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Messages - willthemightyW

Games / Re: Batman: Arkham Origins
04 November, 2013, 03:26:26 PM
  Only been playing for a day, LOVE IT! First off, I really like the new voice actor for Batman (cant comment on the joker, haven't met him yet), I mean, for the direct sequel to city (which apparently they are making, and Conroy is a part of) I still want Kevin Conroy, but for this he works brilliantly. A few of the gameplay upgrades are very welcome, and this game has something brilliant the others didn't: boss fights that are actually FIGHTS. As much as I love the others, these are actual fights as opposed to run jump dodge run away boss levels from the previous two games. The Deathstroke battle for instance, tested my reaction times and also let me kick his ass, not to mention some really cool animations and one liners, it felt brilliant!
  And they have also set up a genuinely interesting mystery, with the first proper crime scene you investigate (the one with multiple murders, and the woman hanging from the chandelier) keeping me really intrigued thus far. Oh and the bit where you read the girls phone and find out she was [spoiler] texting about the joker and find out he's somehow involved[/spoiler] was an 'OH SHIT' moment, up until that point  I almost forgot he was gonna be in the game, and they brought it up perfectly, wasnt too in your face.
Sorry for the incoherent babbling, am half asleep!
Also yes James, the soundtrack is great, based on his work in the games and animated films, they need to get Chris Drake to do the new movies. I dare say I prefer his theme for the dark knight returns animated film of the hans zimmer theme for the Nolan movies.
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
04 November, 2013, 07:39:07 AM
A lot of what Hedren says about Hitchcock is not true, or is greatly hyperbolic. He did some horrible things yes, things which I am by no means defending (ruined her career because he wouldnt let her work with anyone else for one) but she has so many conflicting stories on what happened, often saying he never made physical advances, just verbal, and then saying he did, then back to the other again. It's hard to tell what really happened as while the core of what she says is almost certainly true (made sexual advances, had her sign a contract that only let her work for him) everything around it keeps changing when it comes from Hedren. :/
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
02 November, 2013, 12:19:31 AM
In the spirit of all things Halloween and John Carpenter, I watched THE FOG for the first time, and decided it's really quite good. I'd heard a lot about how weak the villain/threat was and how much it detracted from the film, but I thought it worked just fine. The ending felt like a bit of an anticlimax though, except for the bit with Adrienne Barbeau on the roof being kinda tense. So yeah, was a good'n.

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
27 October, 2013, 06:59:00 PM
I liked certain bits of it, but it all seemed a bit melodramatic, and the bits where they had the black and white flashbacks with pseudo-religious music playing (I'm thinking primarily of the one where we REALLY find out the main character's motivation, [spoiler]the hanging bit[/spoiler]) were unintentionally laughable, mainly because it took itself too seriously be able to use that kind of pretentious flashback successfully. I also think structurally it is rather weak, how it spends longer than the first half of the movie with the first set of drug dealers (and we are with them, not our protagonist) and then suddenly when all that has run its course the film turns it's head and goes: 'but wait, there's more' and we start what is apparently only the second act.
  That said, the performances are spectacular, the music (when not being too morbidly po-faced for its own good) is really nicely used, it's really nicely shot, especially in the montages of them walking at the beginning and (the new beginning) half way through. I like the idea of essentially making the protagonist a slasher film villain as well! And the writing (and I'm talking about the dialogue as opposed to the story) is brilliantly realistic and for want of a less pretentious word: 'raw'. The main source of the films (little) sense of fun comes from the dialogue between the small-time gangsters, and the confrontations between Richard (the main character) and the thugs, where Paddy Considine is clearly revelling in playing someone completely unhinged.

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
27 October, 2013, 06:33:12 PM
Dead Man's Shoes

So I'd heard a lot about this, I'd heard a it was really bad, I'd heard it was brilliant, and I agree with neither. I don't what I feel about it. I just came away thinking 'what a hollow movie', which is the last thing I expected.

25 October, 2013, 11:02:04 PM
Haha, well I'm Goaty mark.ll!
It was wasn't it Goatee? So much fun!
16 October, 2013, 09:34:32 PM
Have we not got a thread for this? I thought it was great!

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
15 October, 2013, 11:40:07 PM
MACHETE KILLS AND [spoiler][/spoiler]MACHETE KILLS AGAIN... IN SPACE[spoiler][/spoiler]

Safe to say I really enjoyed it. So much fun, and Mel Gibson was brilliant in it- 'Imagine it, Machete, Machete, everywhere Machete.'

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
10 October, 2013, 11:43:14 AM
Filth, I enjoyed it :P S'all I'm gonna say. Scratch that, I really enjoyed it.

Film & TV / Re: Filth
10 October, 2013, 11:36:59 AM
I saw it and actually really enjoyed it, I, on the contrary to JamesC don't think it was trying too hard to shock, but wasn't afraid to do so when the story called for it (which, in fairness was quite often, so I can see how it would come of as pushy).

Film & TV / Filth
07 October, 2013, 09:09:22 PM
Seeing it tomorrow, really looking forward to it, anyone on here seen it yet?

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
06 October, 2013, 02:44:09 AM

Loved it. Beautiful to look at, well written (people keep saying the script is awful?!) great performances, and it's very refreshing to see a film that ends at the perfect time! Also, that last line: [spoiler]This guy wants to tell me we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh! I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country, it's just a business... now fucking pay me![/spoiler]
By the way, what is the boards consensus towards this film, I seem to see a lot of negativity towards it elsewhere unfortunately.

I also got half way through the film TRANSSIBERIAN and then turned it off. Now that films IS badly written. Directed by Brad Anderson (The Machinist), with Woody Harrelson and Ben Kingsley among others. The performances were good... I guess, I dunno, I couldn't get over the laughable words they were spewing. I don't even know what to say about this film, I was really looking forward to watching it, but it's a film in which none of the characters are likeable, which is also the case in Killing Them Softly, but Killing Them Softly still makes an interesting film out of it (which is an impressive feat), where in this, the characters make irrational decisions, all act uncharacteristically to how they have been set up, and all feel like a GCSE drama students attempt to make 'deep' characters, who end up becoming all the more 2D because of it. THIS FILM MAKES ME ANGRY. ANGRY I SAY.
My friend tried to tell me I didn't like it because it was slow and I have no patience, which if you know me really isn't the case. Hell THE PROPOSITION and KILLING THEM SOFTLY are two of the best films I have seen this year. Know why? Because they're good.

Games / Re: GTA V
01 October, 2013, 02:02:05 PM
All these people are complaining about not being able to get on GTA Online today?
What did they expect?
It's launch dayand there are millions of people
probably clicking 'gta online' at the exact same time, and it only launched a few hours ago!
Film & TV / Re: RoboCop - Murphy's Law
28 September, 2013, 06:49:27 PM
Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 27 September, 2013, 05:40:47 PM
Quote from: willthemightyW on 27 September, 2013, 04:46:24 PM
like peter wellers face was in the original, pulled over a robot head essentially, with a human brain (I think)

I've seen Robocop a lot and I never had that impression!

(Also: that hand in the new version doesn't look like skin over a robot hand... and why bother?)


I never got that impression watching it either, but apparently that's what they were going for, which you can kinda see in the way his face is weirdly cut off at the sides.

Yeah it does just look like a hand, but again, I'm told that's what they were going for, and I imagine it makes him easier for the public to deal with, not that they needed to put it in though!

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
28 September, 2013, 06:38:01 AM
THe J.K Simmons bit at the end? Ah I loved it! Coen Brothers are without a doubt my favourite film makers, Millers Crossing being my favourite film.
