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Messages - Trooper McFad

Film & TV / Re: New Rogue Trooper Film!!
16 July, 2018, 01:53:44 PM
This is fantastic news 👍🏻👍🏻. Rogue was my first favourite when I was introduced the world of 2000AD. Yes the story lines aren't as varied as Dredd & Jonny but as a possible one off film (would prefer a trilogy in his search for the Traitor General) this could be a great Futuristic shoot em up to introduce a new audience to the world of Tharg and the thrills contained in the pages of the progs.
I hope they don't stray too far from the essence of Rogue & his buddies and try and cram too many nods to characters or stories in his adventures i.e. Stallones  "Judge Dredd" .
Any rumours on time scales or is this just an open ended project?
News / Re: Planet Replicas wee teaser
13 July, 2018, 10:58:46 AM
Fully understand the issues with size as my better half keeps moaning at my growing collection and the space it takes up but I can but wish that one day of holding a GI rifle or swinging Wulf's hammer 😄. Maybe time to turn the hut into a workshop and try some serious model making 🙈.

Still would like to see a Replicas Westinghouse come to life or a Major Magnum in the future.
News / Re: Planet Replicas wee teaser
12 July, 2018, 10:35:51 PM
Bagman & Helm 👍🏻 What about Gunner? That would be awesome
News / Planet Replicas wee teaser
12 July, 2018, 05:17:54 PM
As a big Rogue fan this is got my juices flowing. I'm hoping for a rucksack style bag as I use one to take to work. Current one is a army style with The GI & bagman pin attached do this could be a good replacement Hope this is things to come from P R with more varied character items to purchase. Everything I've bought so far has been excellent.
News / Re: signed books on the BBC
11 July, 2018, 11:04:38 AM
I read the story as well and the first part was about a guy selling signed Harry Potter books for a few thousand quid (and good luck to him for that) when I get anything singed it's for my personal satisfaction and proof that I met them to say thanks to the author /artist for the joy that they have brought me over the years. What my kids do with my stuff (my prized possessions 😄) is up to them. I have no intention of selling or making profit out of signed items. It shouldn't make an item more valuable a book is still a book and the story is still the same story but in this world money king.
As I said for me it's the moment meeting your Heroes to say thanks👍🏻 that's more important- the signature is just to remind me in later years that I did 🤔
Books & Comics / Re: Rom of the Reds
10 July, 2018, 11:07:43 AM
I got the Trade version at the Glasgow Comic com (which John & Dan kindly signed 😄) and have just got round to reading it and I really enjoyed it. Took me back to my Roy of the rovers days but with Aliens 😁.
Speaking to John there will be further adventures from RoK and for the launch there will be a RoK bust, which looks fantastic, up for grabs as part of a competition. So will look out for this.
Events / Re: Glasgow Comic Con - 30 June 2018
30 June, 2018, 02:55:51 PM
Just back from this and really enjoyed meeting Tom, Ian John and Dan Cornwell getting sketches from the Tom and Dan and an original Hammerstein & Rowjaws (coloured) piece from Ian.

The whole con was nice but not too small or too busy where you can still walk round without knocking into people with your rucksack.

BHP comics either hosts or sponsors this so a lot of their stable there to check out. There was a lot of cosplayers for the size of con. Always amazed at the efforts people go to for their heroes. I was even arrested by Dredd in the Buchanan Street Gallery's for loitering  :D

Depending on the guests I would go again as its relativity close to get too from East lothian.

Tom recommended going to the Bristol con for whatever reincarnation this evolves into from Lawgiver so I'll have to save ma pennies.

News / Re: Warlord Stront game!
30 June, 2018, 02:32:27 PM
The Big Bundle has been reduced to £120 as they had calculated the bundle wrong! (I got a refund of £20  :))- but overall its not a bargain buying all together. If I had waited they may have had a sale in 6/9 months time then I might have scored. But not getting previous versions from other sellers (War games Foundary had a great range which you can still see but now can't sell them) I wanted these so splashed the cash.
Events / Re: Glasgow Comic Con - 30 June 2018
27 June, 2018, 09:43:41 PM
Got ma tickets for this as Big John, Ian Kennedy (such a gent) and Tom Foster will be there fingers crossed for a couple of sketches :thumbsup:
News / Re: Warlord Stront game!
27 June, 2018, 09:22:15 PM
Pre Ordered  :) :) as well as adding to the Dogs I hope they do The Judges & Rogue sets in the Future as missed out on the originals and now a wee bit pricey to get them all.
I would also go for a wee set of ABC  :)
News / Re: Warlord Stront game!
27 June, 2018, 06:10:30 PM
Looks amazing - time to dust off the old paint brushes and get a little bit of practice in. Lets hope my eye sight can hold on for the fine detail :geek:
I'd be interested in a Rogue Fanzine -(specially if it contained a "tips" section on making some GI gear)  :thumbsup:
News / Re: Planet Replicas 1:1 S/D Badge
14 July, 2017, 10:14:59 PM
Been away a couple of days and the S/D badge was waiting for me  :D :D :D
Along with my replacement GI pin (i sadly lost my first one :( which I got at the 40th bash)

Both the S/D badge & MkI are superb and worth the dosh I had to splash out. Would love to see some other items produced from the 2000AD Characters. (say Major Magnum's Magnum or any of the Johnny Alpha weaponry would be great.)

News / Re: Planet Replicas 1:1 S/D Badge
09 July, 2017, 01:00:39 PM
I also missed out at the 40th but now it's on it's way well happy  :P (also purchased a MKI the last week before they are all gone glad I did as the box was no.344/350)

I hope they get the Bio-chip pin set back in soon.
Creative Common / Re: Dredd Helmet Paint Job
12 May, 2017, 09:02:13 PM
Looks like I've cracked it Thanks Dandontdare for the tip.

Now to plan my next project  :)