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Messages - NikolaiDante

Film & TV / Re: DOCTOR WHO - DOOMSDAY............
10 July, 2006, 05:20:58 AM
... and didn't Nicola Bryant die as well... no doubt there are others.

Nicola Bryant (Peri) didn't die - she had her mind replaced but the Time Lords stepped in and reversed that. Dr Who was told that she went off and married the barbarian King (Brian Blessed).

The only real companion who died was Adric. However a girl called Katarina who was with the First Doctor died but since she appeared in ine adventure (Myth Makers) and snuffed it in the next (The Dalek's Master Plan) you might not want to count her.
Links / Rogue Trooper On Ctrl-Alt-Del
20 June, 2006, 03:13:56 PM
Check the link guys, I thought this amusing. I then thought, I wonder why the REAL Rogue didn't end up doing this? After all Bagman, Helm and Gunnar quite often descended into inane bickering....

Link:" target="_blank">Rogue on CTRL-ALT-DEL

Help! / Re: Windows XP help needed.......
21 May, 2006, 03:49:46 AM
Ya sure he didn't delete them?

To see if they still exist take a look in this directory : Documents And Setting[backslash][backslash]Desktop

If this directory is empty and so is the Recycle Bin then they are gone.

You'll need to create new ShortCuts
Links / FQ Website - All Clear
21 May, 2006, 03:41:17 AM
Hi All,
The website has been cleansed. Seems someone managed to access an admin account (which has now had password changed and admin rights removed) and change the footer of the message board to download this file and also used the Bulk Email facility of the board to email all the members.

I've sorted things and sent an apology email to all Message Board members.

PLEASE NOTE: This was ONLY the message board, the rest of the site was unaffected.

REMEMBER : A good AV will protect you from naughty stuff and if you deliberately install software from an unverified source then you are a GREXNIX!

Hope that clear things up - please note that the FQ site is on a UNIX server and hosted by the same people as 2000adonline. Not sure how the password was guessed but beleive me the main site passwords are guarded with my life (ok Bolt-01's life)

Kindest Regards

Barny Shergold
FutureQuake Webmaster
General / Re: Judge Dredd Goes Bad
12 October, 2005, 09:29:49 AM
I don't think Dredd crossing the line would happen suddenly. If it WERE to happen I think it would have to be a gentle slide, so the each little step taken doesn't seem so bad.

It's a little like most affairs - generally the person having the affair doesn't set out to have one, it's a gradual process.

For instance:
1. Wife has baby
2. PNT starts and over a year gets really bad
3. Wife gradually loses interest in sex and becomes less affectionate
4. Man confides in female collegue.
5. Over a period of a year female collegue becomes a person he can talk to and they become good friends.
6. They start to greet each other with a hug and a peck on the cheek.
7. They meet occasionally after work for a chat and a drink.
8. One night they have a few drinks and kiss properly.
9. You can work out the rest.

So this is a slow process. How it would apply to Dreddy I'm not sure, but I know they'd have to plan it a year or 2 in advance - could be a seriously good story arc.

Off Topic / Re: Work-related dilemma
12 October, 2005, 09:37:32 AM
I've just started the 1st year of my degree so that when I get it I can teacher train.

2nd week in and I ended up taking one of the seminars for the lecturer!
Off Topic / Re: God should stop killing his ch...
12 October, 2005, 09:16:45 AM
You know I'm not really sure how to reply to that, apart from (all together now), "Always look on the bright side of life...."
Off Topic / Re: God should stop killing his ch...
11 October, 2005, 08:51:49 PM
I'm not going to get into a great debate over this sort of subject in a chatboard. The original statement is (considering the poster) probably an intelligent and expected question. Here are some points to consider from the Christian view.

1. The End Of Days - If you read Revelation you will see that prior to the return of Jesus there will be great upheaveals in the world. Many Christians now believe the Second Coming is near (okay mabye not next week but within our lifetimes)

2. God does not always make things happen but can let them happen. Don't forget there is also the force of Evil at work. If you want an explanation of this then try reading the book of Job. Oh and since Man has free will then Evil HAS to exist.

3. Yes young children have been killed in these disasters but God has a special place in his heart for them. Read Romans 8. Also we only live on Earth for ~70 years and then spend ETERNITY in heaven. So ultimately if someone is going to heaven, why does it matter if they die at 7 months, 7 years or 70 years?

If you are REALLY struggling with the idea of "if there is God, why do these awful things keep happening" rather than just trying to stir up controversy, then I suggest you go and speak to your local Pastor.
Film & TV / Star Wreck - In the Pirkinning
10 October, 2005, 06:34:09 AM
Okay guys, some bunch of Finnish guys have just put Hollywood to shame. Check out this website :

If you like the trailer and you have broadband then definitely download the movie and watch with a few friends and some beers. The plot is silly but coherent and takes the piss out of Bablylon 5 & Star Trek.

The battle scenes are AWESOME - if the CGI guys don't get picked up by a major studio then it's a crime. Remember it took them 7 years to make this and most of the film was shot against blue screen in a LOUNGE so the big set shots were all assembled in CGI.

Funny as Fukov......
Off Topic / Re: Very Cheeky to ask here but......
24 June, 2005, 06:07:55 PM
Hi Guys,
I've launched a proper website for the Trek now!

Please visit!

Link: Trek Iceland 2006">
Off Topic / Very Cheeky to ask here but.....
21 June, 2005, 01:01:44 AM
Sorry if this is shameless plug but I'm well know here and this is for a seriously good cause.

Next July (2006) it is my intention to join a 9 day trip to Trek across Iceland (80km in total) to raise funds for the Alzheimer?s Society. It would be fantastic if you would donate the equivalent of the cost of 1 or 2 progs at :

I'm intending to raise over ?80,000 (and I didn't think it too much) so I'll be doing allsorts of the next year to raise funds.

If you want to be kept in the loop drop me an email through the board with your email addy and I'll pop you on my mailing list.

If there are any very, very nice artists who would care to donate a piece of art that I can auction on ebay to raise funds then please contact me through the board.

Sorry to be cheeky and post this here but if you don't ask you don't get!

Kindest Regards

Barny Shergold

Link:" target="_blank">Barny's Charity Trek Page

Links / Re: Futurequake Website is GO!.......
18 May, 2005, 06:24:20 AM
I've fixed the link for End Is Nigh.
Links / Futurequake Website is GO!
18 May, 2005, 12:48:48 AM
Well, I can now announce that the Futurequake website is fully functional and raring to go! (Well at least until the hosting company break it again....)

The Message Boards are up and kicking!

Link:" target="_blank">Futurequake Website

General / Re: BRISTOL 2005 convention photos...
18 May, 2005, 09:00:02 PM
Hi Max,
Umm, dunno. In fact when we were chatting at the 2000AD table(oh what a joke) he as just round the corner playing card on the Marvel comic stand.
General / Re: BRISTOL 2005 convention photos...
18 May, 2005, 08:51:55 PM

> Who's who(L-R) in the FutureQuake team shot?
I've put this up :)