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Messages - Bhuna

Hi everyone,

Just a quick heads up to anyone who was thinking about pledging to the Kickstarter campaign.

The Kickstarter campaign only has 6 days to go.
Don't delay, pledge today!
Quick update guys (plus I forgot how to insert an image on the forum haha)

How stunning are these!!
Stretch Goal Three artwork by SKD - Rewarded as a quality A4 print. This stretch goal has been unlocked!

Stretch Goal Four artwork by art droid Patrick Goddard- Rewarded as a quality A4 print when stretch goal in reached. It's actually only about £50 away from unlocking the stretch goal.

So for the 'Blue Moon' reward which is only £15.00 plus p&p, you get the printed copy of the 116 page full colour Killing Moon graphic novel PLUS the A4 prints from SKD and Patrick Goddard.
That to me sounds like a bit of a bargain!!

If you've back the project, thank you so so much for your support. If you haven't yet, you know what you need to do  ;) ;) ;)
Well, we received an absolutely stunner of an illustration from art droid Patrick Goddard this afternoon.

This will be given to everyone who pledges a physical copy of the Killing moon graphic novel via Kickstarter along with SKD's wonderful illustration as two quality A4 prints.

I'll be posting it on the Kickstarter update page tomorrow morning.

If you've back the project, thank you so so much for your support. If you haven't yet, you know what you need to do  ;) ;) ;)
Well, we have 'nearly' doubled our target and the stretch goals are starting to kick in!

The first two are some trendy fridge magnets an some mobile wallpapers for your  phones.

Stretch Goal 3 - £1,800.00 (just £40 off  :-\)

Everyone who has pledged for the physical copy of the Killing Moon graphic novel will receive a stunning quality 300gsm A4 print by the uber talented small press artist only know as SKD!
I've seen the pencils and they are absolutely outstanding. How he's not working for Tharg is beyond me.

Stretch Goal 4- £2,000.00

Everyone who has pledged for the physical copy of the Killing Moon graphic novel will receive a stunning A4 print on quality 300gsm stock by none other than the legendary 2000ad artist Patrick Goddard.

If you've back the project, thank you so so much for your support. If you haven't yet, you know what you need to do  ;) ;) ;)
Well yesterday was a bit bonkers!

We launched as planned at 9.00am and by just past 11.00am the funding target was reached and we have just hit the £1500 mark so the first stretch goal will be kicking in.

I've spoken to an art droid who has kindly offered to support the project, but its all a bit hush hush at the moment but be announcing more details as the next stretch goal is reached.

If you've back the project, thank you so so much for your support. If you haven't yet, you know what you need to do  ;) ;) ;)
Hi guys,

Just to let you know, as everything is ready for the campaign, we've brought it forward and is going live at 9.00am this Monday!  :D :D

It's had fantastic interest and over 100 people have registered their interest in the campaign.

Rewards include original artwork commissions, t-shirts, sketches with original stunning original artwork from Neil McClements and Alex Mines. The graphic novel and rewards will be delivered in November.

We are also working on Stretch Goals too, so stay tuned!

Come and join the fun and register your interest here!

Thanks mate. 5 years in the making!  :D :D
So, here we go guys - It's news time!!

It's literally taken over 35 years since my brother first drew a character called Moses Valentine to where we are today!

As some of you may know, over the last 5 years, myself,  and forum members Chris Denton (writer), Darren Stephens (colours) and Bolt-01 (lettering), with editorial help from Richmond Clements have produced the award nominated comic called Killing Moon.

We are going the bring all 4 issues together as a 116 page graphic novel which will include a new 4 page prequel story and the reprinting of Marks original two episodes and other artwork which haven't seen the light of day since 1985!

This will be via Kickstarter which will mean if we don't reach our target, the project won't, so this is where you guys come into place!

The project will be launched in July and rewards include original artwork commissions, t-shirts, sketches with original stunning original artwork from Neil McClements and Alex Mines. The graphic novel and rewards will be delivered in November.

Please register your interest here!

Cover of the first comic by Bhuna & Stephens.
Events / Re: Thought Bubble 2019
05 October, 2019, 02:11:44 PM
Just to keep every in the loop, the exhibitors map is now live and event looks HUGE!!

I'll be in the 'Ask for Mercy' Hall and have our own little Artist Alley run with forum legends Neil McClement, Christ Askham, Bolt-01, Conor and Lizzie Boye (Disconnected Press) and art droids Steve Austin and David Hitchcock.

Ask For Mercy Map
Events / Oldham Comic Con 3
30 April, 2019, 01:12:35 PM
Well sunny Oldham is having it's third comic con on 11th May. And again its FREE!!
If you went last year, please note the venue has changed from the library to the Queen Elizabeth Hall

Guests include professionals and a nice sprinkle of small press artists and a few forum members that you may know:
Kevin Enhart
James Peaty
Kev Hopgood
Steve Yeowell
Michael Carroll

Phil Winslade
Nick Brokenshire

Martin Griffiths
Keith Williams
Amy Chu
Richard Piers Rayner
Steve Austin
Dave Taylor
Al Ewing
David Millgate

Ellen Stubbings
Mike Collins
John Davis-Hunt

Simon Myers
Ian Richardson
Laura Howell
Lew Stringer
Lee Townsend
John Royle
Neil Edwards

Paul McCaffrey
Alan Cowsill
Joe Matthews
Dave Kendell
Tim Perkins
Nigel Doddyn
Alan Byrom
Tom Ward
Aly Fell
Neil Bhuna Roche
Sarah Elliot
Frisson Comics
Matt Soffe
Art Ninetwo Studio
Dan Whitehead
Chris Sides
Carolyn Edwards
C L Raven
Austin Chambers
Reckless Hero
Chris Imber
Umar Ditta
Jon Laight
Dan Charnley
Neil McClements
Baden James Mellonie
Chris Askham
Paul PJ Johnson

Jay Martin
Owen Edmonds
Asa Wheatley
Sammy Ward
Nigel Twumasi

More info here:
Events / Re: Thought Bubble 2019
11 April, 2019, 02:20:44 PM
It looks like tables confirmation emails are going out. PigDog Press with Neil McClements will be there again!!
Events / Re: Thought Bubble 2019
22 February, 2019, 11:14:56 AM
Table applications are open from this Monday 25th Feb at 10.00am until 10th March
Fingers crossed I'll have a table with Neil McClements again and will ask for a table next to Steve Austin, David Hitchcock and TB newbie Alan Byrom and y'very good self mate.
Events / Re: Thought Bubble 2019
21 February, 2019, 02:15:57 PM
Now moving to Harrogate!!

Events / Re: Thought Bubble 2019
11 February, 2019, 04:49:20 PM
It looks like it's moving back to November.  :) :)

November 9th & 10th. Venue TBA
Events / Re: Blackburn Comic Con Guests
01 November, 2018, 04:15:44 PM
I think they are announcing another comic guest soon.