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Messages - DarkDaysBish-OP

Quote from: AlexF on 14 February, 2017, 09:05:05 AM
Sad that I never did pluck up the courage to talk to Gordon Rennie or David Bishop, and that I failed to identify John Smith (although I may have passed him on the stairs).

You should have done! I don't bite, despite my apparent reputation...

Maybe at the 50th. Talk to you, that is, not the biting.

General / Re: GQ: How 2000ad Predicted The Future
14 February, 2017, 07:50:45 AM
Does anybody here have scans of the original GQ article? The link that started this thread has gone 404...

Other Reviews / Re: Thrill-Power Overload Redux
13 February, 2017, 05:55:20 PM

Colin MacNeil and I are having a special 2000AD signing/sketching event at Biggar Library in Lanarkshire this Saturday [Feb 18th] to celebrate the new edition launch of THRILL-POWER OVERLOAD. More details here:


davidbishop - once called an opportunistic marketing pimp by The Guardian newspaper.
Shameless piggybacking and apologies to Molcher if I'm breaking protocol, but here goes...

Any Scottish fans who couldn't make the full 200AD 40th birthday bash down in London last Saturday, the good news is Colin MacNeil and I are dong a special sketching/signing event at the Biggar Library from 1pm this Saturday, February 18th. More details here:-

It's to celebrate the publication of the new Thrill-Power Overload and to support the local independent bookshop Atkinson-Pryce [Scottish independent Bookshop of the Year, as it happens!].

Megazine / Re: Meg 381 - Scales of Justice!
13 February, 2017, 03:30:16 PM
Quote from: SALMON63 on 12 February, 2017, 04:25:57 PM
It's nice to hear somebody remembers my work so I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. Nobody has asked me back in years but maybe somebody could whisper in Tharg's pointy ear?  ;)



Hi Adrian, were you at the 40th event in Hammersmith? Keep thinking I saw you but wasn't sure - and didn't want to accost some random punter!
Quote from: Skullmo on 08 February, 2017, 04:18:24 PM
I think it needs to cater for new fans as well as old - I know that if it reprinted the stuff i already have I would not buy it. even though I know some of the stories were a bit pantsit is nicet o read them finally collected in a book rather than in the issues. There have been a few stories that when collected were much better than I remembered (Maelstrom for example).

I love the fact people are rediscovering and/or appreciating material from the Meg that didn't get much attention at the time.
Quote from: Molch-R on 06 February, 2017, 04:58:20 PM
Very pleased to announce Cam Kennedy WILL now be able to attend this weekend's event!

Quote from: The Monarch on 02 February, 2017, 02:03:18 AM
I may be angering the board gods....buuuut

Brit cit collection with straight jacket fits in it please?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Quote from: Molch-R on 18 January, 2017, 06:30:57 PM
Line-up and schedule now announced:


Looks like I'm just doing a signing - feet up for me!
Quote from: TordelBack on 11 December, 2016, 10:59:21 AM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 10 December, 2016, 05:37:40 PM
Really looking forward to reading Fetish again!

Would love to see Siku's sumptuous painted art back in the Prog again!  :)

I didn't care for Fetish at the time, and hadn't re-read it since, plus I was probably vocal in my dislike for Siku's art.

What a fool I was.

As abelardsnazz says, Fetish is deeply weird, and genuinely unsettling in places: it's a pretty great crossover, but a better Devlin than a Dredd. But Siku's art lifts the whole thing to another level: the glorious landscapes out-Bisley early Bisley Slaine, the double splash of the giant fetish head is terrifying. It's really different, and really impressive: how I, as an acknowledged Sienkiewicz fan, didn't get this the first time through I don't know: possibly the pacing just works better in collected form.

It's heartening to see the likes of Fetish & Creep getting a reassessment, thanks to the Mega Collection!
Exactly! Where are Soul Sisters or The Straitjacket Fits?

Sleaze 'n' Ryder is being reprinted?

Never would have said I was unique in identifying and developing new creators! Steve MacManus asked me to do that for the Megazine so we wouldn't be nicking creators from 2000AD to fill our pages. The weekly has always brought on new talent, especially once the title become a stepping stone to US comics [or computer games or film work, in the case of artists]. Richard and Alan found and nurtured plenty of great new talents in their time at the Command Module, IMHO.
General / Re: politicians in tooth (and the meg)
10 November, 2016, 10:16:34 PM
There's a dreadful Part Imperfect featuring JFK & Nixon.
General / Re: politicians in tooth (and the meg)
09 November, 2016, 11:26:50 PM
He wasn't alive in the story, but Jimmy Carter looms large - literally - in The Cursed Earth.

"No! Not the teeth!"