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Messages - BPP

Prog / Re: Dredd Chaos??
07 August, 2011, 01:19:26 PM
Having just played catch-up on pts 2-4 I'd say PJ Maybe stirring up the citizens to add to the Day of Chaos? Would he do a 'Ambrose isn't dead, I'm alive and they Judges tried to kill me' number? Obviously his DNA would be able to prove he is Ambrose The Major as much as the judges used it to prove he is not Ambrose the Man. Crazy cits would believe him no matter what back-story the judges reveal. A sorta reverso-Obama birther controversy undermining any faith in the judges / democracy-as-it-is.
Megazine / Re: Meg 313 Voices in the fire
07 August, 2011, 02:44:12 AM
The four strips in the Meg are really bloody good and importantly varied - SS & Anderson are light and straight forward thrills, Number is next level stuff and frankly that Dredd was brilliant - the first part had underwhelmed me but the turn around with the special ops and that unflinching 'supplies clerk' behind it all. Fabulous.

I did think the 'they aren't even...' dialogue was a bit confusing - were we meant to take it she is about to say 'they have human rights and they aren't even human'? In which case that tabloid easy logic hardly fits with a character who has gone so far for ideals and principles. It also struck me that it read a bit cumbersomely whereas if it was a script for actors then the 'dredd' would have made clearer the subtext by the tone of his contribution. Mind you thats a very minor quibble - it really was a fantastically good Dredd by Mr Ewing and certainly should be read by all. Already looking forward to the return of Judge Bachmann (that is if she isn't busy running for the Republican ticket)

Again the Meg is a winner - why it gets so few reviews is a mystery.
Website and Forum / Re: Forum Update
05 August, 2011, 04:16:41 PM
is search not working or is that just me?

I would, ya know, search for a thread about this but.....
News / Re: This "totally Zarzaz" announcement tomorrow
04 August, 2011, 10:49:16 AM
Shane Warne is the new spokesperson for Otto Sump?
News / Re: 3A Mongrol on sale from February 28th
03 August, 2011, 11:17:54 AM
August Shipping
crafted by admin on August 03rd, 2011

Second half of August shipping:
Wasabi TK
AP Bamba
3RD Birthday Bamba
US Customer WWR Grunts
2000ad Mongrol


Doug - I'd imagine you'd be better to phone up Bruce and ask them directly. Don't dilly-dally now, only weeks shipping...
Off Topic / Re: My new music video!
31 July, 2011, 01:11:33 PM
Excellent. And not just in a forum-mutual-support-group type of way. Maybe its because I was always into the Tar/Jesus Lizard/ Unsane end of 'grunge' but thats right up my street - there is a clear love of doing it for the noise and force that comes out of the speakers rather than anything else. Like the previous song thats just fabulous. Will post on elsewhere. Cheers for the link. 

Look forward to this appearing on the Minty soundtrack   ;)

Film & TV / Re: Battleship (2012) - Teaser
28 July, 2011, 08:56:17 PM
reminds me of Tron:legacy - absolutely everything to do with humans / teen-emotions / cliches - ugh.. but OH YEAH to the big shooting space-ship things.

Frankly I doubt you can resist stuff like this if you grew up loving the machines of Colin Wilson and Cam Kennedy etc.

Off Topic / Re: My wife's new showreel!
28 July, 2011, 08:15:11 PM
You married Servalan?

Well I for one am mighty afriad. Villa-style.
Off Topic / Re: RIPs
28 July, 2011, 01:18:35 PM
Martin Skidmore - one of the great believers in UK comics.

FA was always such a great read and Trident a great attempt at producing some good UK comics.
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills & Trades!
27 July, 2011, 10:07:31 PM
Should have stuck with the 29 cover - I mean yanks will do anything for Star Trek Videos.
News / Re: City of Dredd - OUT NOW!
27 July, 2011, 02:31:14 PM
Am really bummed not to have been reading this thread and only now seeing the print copy was pulled - would have loved it. Fraid I'm just not a pdf man (maybe when I get something thats easier to read pdfs on).

Also REALLY think Rebellion are missing out on this when marketing comes for the Dredd movie - look at how many books were available for Watchmen - the local waterstones was over-run with 'Art of' 'Guide to..' etc. A movie-tie-in City of Dredd with lots of Retro appeal and old artwork would surely sell to people who remember buying the prog in their teenage days.

I liked it in a 'i'd read someone else's copy' kind of way - its not half as vicious or beautiful as Marshall Law but a batch of it rolls along nice enough - though it clearly plays to my 'sorry, superhero comics are just shit' views. Battlefields is MUCH the better comic - in terms of tone, art and empathy. Invest in Vol 2. and delight in the lovely art of PJ and Carlos.
General / Re: 2000ad on Deviantart
23 July, 2011, 03:22:58 PM
Judge Dredd and the dildos of doom?

Liking the Mean Machine alot.
Events / Re: San Diego Comic-Con 2011
18 July, 2011, 02:32:21 AM
Its kind of awesome that due to the recognition of 2000AD's superiority (and the numeric-alphabetic system)  the front page of the MUCH looked at comic-con exclusives web page features Joe's Big Jock Bonce. Heh. Top free advertising blagging