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Messages - Al_Ewing

Film & TV / Re: Doctor who: day of the moon
03 May, 2011, 01:42:04 AM
(Without wanting to rake over any coals I'd like to apologise to everyone on the board for my use of 'mong' earlier - I'd forgotten it ever meant anything other than 'Who fan', which was wilfully naive and thoughtless on my part, and I won't be using the term again, even in jest. Sorry.)

On a lighter note:

I think this time they really are bringing back [spoiler]Susan Foreman.[/spoiler]
Film & TV / Re: Doctor who: day of the moon
01 May, 2011, 08:05:06 PM
It wasn't meant as abuse, Brendan - ribbing at best, and pretty light ribbing considering the kind of vitriol you've been coming out with.

Sorry if I caused any serious offence.
Film & TV / Re: Doctor who: day of the moon
01 May, 2011, 07:46:10 PM


Also is [spoiler]Richard Nixon[/spoiler] a companion now?
Film & TV / Re: Doctor who: day of the moon
01 May, 2011, 03:49:10 AM
Going to pop my head above the parapet again briefly to say how cool was [spoiler]cyborg eyepatch lady eh? That's the kind of weird dream-logic-that-pays-off I want in Who - someone on diggerdydum (Who livejournal community) said that it reminded them of watching as a kid, too young to fully understand what was going on, which is a lovely way of putting it and something I very much appreciated.[/spoiler]

Mileages evidently vary on that and on the Moff, which is fair enough, each to their own etc. Personally I have similar feelings for him as for Grant Morrison - when he's on, he's so very on that the occasional dip in quality is so easily forgiven as to be barely noticed. Which isn't to say that either Moff or Moz are infallable.

[spoiler]But anyway CYBORG EYEPATCH LADY. Here's hoping she pops her head out of something next week! And by 2011 little timelord girl will be all grown up! Hope it's not River.[/spoiler]
Film & TV / Re: Doctor who: day of the moon
30 April, 2011, 07:56:40 PM
Terrific episode! I like a show that stretches the old grey matter a little bit instead of treating the audience like idiots, and Who seems to be giving the audience more of a workout every week lately. Sorry for those who thought it was 'arsepiss', but if my arse could piss like that I'd be drenching the prog with it on a weekly basis.

And what a cliffhanger!

As to the Doctor [spoiler]leaving subplots unresolved - his sudden desire to relax with a low-stress adventure or two suggests that he understands the need to take regular breaks while working. Good for him. Also good for Amy not faffing around with the WHO DO I LUVVV silliness beyond a bit of viewer-teasing. And Schroedinger's pregnancy![/spoiler]
Loved this! Enjoyably creepy. Got a real frisson of fear when [spoiler]people kept forgetting the aliums as soon as they weren't looking at them.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]If that's the Lodgerdis then presumably its mystery owner is connected somehow - I'm thinking it's the Meddling Monk.[/spoiler]

I want more [spoiler]FBI Guy companion! Make him a real proper companion Moff, go on.[/spoiler]
The filmic equivalent of those cheap knockoff toys from the pound shop.
News / Re: 2000AD podcast episode 50!
14 March, 2011, 11:57:31 PM
Credit where credit's due dept: Robbie Morrison took out Dredd's eyes with an EMP before - Richard Elson was on the art, I think, and used the black visor as a shorthand for him being blind. Dredd got upgraded eyes at the end of that story, so I figured the same trick wouldn't work quite as well as second time, but I thought it made for a fun weakness to exploit.

(The white helmet symbolism is on the money, though. I was thinking his helmet and gun would need replacing ASAP after the EMP - he needs his radio, for a start - and I couldn't resist putting Dredd in the rookie helmet for a few panels to emphasise his failure a bit.)
General / Re: Blogging About DREDD All Semester!
02 February, 2011, 03:01:06 AM
Just popping in to say that the Will Brooker work cited (Batman Unmasked, I think) is astonishingly good and I recommend it to all-comers.
Books & Comics / Re: Comic Heroes Issue 3
16 September, 2010, 04:38:25 PM
Yeah, that's almost true...
Do the fights strictly need to 'represent' anything? Can't it be magic realism for its own sake? The world of SPvTW follows a mix of videogame and emotional logic, but that doesn't mean what's on the screen isn't 'really' happening, or that it needs to be 'decoded'.

General / Re: The Secret Project
26 August, 2010, 12:46:12 PM
Is it deadline time already? I'll get mine in over the weekend.
Off Topic / Re: HAVE A SHOUT
22 August, 2010, 01:54:42 AM
Film & TV / Re: Sucker Punch!!!
28 July, 2010, 12:13:19 AM
Quote from: bluemeanie on 27 July, 2010, 11:54:26 PM
Well action movies dont usually go into too much characterisation in their trailers. Its all about cramming in the eye candy. Trailers dont give away too much story, people complain when they do. The Inception trailer was just pretty set peices and while I havent seen it its apparently quite a deep movie. Not that I think this will be anything like that one... its from the guy that did 300.

That said, it does look like there will be character stuff in the movie proper as it would seem the action is all in some kind of imagined reality she escapes to (this is me putting 2 and 2 together from the trailer and coming up with 8 of course).

Oh, and according to IGN it does have guys in neon Tron suits.... are you a plant? Is this all a double bluff??

Ha! Tron-inspired robots! I must have missed those inamongst the other 100 fagrillion things in that trailer. Also: Saturn! Always a nice visual.

You've got a point about the Inception trailer, although I'd say that that explained a lot more. (Not seen the film itself yet - Thursday, with any luck - so I might have the wrong end of the stick, but judging purely by the trailer it's about a guy who invades dreams and steals secrets from them? Only dreams are a bit DEADLY DANGEROUS! And don't follow physical laws.)

Also, I think stylistically Nolan manages to reach me in a way that Snyder doesn't, so when all there is to a trailer is style, if I don't like Synder's style then that's going to be a problem for me where it wouldn't be with Nolan.

I guess it's just throwing so much at the screen that my personal reaction is to call bullshit. If Snyder releases a second trailer that's a bit less LOOK AT THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND THIS and a bit more of the story from that synopsis upthread, I'll likely be at least curious, if not won over. But right now... I just don't like it at all. It's like being force-fed every kind of sweet at once - all it does is turn you off sweets.

('Ludovico Technique' has to find a way into the Profanisaurus if it isn't there already, btw)