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Messages - pauljholden

News / Re: Steve Dillon: Apex Edition
29 March, 2024, 10:14:27 AM
Quote from: Link Prime on 28 March, 2024, 11:09:26 AMActually looks like your work PJ.

Can confirm: not me.
News / Re: Steve Dillon: Apex Edition
27 March, 2024, 10:36:50 PM
Who did the rogue trooper print? Pretty sure that's not Steve.
I love asterix and the gags in English are arguably better than the gags in French. But as a kid I skimmed all the names because they were all complicated looking things that ended in ix or us and that looked hard. Regret it.

He has a quick turn in Atlanta, starring as himself that is very very darkly funny.
(plus an episode of derry girls)
Prog / Re: Prog 2371 - Smash the State
29 February, 2024, 01:51:28 PM
Quote from: norton canes on 28 February, 2024, 05:46:12 PMThat double page spread is of course presented on two separate pages in the digital prog (at least, that's how my CBR file reader's done it). Upon seeing just the left half, my immediate thought was that Maitland, after approaching him on the previous page, had been shot by Dredd.

Anyway. Running out into a full-scale firefight, screaming for the participants to stop? Not sure about that.
If you're using the app and rotate the ipad it'll show the full spread. (but smaller, thereby reducing the impact, but that's just a limitation of physics than anything intrinsically wrong in the prog. I checked out the spread in tescos, since I'm a digital reader and man it's a cracker)
Film & TV / Re: Rogue Trooper News…!
13 February, 2024, 08:21:32 PM
Quote from: Keef Monkey on 13 February, 2024, 05:15:07 PMThe Rebellion Films studio seems to use similar tech to the volume used on the Star Wars shows (which I'm pretty sure also use Unreal Engine to render the environments and backdrops that they shoot the actors against), so given that and the showreel stuff they've put out I did assume this would be a mix of CG and live action when I saw the announcement.

I'm sure everyone here will have seen this stuff already, but found it interesting to watch and imagine how a Rogue Trooper production could look.

The casting does give the impression it's a mocap and voice situation mind you. I'm really thrilled this is happening, as much as I got excited about the idea of a live action Rogue movie an animated version done right could end up being really special, can't wait to see it!

If I could cash in my career and do-over, I'd be working in visual effects. Since I first saw a Ray Harryhausen film I've loved all that stuff.
You know I'm actually ok about extra pages in it, for a book that's about £30 (i mean if I really wanted them too, 30 isn't that bad and I'd get the rest of the pages in a more manageable sized book...
) Of course id've loved them in my big old expensive actual size book, but how would that work? I'm assuming those pages came to light after the other had gone to print.
- They found extra pages and it's available, and frankly, having had a couple of the big books and a fair few of the smaller books (not 2000ad) I much prefer the bigger (abut er more expensive books) but primarily because John McCrea will occasionally pop round and it's much more fun to go through those books with someone than on your own.
Books & Comics / Re: AI Generated Books
25 January, 2024, 06:31:50 AM
Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 24 January, 2024, 07:15:28 PM
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 24 January, 2024, 04:02:33 PMFor a comic, I'd say there's currently some scope regarding script editing (but not creation), marginal use for art (even stills can be deeply weird, and output is much harder to drastically edit than text), and possibly zero use for lettering (given how dreadful generative AIs are at dealing with anything text-based).

I'll be honest... I think AI is going to come for the colourists first. I hate saying that, because I very much appreciate what a good colourist brings to a project... but I think it's going to be possible very soon to give an AI a colour palette and it'll make a passable stab at colouring a page. This isn't helped by just how bad many colouring jobs in the low-to-middle end of the US market are, which will make 'good enough' a pretty low bar for editors/publishers who already demonstrably don't give much of a shit about quality anyway.

I suspect we'll see publishers steer away from getting the actual script and art done by AI for now, simply because it's going to be difficult to defend your IP when the US courts (at least) have ruled that AI-generated content can't be copyrighted, although it'll take some precedent-setting court case to settle that on existing IP where the publisher owns the rights and would have taken on a writer and/or artist on a WFH contract.

Oddly, I think lettering is going to be a way down the list of comic jobs that AI will be able to reasonably imitate, simply because there are a bunch of aesthetic 'rules' that are both arbitrary and subjective, plus stuff like reading order and placement, all of which can render a book unreadable if you get them 'wrong'.

Of course, this, too, will spread up from the low end where 'good enough' is a much lower bar. I'm sure some of the smaller publishers will soon find some kind of AI solution where they can run a lettering AI across a bunch of books and one production guy can do quick pass to fix the most horrific errors before the books get shoved off to press.

Fun times.

The focus for a lot of ai stuff seems to be look at the finished product we can make! It's nearly good enough!

But all creative work requires empathy and any form of ai will always lack empathy.

That said. If someone could hurry up and make an AI tool for flatting I'd very much appreciate it.
General / Re: Why no 2000 AD calendar?
02 January, 2024, 11:21:00 AM
sexy artdroids calendar?
General / Re: Dredd Q&A, August 1995 Select
20 December, 2023, 11:29:12 PM
Quote from: norton canes on 18 December, 2023, 02:29:21 PMThanks! For me, the best bit is the response to the roots reggae revival question. I don't remember it being a thing in 1995 but Dredd's answer suggests he has a surprising affection for this niche sub-genre.

Possibly asked because of this guy
General / Re: 2023 Advent Comments
18 December, 2023, 11:52:10 AM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 18 December, 2023, 11:49:30 AMHope you make Lawless next year as Chimpsky wants to say Hi 😁

Certainly planning on it!
General / Re: 2023 Advent Submissions
18 December, 2023, 11:31:09 AM

Off Topic / Re: Comic shop memories
26 November, 2023, 10:38:12 AM
Dark Horizon's in Belfast, 1988. Saw a poster (drawn by a young John McCrea) and, after giving up comics when I was around 13-14 and still loving them, I thought this would be way back in "Noone will take the piss out of you for reading comics in a comics shop" I naively thought.

Anyway, that's when I met John, where Garth met John too, and here we all are.

Here's the poster (though the orange trimming here was a later edition in John's the Mighty World of McCrea book)
Creative Common / Re: PJ Holden’s Null Space
24 November, 2023, 10:10:14 AM
Keep forgetting to update this, but here's another (and you might have missed a few more too)
General / Re: Age-Old Question
17 November, 2023, 06:19:33 PM
Quote from: Trooper McFad on 17 November, 2023, 05:32:58 PMOne thing that has crossed my mind between the Dreddverse & the Rogueverse is that both have cloning tech and taking that in Rogue's world you can transfer one personality to a new body and therefore potentially living forever would this be a way of saving Dredd becoming a true Robo Cop!

Unless he visits Nu Earth and the neverglade's 😳

Wasn't mind / chips already part of Dredd's world? I seem to remember they existed prior to rogue who got the idea from a Dredd story.