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Messages - Beaker

Music / Re: What's everyone listening to...?
01 September, 2016, 03:52:56 PM
Current faves.....

Sabaton - The Last Stand (Totally awesome)
Anthrax - For All KIngs
Dream Theater - The Astonishing (trying to like it...really, I'm trying)

plus...a Leonard Cohen CD I had from a charity shop, the Complete Flanders and Swann and a ripped from Youtube copy of the Rutland Weekend Songbook (ERic Idle/Neil Innes.)

I have diverse tastes...
Prog / Re: Prog 1995 - Shoot on Psight!
22 August, 2016, 09:34:09 PM
Yep, another damn good prog.

DREDD - Loving this story at the moment. I do think PJ may be (see what I did there?) going after [spoiler]Vienna [/spoiler] though.

SCARLET TRACES - This is another fave of mine. Love the artwork and intriguing characters. Using the martian war machines is a little like the first League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen but they're so iconic, why not? (I Steampunk cosplay as a British Corporal in the Martina war so who am I to complain?)

3RILLERS - Nope, not a clue. Might have to re-read this one.

OUTLIER - Never warmed to this at all so I just look at the pretty pictures.

ANDERSON - Great story, less keen on the depiction of Anderson. Doesn't look like her at all in my 'umble opinion.

Roll on next week...but I have got the Summer Special to tide me over.
Prog / Re: Prog 1983
30 May, 2016, 05:00:35 PM
Dredd....excellent and yep, the last page is a doozy.

Buggered if I know whats going on in Slaine, it seems to have been two people hitting each other with axes for five weeks.

Brink will need a re-read but I love some of the idiosyncratic dialogue.

Black Shuck is pretty cool, everything Slaine isn't now imo.

Grey Area...hmm, not sure. I loved this when it started but it seems to have wandered too far from the original concept.

Still as always with 2000ad, if you don't like a story another one will be along in a few weeks time.
Prog / Re: Sci-Fi Special 2015
28 June, 2015, 10:42:45 PM
Quote from: Leigh S on 28 June, 2015, 10:27:54 PM
I got mine from Nostalgia

I didn't go as far down as Nostalgia...was a bit pushed for time as I was late into town. Glad they had them there, though.
Prog / Re: Sci-Fi Special 2015
28 June, 2015, 09:17:07 PM
No sign of it in W H Smiths or Forbidden Planet in Brum yesterday, one of the Orgrons in FP said he thought they'd had some in earlier in the week but nowt to be seen.

Have ordered online, will be something to look forward too next week.
Prog / Re: Prog 1927 - A Town Called Malice!
23 April, 2015, 09:19:21 AM
Strontium Dog is definitely the stand-out strip for me at the moment. A real classic in the making.

Orlok...still not warmed to it

Grey Area. Loving it.

Slaine...Just like Game of Thrones for me. It looks lovely, but I have no idea what's going on!

Dredd. Great as always.
Music / Re: What's everyone listening to...?
15 April, 2015, 04:18:01 PM
New albums by Therapy?, Nightwish and The Prodigy are my current playlist......the first two are nice little slices of awesome, the Prods new effort isn't too bad either.
(Deja vu  ;))

Comes down to choice, I suppose.

For something like Doctor Who, I love the fact that its event TV, that I know friends are watching at the same time and we can talk about it in the pub later. As with other shows like Walking Dead and GoT, it is nice to have something to look forward to each week.

That said, I am wanging my way through Breaking Bad (on DVD) at the moment and loving the fact that I can watch one more episode as and when I want to.

I suppose the way we watch tv is changing, many of us time-shift programmes to suit the times we want to watch and, particularly with any Sky programmes, to fast-forward through twenty minutes of adverts every . I always do that!

Some of us are old enough to remember when programmes were on once and that was it unless you were lucky enough to catch the repeat. If you wanted to see a programme you had to stay in and watch it. Unthinkable these days.
Prog / Re: 1926 - Old Wounds
15 April, 2015, 02:13:40 PM
...called Wilf....
Prog / Re: 1926 - Old Wounds
15 April, 2015, 11:33:48 AM
Loving the Dredd story at the moment.

Grey Area is interesting now the situation has been turned on its head.

Orlok....hmm, not really warming to it but I suspect it'll be better on a complete re-read.

Slaine....nah. Looks lovely, but I honestly haven't got a sodding clue what is going on.

My fave has to be Strontium Dog as it feels like a good old classic story along the lines of the Schicklegruber Grab....Johnny does need a decent sidekick, though. Surely there must be a credible way of resurrecting Wulf.
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd:Blu Ray review
21 January, 2013, 10:28:59 PM
Watched again on Saturday. Nice to see it in good old 2d rather than the 3d I saw at the cinema.

Its not often I want to watch a film again straight away, but I did with Dredd. Simply marvellous.

Love the little nods for fans (Spotted Kryslers Mark!) and the odd moments of picture quality drop passed completely unnoticed.

I now have to get a new AV receiver to hear it in HD DTS as my clunky old system only does 5.1 Dolby Digital. It converts DTS to prologic......but does it very badly so you have to keep leaping for the volume control. I'll be off to Richer Sounds shortly, I s'pose. :-)
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd:Blu Ray review
15 January, 2013, 11:50:56 AM
Got mine via Sainsburys yesterday as I had a code bringing it down to £10.49.

The sleeve is pretty awful, a shame about the extras being rather sparse (no trailer!) and the picture quality is quite ropey. It looks grainy, but not actual film grain that is apparent on some Blu Rays almost like a sort of grainy blurring at times. It all looks a bit VHS to me.

I am watching on good old 2d as I don't have (or want) a 3d TV, so maybe that's something to do with it.

Most odd.

Still, if this is all the Dredd we get I'll still watch it until it wears out
Loving the Dredd uniform replica..I wish I could afford one...

Although I am wondering if they will make a replica of the young blond lady model also......I'd buy that for a dollar!  :P
Prog / Re: Prog 1812 Trifecta
05 December, 2012, 10:39:29 PM
Utterly donkey-botheringly stunningly awesome!
I've not read the prog yet....I can't stop staring at the cover.

Just awesome.