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Messages - BPP

Megazine / Re: Meg 312 : FOREST OF FEAR
26 June, 2011, 02:17:19 PM
Another excellent Meg and really enjoyed seeing the Vector13 stuff in the back of the floppy. Not so taken with Flesh itself (thank god for the recent prog-reboot which is top-dollar) but everything else is, AGAIN, all-guns blazing. The art on every strip is just fantastic and Leigh Gallagher's dredd face (still think he's too out of shape Leigh) is a minor detail compared to the rest of his art - really great stuff, lovely page compositions. Excellent all round. Again with the Meg what counts is the comics and again its a 10/10.
Film & TV / Re: The Muppets (2011) - Full Trailer
26 June, 2011, 02:05:09 PM
Probably a 'you're in or you're out' sorta thing but I'm always in for the muppets. Like all yank-export it works best for me when it tones down the romance, sentiment, learning and ups the crazy, stupid, bonkers.

As for the grinches who want the muppets left it the 70s.. the late-90's revival Muppets Tonight was even better than the original series and introduced some excellent new muppets like Johnny and Sal and Bobo the bear (the one getting hit while fencing in the new trailer).

Who couldn't love the intro sketch in this
Film & TV / Re: Falling Skies (2011) New Trailer
26 June, 2011, 01:57:28 PM
120mintues of stale dialogue, bobbins acting and wide-angled shots of herds of gap-clad people looking dishevelled. A hero who constantly cites historical analogies in the most clumsy of fashions and surplus of cringe-inducing 'father-son bonding slow-mo shots' that make one realise just how good Dr Who's recent whizz-bang run has been. A Speilberg-Schmaltz-fest

Nice alien stuff tho and the two new characters in ep02 are terrible cliches but at least they command the screen.
General / Re: Bring Them Back Thargy!
22 June, 2011, 02:21:45 PM
Al Ewing does Ace Garp.

John Smith does Ant Wars

Henry Flint does 1-page Agent Rat adventures.
News / Re: 3A Mongrol on sale from February 28th
21 June, 2011, 08:21:00 PM
not even if they were Mercy Heights Official 2000AD Merchandising Red Crosses?
News / Re: 3A Mongrol on sale from February 28th
21 June, 2011, 07:46:12 PM
never mind that, what we want to know is how do we get our mits on THIS

from that same red-bubble 'i can't draw' fella

Oh look.. he's suddenly managed to draw exactly like Bryan Talbot

people are such dicks.
Website and Forum / Re: Web Store Going Offline
17 June, 2011, 04:41:51 PM
Dang, you mean my chance to install a Richard Prior / Superman III 'One of Everything to me' type routine has been nixed??

Website and Forum / Re: Web Store Going Offline
17 June, 2011, 03:46:17 PM
might be connected - when going to the homepage (site, not forum) getting a pop-up saying

A user name and password are being requested by The site says: "Restricted Area"

despite not being ON / LOOKING TO GO TO the shop.

General / Re: Cellar of Dredd blog
17 June, 2011, 11:27:16 AM
oh wow. Thats so garish its FANTASTIC.

Very Ga-Ga. How every NOW of you CF.
Books & Comics / Re: DC to relaunch with 52 #1's
17 June, 2011, 11:00:08 AM
Barnes N Nobel won't be taking all 52, indeed i Vampire is exactly what they wont take. Any shots of their 'new' push in comics dosn't much expand past what is typical in the UK floorspace - the big 5-10 titles from the big 2. In the one store I was in (ALT) they didn't even carry the Walking Dead. However B&N have generally good GN coverage - both superhero trades and more lavish Fantagraphics stuff.  The big 2 still need to get into every mom-n-pop store (ah, the happy days of the comics carousel) to encourage kids to get their mits on them. While sitting through the dross of X-Men this week - a near full house 2 weeks after release - it struck me how sad it was no comic sells 100,000 anymore yet the movies draw millions. Often wondered with cinemas (always saying they need new revenue streams) don't try and flog trades of the movies they are showing. Not like they don't have enough hands around to sell popcorn. 
Books & Comics / Re: DC to relaunch with 52 #1's
16 June, 2011, 06:58:38 PM
I see Steve Rude is looking for paid work.

Now THATS how you'd get a whole lot of yanks interested in 2000AD.

Steve Rude does Anderson in time for the movie you say? What an great idea. Cummon Rebellion, bankroll tharg...
Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
15 June, 2011, 03:04:21 AM
no worries, suddenly remembered the name of another I'd not seen since its original release - J'embrasse Pas - which has her looking foxy as a ingĂ©nue with gangster connections who leads a farm-boy astray.  Warning tho, it does contain an fairly shocking 'midnight cowboy by force' moment that may leave the male viewer slightly 'eeks!'.

Film & TV / Re: Last movie watched...
15 June, 2011, 12:51:37 AM
if you just watched the two then take it you watched the shorter version of La Belle - the 5 hour one is a weekends viewing in itself. If your a Beart fan then Un Coeur en Hiver from the same period as La Belle is a very good film.
Film & TV / Re: X-Men: First Class - Final Trailer
15 June, 2011, 12:14:46 AM
The most laughably bad inept waste of talent I've seen in years. Plot full of holes, dialogue so bad George Lucas must have been on board somewhere and completely offensive presentation of the role of women to a 12+ audience. So many flaws its hard to know where to begin. At least Thor was a good simple fun romp, this was crud failing to be as serious as it wanted to be. Best moment was when the 'new' bad guys leave the island - looked like the Black Eyed Peas had left the building.