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Messages - mididoctors

Film Discussion / Re: Was movie Dredd gay?
21 March, 2013, 06:26:26 AM
Quote from: sauchie on 20 March, 2013, 10:08:37 PM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 20 March, 2013, 10:04:50 PM
Quote from: sauchie on 20 March, 2013, 10:03:55 PM

Sir, wearing a helmet can interfere with her abilities (aye, I know that's only the film version)

That's the way she wants you to see her.

I thought Thirlby made eye contact a couple of times during the film ...

I think DREDD makes eye contact with just about everyone he ever meet. not bad for someone who never takes his helmet off
thy should never had meet
General / Re: Dredd-ful?
19 March, 2013, 09:38:58 PM
I thought the satirical point of the film was that the satire of 30 yrs ago in a predictive sense was now real....

which is why it worked for me... all those things Wagner and co hyped up back in the day are now here. I especially like the way they hardly bothered to hide it with the near now futurism.

the facial recognition cameras

the aerial drones

the smart phones


all these things and more are now here. There was one guy blogging from rio de janerio about Dredd saying the film was a documentary.. the police raid the favelas with armored cars and Kevlar encrusted shock troops.

the growing need for military forces to act like policemen and conversely how the police are becoming increasingly militarized.

this culminated for me in the film when in Ma Ma's den the gang are watching the tecno geeks screen tracking DREDD and the screen has this 3D depth... and the viewer thinks

"oh yeah I guess in the future they will have 3D screens"..."hang on a minute"

at this point I laughed out loud

did the harlem shuffle strike anyone else apart from me as a tad "SIMPS"

Film Discussion / Re: Was movie Dredd gay?
19 March, 2013, 09:02:33 PM
[not that serious]I had him as straight from the first DJ story when anderson has to get him through the psychic barrier and hold him close... Dredd looks slightly uncomfortable in the scene not because he does not like her close proximity but because he does. He has to reconcile himself into how he grips up anderson without it seem to be too familiar. Dredd has no problem doing things that are repellent but to embrace human desires would  truly disgust him[/not that serious]

Dredd is a true pervert in that he has no sex...yet he does not seem unworldly because of it. The only character he seems to have loved was Morph as a father figure

He is an impossible character
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd Memes!
28 February, 2013, 04:54:08 PM
Quote from: Michaelvk on 27 February, 2013, 10:58:56 PM
Not a meme so much, but relevant..

Dare you to watch this and see Dredd's "...yeah" in the same light..

link suspect?
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
22 February, 2013, 07:03:01 AM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 22 February, 2013, 12:33:48 AM
Quote from: mididoctors on 21 February, 2013, 01:36:35 PM
As far as the movie was concerned the inability for viewers not versed in DREDD lore to "not get it" could be labeled as a flaw but most of us see it as a good thing..2000ad fanbois(gals) are not the majority but then who was the film made for? People will get DREDD in time.

I think this is a bit of a myth, to be honest, and generally comes across as fan-snobbishness towards the public at large.

If you read the written reviews on international Amazon sites, those where the film is available, the majority of the hundreds of reviews, which is a very high count for a film that flopped, are 4 stars and over, plus a 78%/765% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.1 on IMDB and total universal acclaim from audience/viewers on Metacritic.

By the looks of it, the average audience didn't have a hard time understanding the character at all, just like they'd no problem with Snake Plisken, Dirty Harry, the Man with No Name and RoboCop. The problem was getting them to bother to watch the film in the first place to see if they'd like it.

I guess so... I suppose this attitude of ours is really a response to a few reviewers in the minority who didn't get it or choose not to.
General / Re: Dredd vs Spidey
21 February, 2013, 10:54:34 PM
Quote from: sauchie on 21 February, 2013, 08:32:16 PM
Quote from: mididoctors on 21 February, 2013, 03:04:43 PM
I struggle with Johnny alpha meets Dredd

Yep. I'd have no problem condemning that as an awful idea ... except Top Dogs was a fantastic one-off. If these things are left as standalone curios there's no harm in them, but one leads to another and the strength and originality of each strip's premise is diluted by the weird conceptual gymnastics necessary to accommodate the narrative dynamics of the other, and the need to showcase the individual fortes of each character.

Yeah... It all smacks of "who would win Superman or the Hulk?"... I suppose I [we?] am being a bit snobbish and shouldn't denigrate these crossovers since they are heavily in demand. who am I to condemn these stories. But like you I wish they were left in some standalone alternative universe one could choose to ignore.

where as more intricate crossovers in the 2000ad verse did work such as ABC warriors and Nemesis and of course old one eye who crops up like some long standing running joke. Harlem heros and Dredd. You can combine strips into a coherent vision that suspends disbelief but there is a line you must not cross.

Besides Alpha should have stayed dead...

Marvel sort of loses me to be honest.. I just don't get it. Though the windsor smith Conan story Red nails was good.
General / Re: The death of Judge Dredd by John Wagner
21 February, 2013, 04:00:30 PM
He should die and the judge system [what's left of it] with him..

he realises the judges have failed and his existence prolongs the agony so he engineers his own downfall al la Poirot in curtain or some such..

finish it all
General / Re: Dredd vs Spidey
21 February, 2013, 03:04:43 PM
I can't get past fairly hyperman when it comes to capes and crossovers...they seem popular enough but just detract for me.. I struggle with Johnny alpha meets Dredd
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
21 February, 2013, 01:36:35 PM
Quote from: Apestrife on 21 February, 2013, 08:02:11 AM
Quote from: Emp on 09 February, 2013, 01:52:14 AM
Being drunk and bored i decided to trawl through Youtube for reviews of Dredd and generally all are good apat from this , now everyone is entitled to an opinion but a least one of these people has know idea of the idea of Dredd.......that sais i am interested in the idea of "the big lie".....instead of the DJ'S is any future movie going to be based on "a question of judgement"?

The guy in the middle with glasses... Every office has one of those. Just talking crap. For example saying that the "hero" never gets hit...

Love the talk the other guy and lady have. They really seem to get it. Her saying that Dredd doesn't need a character arc, since that's more interesting for the side characters, is spot on what I think.

I think DREDDS character development in the comic only makes sense in how he deviates slowly from the stern lawman. 2000ad spent yrs refining him as a plot anchor as opposed to a character...most comic characters are fixed, DREDD in particular. everything happens around him

what made a question of judgement so good was the sudden change in his character was played against the investigation of the formative forces for his original character. In that short story were the essential elements of origins and democracy story arcs...we saw back and forwards in time.

As far as the movie was concerned the inability for viewers not versed in DREDD lore to "not get it" could be labeled as a flaw but most of us see it as a good thing..2000ad fanbois(gals) are not the majority but then who was the film made for? People will get DREDD in time

the ending is fantastic..I laughed when he said "drug bust" and the CJ didn't seem overly bothered either. It was brilliantly played. As a new viewer this may have seemed an odd coda but really if the reviewers can't put the pieces together?

Effectively the whole drama has the rug pulled out from underneath at the end  as thou "it ain't no thing". There was little room for character development in DREDD (maybe a little in relation to how he saw anderson) because the whole day out for him was as banal as brushing his teeth. The conversation between the CJ and DREDD explains what DREDD is about. His character and meaning to the mega city verse is revealed at the end... as is Anderson's bewildered and admiring gaze at DREDD as he tends her wound in the elevator... Its as thou she looks at him thinking a million thoughts including  "you do this shit everyday!"

Where as this was Anderson's baptism of fire and she does change and as does DREDD'S opinion of her. I thought they told this story well with numerous little touches. Besides the obvious "you don't look ready" changing to "you look ready" the moment that stands out to me is when the pair are advancing in Ma Ma's den at the end in a leapfrog overwatch fashion and DREDD taps anderson on the shoulder in a way that conveys a sense of comradeship and trust beyond its use as a tactical signal.....
Film Discussion / Re: Favourite scenes from DREDD
14 February, 2013, 04:53:00 PM
late comer to this thread...thought I would do a bit of thread resurrection

Quote from: JOE SOAP on 28 September, 2012, 07:57:01 PM
What's great about that scene in the lift is that it reverses the roles: now Dredd knows what she's thinking.

its one of the best scenes.... the lift scene after they leave Cathy's flat

sorry to use the meme thing but its applicable because he did see what she did there

you get the feeling he noticed the photo of the headshot husband as well...  don't you..... nobody says anything in that scene

the way its intercut with the lift shaft motif works so well

I suppose the entire sequence from the shooting through cathy's flat to the lift is a straight version of the Austin powers "henchman are real people" troupe... it also subverts the entire premise some lazy reviewers have of this film as some sort of pro war on drugs vehicle...

2 others scenes blew my mind on first viewing

the obvious slo-mo den scene and a odd one this... ma ma's tech geek computer screen is 3D
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd Memes!
11 February, 2013, 06:43:58 PM
Quote from: Tiplodocus on 11 February, 2013, 06:30:52 PM
Maybe it has - but you gotta appreciate the power of that initial concept (meme) I started spreading.

Film Discussion / Re: Dredd Memes!
11 February, 2013, 04:40:33 PM
Quote from: Bat King on 11 February, 2013, 02:32:45 PM
Nope, I think they are still spam... I'm lost to the point of them. A picture with a witty comment I can obviously see is intended as a joke. But mass regurgitated images with half baked jokes are just spam.

I think my attempt to understand the phenomena is a failure. And I again now find that I fail to see how they are in fact memes. Oh well.

and I have no problem respecting such a view as memes can be pretty repetitive..which is kind of the point I guess but  also why I would for my part keep them on teh meMe thrd
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd Memes!
11 February, 2013, 04:34:56 PM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 11 February, 2013, 09:10:41 AM

But I still can't bring myself to do it.

its ok I am not being that is the meme thread after all

as in it isn't