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Messages - Valhalla

Website and Forum / 2000adonline viewing.
16 March, 2003, 07:04:29 PM

When I read the boards I have to constantly scoll left to right as the messages are horizontaly bigger than my browser.

Anyone know if there is a way I can change the browser (IE) so it all fits in.


Help! / sticky price sticker stuff.
16 March, 2003, 06:15:15 PM
Hey Guys,

Anyone know how to get that sticky stuff (of price sticker that some newsagents use) off comics?

General / Re: i am the sexiest icon...
06 December, 2002, 08:20:56 PM
Women icons cannot resist my loooong flooowing hair. They love to run their fingers through it and stroke it and ah nevermind.

General / Re: Fill me in!!!
26 November, 2002, 06:36:14 PM
Dredd rides up to Valhalla Block where the Odd Boys are tearing the place apart.

One juve trying to haul a stolen vid screen out an apartment spots Dredd and calls out to his mate "Argh Jayzus B. Christ!! It's Dredd!"

Another juve dressed in cal-hab gear leans out the window " Och ye karne be serious!"

" I am Mcnulty, I am!"

General / Re: Fill me in!!!
26 November, 2002, 06:03:53 PM
Control to Dredd " juve riot reported at Valhalla Block"

General / Re: Biggest Regret about the Dredd...
24 November, 2002, 09:44:26 PM

I wouldn't want a Mean Machine to go upta 4 on my ass!

General / Re: Terminator 3
24 November, 2002, 09:08:45 PM
Let's not forget "Pumping Iron" with Arnie trying to explain the thrill of bodybulding - " And when I am posing I feel like I'm coming"

What a Gem!!
General / Re: Sorry if you were left out.......
24 November, 2002, 08:46:07 PM
Hmmmmm I really think "Valhalla Block" has a nice ring to it.

Fingers Crossed.

General / Oz Odyssey
08 November, 2002, 02:23:19 PM
Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone know of any Dredd/2000 AD fanclubs in Oz.

Also can anyone recommend good place in Oz to buy 2000 AD etc? I'm back in the game after a number of years absence so need to buy a large run. I've seen heaps of runs for sale in the UK but the shipping tends to make an expensive hobby, fatal.

Thanks for any feedback.

General / Thrill Powered Storage
30 October, 2002, 09:50:16 PM

Just wondering everone else stores their progs.

I currently have over a thousand comics stored in magazine boxes and was wondering waht the best storage method would be.

I looked into bags and boards but there aren't too many places in Oz where I can get bags to fit 2000ad.

Any Suggestion?

General / Re: Wake'll Fix It (hopefully).......
21 October, 2002, 10:44:11 PM

Thanks a lot!!

General / Re: Wake'll Fix It (hopefully)......
21 October, 2002, 02:24:11 PM
I also have a problem (I think). I cant seem to start a message thread. For some reason the buttons (I am assuming they're buttons) at the top of the board page that read "Post Message" ,"Search", "Polls" ect dont load up as buttons.

Is this a technical diufficulty or am I just a fool that is mssing something obvious?

General / Re: THE PROG 534 CLUB
14 November, 2002, 08:03:30 PM
Hi Guys,

I started reading 2000 AD in '93 by coming across some old progs in a second hand bookstore.  I liked what I read and consequently bought about 500 2000Ad/ Megazine/U.S reprint issues over about 6 months. I got addicted!! being an expat Englishman it just felt right.

Then in '98 I had to go back to England for my grandparents wedding and the only way I could afford that was to stop buying (Hey it's bloody expensive buy UK comics in Oz!!)

This year I happened across prog 2002 and thought "Wahey!, What have I been missing!!" I started collecting again and with the wonders of ebay have got a good sized collection. Yesterday another parcel arrived and one prog was 534!!

can I now join the club??
