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Messages - Trooper McFad

News / Re: Get Well Soon, Carlos.
06 September, 2018, 03:35:33 PM
All the best and get well soon 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
27 August, 2018, 06:31:18 PM
QuoteTwelve Tasks of Asterix

Well sometimes its best not to return to those golden moments of your youth!

Well okay there were some great moments and some of the latter task (Building of Insanity and Face the Beast) are actually pretty good but overall a bit of a dud and the animation was pretty poor.

Shame I remember it so fondly!

This was the first film for me that the saying "wasn't as good as the book" rang true. And I was only a wee bam at the time but still thought the animation didn't live up to my idea of how Asterix & Obelix sounded 😩
Still enjoy the books to this day and the twelve task is one of my fav.
News / Re: Warlord Stront game!
27 August, 2018, 03:26:28 PM
Well done 😡 not jealous at all 😩
Hope they don't take too long to put it up for general release
News / Re: Warlord Stront game!
21 August, 2018, 09:34:48 AM
Looks like Santa will need to drop into Warlord games on his way to my house this Xmas  :lol:
News / Re: Warlord Stront game!
13 August, 2018, 09:42:42 PM
Well spotted 😄
News / Re: Warlord Stront game!
13 August, 2018, 03:20:49 PM
Those look great Leigh. I've only just started to perp my ones. A bit nervous to start as my eyes and hands are not as steady as they once were 🤓
Creative Common / Re: 1977 Dredd helmet
02 August, 2018, 10:51:15 AM
Thanks for the link Steve. They are great and is just inspiring me to make the time and go try it. I could end up being a Mr Ben with all the different helmets 😁
I don't know what they would turn out like and where I'd put them all - maybe a winter project In between finishing the Carlos colouring book, painting up the Strontium Dogs, playing (trying to) Rogue Redux and doing my chores around the house to keep the wife happy 😁.
Creative Common / Re: 1977 Dredd helmet
02 August, 2018, 08:39:24 AM
Chicken feeders! Interesting, I always admire cosplayers/ prop makers who can repurpose an "everyday " item into something from their fav comic or film.
Creative Common / Re: 1977 Dredd helmet
02 August, 2018, 06:25:15 AM
👍🏻 I've always wondered if I could try convert a Dredd helmet to a Sov Block one but it's trying to find a block of time to give over for such a project.
Creative Common / Re: 1977 Dredd helmet
01 August, 2018, 08:49:00 PM
That looks pretty good. I've thought about trying to get a collection of helmets through the ages/ artists. Did you convert one of the Dredd 2012 helmets?
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
29 July, 2018, 08:26:24 PM
On C4 last night with a little cameo from "Dredd" himself 😄 Karl. Although I had watched the other Riddick films the most striking thing for me with this one was some of the similarities it had for a Strontium Dog scenario - mercenaries hunting for a bounty on a far flung alien planet. Riddick himself with glowing eyes (although not Jonny's power). Hover bikes that could have been taken straight form a Stront storyline. Maybe I'm just looking too much into it and hoping that in the future that there will be a full Jonny Alpha trilogy as he's a dam sight better character than Riddick!
Welcome to the board / Re: New to the Boards
26 July, 2018, 11:44:23 AM
Good to get another reader on board you've got a healthy back catalogue to choose from. Enjoy
General / Re: Why does Dredd age?
26 July, 2018, 10:31:00 AM
Quote from: AlexF on 26 July, 2018, 09:01:10 AM
If I manage to unearth said Top Trumps, (not to mention at least one other set created later in life, around the Prog 1000 mark), I will start a new thread with pictures!
👍🏻 Look forward to that
General / Re: Why does Dredd age?
25 July, 2018, 10:03:31 PM
Thanks I checked out Barney's site and found the Supernova set. Defo time for an update 😄👍🏻
General / Re: Why does Dredd age?
25 July, 2018, 03:41:45 PM
Off topic but an official 2000AD Top Trumps would be awesome and you could do a Dredd world set and a 2000AD general set. Nice wee stocking fillers for kids (young and old 😄)