The History of Justice, "Punks Rule"
Prog 448, The History of Justice, "Judge Fish"
Prog 449, The History of Justice, "Dredd's Guerilla War"
Prog 450,[wraparound cover]
Prog 451, The History of Justice, "Dredd vs. Fergee"
Prog 452, The History of Justice, "Return to Mega-City 1"
Prog 453, [scan], "Nest & Ukko"
Prog 454, The New Masters, "Ian Gibson"
Prog 455, [scan], "[Judge Anderson"
Prog 456, Star Pin-Up, "[Slaine]"
Prog 457, The New Masters, "Robin Smith"
Prog 458, The New Masters, "Brett Ewins"
Prog 460, The New Masters, "Cam Kennedy"
Prog 464, Star Sun-Up, "The Dictators Of Zragula"
Prog 466, [scan], b&w, inside pg 25, "Bad City Blue"
Prog 466, Star Pin-Up, b&w, inside pg 30, "Johnny Alpha"
Prog 466, The New Masters, "Massimo Belardinelli"
Prog 467, The New Masters, "Carlos Ezquerra"
Prog 468, [scan], inside pg 9, "Burterella"
Prog 480, [scan], b&w, inside pg 13, "Metalzoic"
Prog 481, [scan], b&w, inside pg 15, "Metalzoic"
Prog 492,[wraparound cover]

Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
23 September, 2007, 02:22:05 PM

Prog 301, Star Pin-Up, "Ace Trucking Co."
Prog 304, Micro-Prog, prog 1 replica [freegift, collected], inside pg 9-10, "[part 5]"
Prog 305, Micro-Prog, prog 1 replica [freegift, collected], inside pg 9-10, "[part 6]"
Prog 305, [scan], "[blitzspear cull]"
Prog 306, Micro-Prog, prog 1 replica [freegift, collected], inside pg 9-10, "[part 7]"
Prog 307, Micro-Prog, prog 1 replica [freegift, collected], back pages, "[part 8]"
Prog 308, Star Pin-Up, "Skizz"
Prog 309,[wraparound cover]
Prog 310, Star Pin-Up, "Rogue Trooper - Saviour of Fort Neuropa"
Prog 311,[wraparound cover]
Prog 312, [scan], "[Tharg the Mighty]"
Prog 313, Star Pin-Up, "Fink Angel (And Ratty)"
Prog 314, Star Pin-Up, "Greater-Spotted Thrill-Sucker"
Prog 316, Star Pin-Up, "Harry Twenty on the High Rock"
Prog 318, Star Pin-Up, "[Torquemada] 'Sleep is no refuge for impure thoughts!'"
Prog 319, Star Pin-Up, "Tharg the Mighty"
Prog 325,[wraparound cover]
Prog 327, Star Pin-Up, "Judge Dredd"
Prog 331, Star Pin-Up, "Skizz"
Prog 332,[wraparound cover]
Prog 333,[wraparound cover]
Prog 334,[wraparound cover]
Prog 336,[wraparound cover]
Prog 340,[wraparound cover]
Prog 350-351, Calendar 1984 [collected], "[Tharg]"
Prog 354, Star Pin-Up, "Slaine & Ukko"
Prog 355, Star Pin-Up, "Tharg the Mighty"
Prog 360, Star Pin-Up, "Crazy Chrissie"
Prog 361, Action Figure!, inside pg 24, "Rogue Trooper"
Prog 362, Star Pin-Up, "Tharg versus Sol-Darkk"
Prog 369, Star Pin-Up, inside pg 9, "D.R. & Quinch"
Prog 371, Action Figure!, inside pg 25, "Slaine"
Prog 372, Star Pin-Up, "Judge Dredd"
Prog 373, Star Pin-Up, "[Tharg] A day at the beach..."
Prog 374, [scan], "The Ballad of Halo Jones"
Prog 375-376, Star Laser Scan [collected], "[D.R. & Quinch] Inter-Galactic Tennis Tournament"
Prog 377, Star Pin-Up, inside pg 8, "Pulger"
Prog 383,[wraparound cover]
Prog 384, [scan], "Hooplife"
Prog 386, [scan], "Nemesis the Warlock Who's Who"
Prog 391, Action Figure!, inside pg 8, "Judge Dredd"
Prog 393,[wraparound cover]
Prog 395, [scan], "Rogue Trooper"
Prog 397, [scan], "Dredd is boss!"
Prog 398,[wraparound cover]
Prog 400,[wraparound cover]

Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
23 September, 2007, 01:21:47 PM
Missing Scans & Free Gifts (progs 1-300)
(Includes wraparound covers.)
(Unless otherwise noted, in colour, on back page.)

Prog 2, Futuregraph, b&w, inside pg 27, "The Harlem Heroes Power Gear"
Prog 5, Futuregraph, b&w, inside pg 22, "Red Alert! War is the Volgan way of life."
Progs 8-11, Flesh Card Game listed as both "scan" and "freegift".  Should just be "freegift"?
Prog 13, Readergraph, "Readers' Robot Review"
Prog 34, [scan], "Judge Dredd's Lawgiver"
Prog 36, Futuregraph, "Dan Dare's Space Fort"
Prog 38, Futuregraph, "Dan Dare's Eagle Craft"
Prog 54, Encounter, b&w, inside pg 22, "The Mess"
Prog 55, Encounter, b&w, inside pg 25, "The Sun God"
Prog 56, Encounter, b&w, inside pg 22, "The Day of the Phoenix"
Prog 57, Encounter, b&w, inside pg 26, "Galactic Crush"
Prog 89, Futuregraph, b&w, inside pg 22, "Preying Mantis Command Module"
Prog 90, Futuregraph, b&w, inside pg 15, "Preying Mantis Rear Section"
Prog 91, Futuregraph, b&w, inside pg 28, "Preying Mantis Fighter Craft"
Prog 92, Futuregraph, b&w, inside pg 22, "Preying Mantis Plague Pod"
Prog 152-155, Postergraph [collected], centre pages, "Judge Dredd's Hall of Heroes"
Prog 152, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, "Metropolis"
Prog 153, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, "Things to Come"
Prog 154, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, "The Thing"
Prog 155, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, "The Day the Earth Stood Still"
Prog 156, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, "When Worlds Collide"
Prog 157, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, inside pg 8, "Them!"
Prog 158, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
Prog 159, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, "2001 A Space Odyssey"
Prog 160, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, inside pg 8, "Dark Star"
Prog 161, Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies, inside pg 8, "Star Wars"
Prog 166, Star Pin-Up, b&w, inside pg 14, "Judge Hershey"
Prog 166, Star Pair-Up, b&w, inside pg 14, "Butch Dredd & the Betelgeusian Kid"
Prog 175, Star Pin-Up, b&w, inside pg 28, "The V.C.s 'Lest We Forget'"
Prog 176, Star Pin-Up, b&w, inside pg 23, "[Judge Dredd] 'I Shall Return!'"
Prog 191, The Attackers, centre pages, "Strontium Dog"
Prog 192,[wraparound cover]
Prog 198,[wraparound cover]
Prog 209,[wraparound cover]
Prog 210, Ro-Jaws' Star Pin-Up, b&w, inside pg 14, "St. Exmin from Battle Beyond the Stars"
Prog 224, Star Pin-Up, "Nemesis the Warlock"
Prog 232-235, [freegift, collected], back pages, "A Space Truckers' Dictionary"
Prog 233, [freegift], centre pages, "Destroy the Invaders! A 2000 AD board game!"
Prog 241, Star Pin-Up, "B-Hive-K"
Prog 242, Star Pin-Up, "Star Lord"
Prog 243, Star Pin-Up, "Walter the Wobot"
Prog 244, Star Pin-Up, "Tharg the Festive!"
Prog 245-246, Calendar 1982 [collected], "[Judge Dredd]"
Prog 247-248, Towards 2000 [collected], "Laser Lift-Off!"
Prog 249, Star Pin-Up, "Nemesis the Warlock"
Prog 250, [scan], "The Family of Tomas De Torquemada"
Prog 253, Star Pin-Up, "A Fringe World Express"
Prog 254, Star Pin-Up, "A Terminator Warrior"
Prog 256, Star Pin-Up, "Robo Hunter in Brit-Cit"
Prog 267, Star Pin-Up, "Brazen of the Mean Arena"
Prog 274, Star Pin-Up, "Sister Sledge"
Prog 278, [scan], "Rogue Trooper, fighter in the face of future war"
Prog 281,[wraparound cover]
Prog 283-286, [poster, collected], "Robo-Hunter's Robo-World"
Prog 289, Star Pin-Up, "Nemesis [trained by] Thoth"
Prog 290, [scan], "The Dictators of Zrag: a Family Portrait"
Prog 292,[wraparound cover]
Prog 294, Star Pin-Up, "Judge Dredd"
Prog 296, [scan], "Torquemada...pure xmas"
Prog 297-298, Calendar 1983 [collected], "[Judge Anderson]"
Prog 300, Micro-Prog, prog 1 replica [freegift, collected], "[part 1]"
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
16 August, 2007, 12:12:07 PM
The messageboard, for me, is becoming increasingly unusable, due to (it seems) a problem with the server.

Sometimes it times out altogether and I get messages like these:

Warning: include() [function.include]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/vhost/ on line 582

Warning: include( [function.include]: failed to open stream: Connection timed out in /home/vhost/ on line 582

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ''; for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/vhost/ on line 582


I hope it can be fixed, because, frankly, I'm getting far too much work done.
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
26 February, 2007, 12:35:53 PM
Hi Wake - if you get a spare second, could you please move the 30th Anniversary Prog thread to the Spoiler section.  Cheers.
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
30 January, 2007, 12:39:55 AM
The "posting clock" is out of whack again.
Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
12 June, 2006, 08:35:29 PM
Hi Wake,

Sorry to bother you but the message board doesn't appear to be updating who posted last - what thread's on top - that kind of thing.

Do you get what I mean?

Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
01 March, 2006, 11:42:07 PM
I think the message board's doing that thing where it doesn't update who the last person to post was (on the section listing, not on the sub-section listing).  

Website and Forum / Re: Attention: Wake!
09 January, 2006, 09:39:24 PM
The message board has stopped updating itself as regards who posted last on a given thread.

(This happened before - is it something to do with moving the "I'll try again" thread to the Classifieds section?)