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Messages - locustsofdeath!

Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 09 September, 2015, 02:05:05 PM
Something New.

As soon as I saw it I thought "Deadpool"...the author of the article seconds that, stealing my thunder.

THIS is the type of thing that I'm leery about with this film...that design is so un-Star Warsy.
Books & Comics / Re: Did anyone actually read Holy Terror?
09 September, 2015, 02:42:23 PM
Quote from: jacob g on 06 September, 2015, 11:42:24 AM
The racism is one thing, second thing this book is just poorly written.

For a college course I wrote a paper on propaganda posing "literature", and I read the Turner Diaries. This is exactly how I felt about it (along with, as others have said, the lack of irony or humor). I intended to read Holy Terror for the same report, but after subjecting myself to the Turner Diaries...I just couldn't do it.
Film & TV / Re: Boba Fett - Fan-made trailer
03 September, 2015, 02:27:09 PM
In fairness he was very cool in Empire. He was addressed directly by Vader on the Executioner*, and then later had the balls to stand up to Vader - not to mention that scene in the hallway on Bespin where he could have clearly shot Luke's head off if Vader hadn't wanted him alive.

It's the EU's fault that Boba-worship reached some sort of crazy.

* Personally, though I thought all of the bounty hunters were so cool - even Dengar - it was Zuckuss, 4-LOM, and Bossk I really liked to the point that when me and my friends played with our Star Wars toys, I always did everything I could to be those guys.
Film & TV / Re: Fear the Walking Dead
26 August, 2015, 09:01:20 PM
PA is the birthplace of the modern zombie with Night of the Living Dead.

We do have NotLD tours around Halloween-time. Sadly, the original NotLD house is now gone to the last foundation stone.

Keep the questions coming, lads. You'll make me rich.
Film & TV / Re: Fear the Walking Dead
26 August, 2015, 08:46:25 PM
I'm paid by post count.

Here in the Northeast Pennsylvania (NEPA for short) town called Kingston we have no fewer than 37 pizza parlors, 42, hoagie joints, 63 dive bars, and 2 comic book shop that sell 2000AD (in monthly bundles). Come visit.
Film & TV / Re: Fear the Walking Dead
26 August, 2015, 03:24:43 PM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 26 August, 2015, 05:53:49 AM
Sorry, if I offended, okay.

No offense at all. Truth be told there are hicks or hillbillies in every state. Here in Pennsylvania where I live, all around the cities people are "cultured" but then outside the cities the lay turns to countryside really fast and you find hillbillies everywhere (see the original Dawn of the Dead - that's exactly how it is). Even New York state is like this.
Film & TV / Re: Fear the Walking Dead
25 August, 2015, 09:51:28 PM
The "East Coast" stretches down to the Carolinas...then it becomes the "South". The South is much much different than what folks here would consider the East Coast (where the actual Yanks all live). People from Atlanta would be just as upset about being lumped in with East Coasters as us East Coasters would be upset about those bumpkins being lumped in with us.

California is huge, and has much rural and backwoods area. There are deserts as well as deep forests. California has several populated hubs - the rest is very rural. Lots of dudes in big trucks, lots of hicks in tight jeans, haha.
Film & TV / Re: Fear the Walking Dead
25 August, 2015, 02:27:20 PM
Fear the Walking Dead: a bit dull with all that "character building". I'll give it another episode or two. I hope they invoke the LA Rodney King Riots with the storyline - I always felt a zombie retelling of the riots would be fantastic.

So the druggie kid - was the actor impersonating Johnny Depp or impersonating Skeet Ulrich impersonating Johnny Depp? ...

Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 25 August, 2015, 12:04:13 AM
Even the different setting on the west coast was just enough to throw this one out a little for me. I used to the backwards less populated places.

Good sir, here on the East Coast we are not backwards. Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Washington DC, ect, are all cities that compare to Los Angeles. Having also lived in California (San Diego) for several years I can assure you that there are as many hicks in California as there are anywhere else in the US.

Also, Atlanta is the in the south. Not East Coast at all, its on the Gulf Coast.
Bone is indeed a good one, and one of the comics my daughters love to read - along with ElfQuest, Groo the Wanderer, and TMNT.
Help! / Re: Help me find Mouse Guard Winter 1152
20 August, 2015, 04:37:26 PM
I have it, and I am willing to trade or sell.

Problem is I live in the States. But willing to send it over there.
Quote from: Tiplodocus on 19 August, 2015, 04:33:31 PM
* Ok, I will admit to playing some Star Wars games and reading the first Han Solo novels (Brian Daley?) and a couple of Lando novels. And Marvel comics. But I never thought they were 'real' Star Wars.

The Brian Daley Han Solo novels were great fun, and Daley is/was probably the best at capturing the character (from what I've read, which was a lot at one time but nothing for many many years). Those Lando books were...wonky.
And Yoda was wearing them, in Empire Strikes Back.

Or maybe that was just a coincidence, and Dagobahgonians also wear the style.
That shot is shit. CGI sucks.
Prog / Re: Prog 1942: Fost-----Nixon
07 August, 2015, 06:26:55 PM

I'm at work, typed that not realizing my caps lock was on, thought briefly about retyping it it, and decided not to.

For what it's worth, I always enjoyed the existence of the "Women's Underware" thread. In danger of putting this thread even more off-topic (adding another wrecking ball), I'd say that it's okay to enjoy lovely women in underware; after all, these women (most of the time) posed for those photos and thus meant them to be seen. IMO telling a lovely womam to cover up when she wants to show off her beauty is kind of...I don't know, Puritanical, and kind of the opposite of women's lib. That said, if any of those women want me to return the favor and send them photos of myself in a comprably undressed state, I'd be happy to do so. Nudity is natural, and who doesn't enjoy being mostly (at least) or all the way nude?
While I had to read it twice and still didn't understand, the title of the thread lured me right in.