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Messages - Charlie boy

Off Topic / Re: Pets corner
27 May, 2014, 08:47:50 PM
Thanks, LP. Took Poppy the vets this afternoon to be told her leg problem is nerve paralysis which could be just she's old and she's knocked it and it'll sort itself or she's old and it's bone cancer. They can't really look into this though until the confirmed thyroid problem is sorted (heartbeat of 200+ beats a minute which isn't right in itself). The thyroid medication she now has will either help her right out or, because she's old and her kidney's have shrank, have her body wonder why her high blood pressure is lowering and cause her health to deteriorate.
Reading over this I'm wondering if I made the right choice by going with the medication instead of the other option but with her being fine (just old) until her leg started playing up only days ago, I didn't want to do something like that when there's still a chance she can bounce right back.
Off Topic / Re: Threadjacking!
27 May, 2014, 07:57:23 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 27 May, 2014, 07:47:28 PM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 27 May, 2014, 03:59:22 PM
You know who really pisses me off on this forum? Whose every post has me grinding my teeth in impotent frustration?

That guy.

You all know who I mean...

Same to you, you old something that rhymes with hunt!
Featuring the word mutantblunt which I have never seen or heard before so I'm about to Google it.
Off Topic / Re: Pets corner
27 May, 2014, 07:50:01 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 27 May, 2014, 07:41:15 PM
Thanks for the thoughts, lads.  All very miserable here, but it was peaceful and stress-free for the fellow himself, and way better than any alternative.  We should all be so lucky when it's our turn.
Sorry to hear that, pal. Your post came right after the picture of a board member's new feline and I'll be honest; I was hoping you were just being poetic in describing how the cat made you feel on seeing it. If anything, I hope this admission of my wondering if you were some great raconteur will make you feel a little better.
Off Topic / Re: Pets corner
27 May, 2014, 01:26:54 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 27 May, 2014, 01:08:41 PM
Well, it's done.  Tá mo chroí briste.
Just had to have that translated mate; are you saying you, you know...?
Film & TV / Re: Bananaman: the Movie (2015)?
27 May, 2014, 12:03:37 PM
Do they know Edgar Wright is available?
Off Topic / Re: Pets corner
26 May, 2014, 03:56:29 PM
Managed to get a lift to an emergency vets (PDSA; can't sing their praises enough for the pet care I received while I was unemployed and even today, after telling them I'm in employment, they told me the cost for today's visit was donation only). The vet took a good look at her and said an x ray would be the best thing to do but he wasn't up to doing it as an x ray doesn't count as emergency treatment plus my cat's advanced age means sedating her so she could have an x ray is a risk. From examining her he also believes she has an overactive thyroid, meaning tomorrow brings a trip to a private vet for the x ray that could be a risk as well as blood tests for an overactive thyroid. Seeing how he was continually telling me that every form of potential examination and treatment is a risk due to her age, I'm about to run to the shops and buy the ham slices etc she's so fond of to make sure she has a good night tonight and I'm hoping the painkilling injections she received today carry on through to the morning at least.
Off Topic / Re: Pets corner
26 May, 2014, 12:47:36 PM
Quote from: TordelBack on 26 May, 2014, 12:37:04 PM
Bloody pets, why do we do this to ourselves?

You've reminded me of my dad's response on being asked why he hasn't had any pets for years (unless you count when me and my cat were still living with him), which is you get attached to them and then they die at an age you consider to be young.
Truth be told, whenever I've fed my two for the last few months, I've found myself picking Poppy up and carrying her into the kitchen to place her down at her bowl and I've long had to help her up onto the bed etc before her leg unexpectedly worsened.  It's hard for me because she's still been purring whenever I've stroked her since yesterday but you can see something of frustration or bewilderment when she tries moving about and outright surprise when she tries standing and drops to the side. I was really hoping when the time came she would go peacefully in her sleep due to all the years I've had her (practically grown up with her) but I guess the vet could be the most peaceful I could make it for her. But yes, it's still shit though.
Off Topic / Re: Pets corner
26 May, 2014, 12:36:31 PM
Cheers mate but given her age, all she ever really wants to do is sleep in her little den inside the cupboard. Even though it isn't funny, I can't help but see humour in how a few family members are rushing over now to see her in case it is their last chance. This'll be the cat who'll probably be thinking "What do you lot want? Leave me alone, I'm relaxing here" as we no doubt try and coax her out with offers of treats.
Off Topic / Re: Pets corner
26 May, 2014, 12:15:16 PM
My oldest cat started Sunday with something of a limp that had me assuming she had caught a claw while climbing up onto the bed or something when I was at work. Come the afternoon she was completely avoiding using her right (front) leg and struggling to remain balanced when standing and since the night she has been struggling to get herself up off the ground. She's clearly had arthritis for a while now due to her age but now it looks like her legs are going. All calls I've made to the various vets today have only seen a couple forward the details of emergency practices, all miles away from where I live and I doubt I could afford the taxi fare with it being time and a half or whatever with it being a bank holiday on top of the veterinary bills so it's going to have to be a trip to the vet's first thing tomorrow morning and I've a feeling that today is going to be the last full day I have with her. I've been expecting this day for some time for various reasons, over a year if I'm honest, but I can't say that has made it any easier.
Music / Re: What's everyone listening to...?
14 May, 2014, 10:38:09 AM
Half asleep after finishing work, I spotted a new thread on the board called Best c-diff ever and foolishly thought it was some kind of abbreviation to the best difference in sound when a recorded track was moved over to digital quality. Because of that I went to this
The Beatles' Hey Jude which, apparently when only moved to digital (I've never heard it on vinyl...), the sound was clear enough to pick up Lennon saying "Fucking hell" in the background as his earphones slipped off. You hear it on the 2min 57/58 mark. Those pesky Beatles just keep striking with their hidden messages!
Music / Re: Butchered Songs
12 May, 2014, 09:10:59 PM
Seeing a post mentioning Dylan and strained vocals immediately brought the Guns N Roses cover of Knockin' On Heaven's Door to mind
Use Your Illusion 2 was actually the first album I ever purchased (I was too young to see Terminator 2 on the pictures but I could make up for it by buying the album with a song from the soundtrack on it) and although I liked the album, this song stood out for all the wrong reasons.
Music / Re: Butchered Songs
12 May, 2014, 12:17:10 PM
What got me was the very start of the video. I have the impression we're supposed to think something along the lines of Oooh, sexy Durst...
Music / Re: Butchered Songs
12 May, 2014, 12:10:42 PM
Quote from: CrazyFoxMachine on 12 May, 2014, 11:59:27 AM
There are so many terrible covers but this one always gets my dander up
Oh thank you very much, CFM- thanks to you, I've now had Limp Bizkit playing on my laptop speakers! For all future posters to this thread, the polite thing to do may be to include a warning in your message...
Music / Re: Butchered Songs
12 May, 2014, 11:55:23 AM
Oasis I Am The Walrus
Going by the date I would have been around ten when I first saw this
performance. I would have liked Oasis at the time, then my older brother played me the original and it was the start of me going right off them. Walrus has been butchered by Jim Carrey and I believe Russel Brand since (with Oasis ruining Bowie's Heroes and Beatles' Helter Skelter somewhere in between) but this track will probably always be my first memory of hearing a terrible cover- even if I had never heard the original beforehand.
Before I sign out- anybody planning on posting Bowie and Jagger's Dancing In The Street should be warned I will take thee down Liam Neeson 'Taken' style. I absolutely loved that song as a youngster- mostly down to the video if I recall- and when it pops up on something every couple of years I can't help but cheer in a manner which I'm not even sure could be described as being ironic.
Music / Re: What's everyone listening to...?
05 May, 2014, 11:02:44 AM
Stocking up on new books and music, I've decided to start getting- in chronological order- the Joseph Arthur albums because somebody played Nuclear Daydream and more to me ages ago and I liked it. His first two albums (Big City Secrets and Come to Where I'm From) recently arrived and I'm not sure which of the two is my favourite as yet as Big City has a track on it with Brian Eno and Peter Gabriel offering backing vocals so there are bonus points from me there but there are elements in Come to that remind you of the first album in a way and highlights Arthur's progression in doing so. Off the strength of these two I'll order two more come payday, happy to know I've still got his Lonely Astronauts material to come as well as his latest offering The Ballad of Boogie Christ