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Messages - ozebane

Creative Common / Re: The Curious Who Anthology
04 September, 2010, 06:00:16 PM
Pretty good, thanks!
I see things have gotten fairly busy around here. Lots of exciting stuff happening, feels like British comics are having a bit of a renaissance!
Creative Common / Re: The Curious Who Anthology
04 September, 2010, 05:25:53 PM
As a writer, I'm totally up for this. Sounds like it could be fun. Also, I've just seen the final for my Something Wicked contribution so I'm feeling all fired-up and productive!
Books & Comics / Re: Mark Millar's CLINT
02 September, 2010, 10:12:48 PM
Oh come on, guys, it wasn't that bad.
Sure, Rex Royd was a little amateurish and Kick-ass 2 is gonna be paced so slowly it's practically non-existent, but it wasn't all bad.
Turf was genuinely good, and we got 28 pages of story. Buying that and Nemesis in American singles costs more than the entire issue. The articles were barely there, and I enjoyed the piece about Dubbing actors.

As long as they maintain the amount of comic and rotate strips in and out every few months, it's worth a monthly buy in my view. Millar's huge search for new talent calms me a little, quality should improve as the new stuff begins to filter through.
General / Re: Clickwheel Help
15 January, 2010, 09:18:48 PM
I'd happily switch to clickwheel, if only the digital progs came out simultaneously with the print copies. Until then, i'll stick with running to WH Smiths every wednesday.
Prog / Re: Prog 1663 - Fire in Heaven
27 November, 2009, 01:44:47 AM
Regarding the Future Shock, I maybe thought that that was Kreel's body double at the bar, insinuating that he took the fall for Kreel, but didn't actually die, hence the scar. This also makes that last line; 'Let me tell you about one of the many times that he saved my life', a bit more relevant to the entire tale.

Maybe i'm over-thinking it, but I think that extra info makes the Future Shock a bit more.. well, shocking.
General / Re: Prog 1662 review on 2000ad Review
27 November, 2009, 01:32:25 AM
Maybe you should be looking elsewhere for your Twoothy review needs... maybe somewhere like
I hear their reviewer is quite a tasty fellow. ;-)
I'm not sure i'm ready to join the horrible corner of the internet that is slash-fic!

Congrats everyone, good stuff!
1. Locustsoflove
2. Christov 3
3. Dounreay 01

Really difficult to decide this month, seemed like there were a lot more entries than usual!

General / Re: How should Tharg conquer America?
10 November, 2009, 08:56:09 PM
Jeez, 2000AD was $4.50?
No wonder nobody ordered it, especially for a weekly. People kicked up enough stink when Marvel put up a few of their monthly titles to $3.99.

I say that 2000AD needs US size editions and consistent distribution to truly crack the American market. There's a section of the market that'd buy it, but simply can't.

Whatever happened to Dynamite having the Twoothy license?
1. Van Dom 1.
2. Locustsofdeath.
3. Strontium Dog 90.
News / Re: Death Ray zapped
07 October, 2009, 06:11:02 PM
That's a pity, it was quality.
Can't say I bought it religiously, but i've got a fair few issues.
Good stuff, guys.

The voting thread is going to be so difficult this month.
General / Re: 2000ad Cliches
20 September, 2009, 12:43:47 AM
"You'll never take me aliv-argghmyleg!"
General / Re: Future Shocks!!!!!!
20 September, 2009, 12:36:19 AM
My lord this is an old threat!
How about...

And it gets even more hilarious, they also did a Frankenstein comic where the monster had a normal, mild-mannered alter-ego.