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Messages - chopper666

General / Re: Judge Dredd Street Simulation....
01 May, 2002, 01:32:00 AM
John Calibers excellent JDSS site is still up and running and an all new adventure is just about to kick off. True things where put on slow boil while John was working on the Mongoose RPG (and wait till you see it, really cool stuff)but the Street Sim is still there and well worth checking out.


Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
Greetings fellow Dreddheads,
Here is your final chance to win in our Big Finish/Dredd Times competition.
Big Finish Productions have kindly donated 5 copies of the first Judge Dredd
Audio adventure Wanted: Dredd or Alive to Dredd Times for us to give away in
a very simple competition. To enter simply visit Dredd Times and check out
the competition at the following url  then just answer the very simple
question. The final date for answers is May 4th, so get those answers in as soon as possible.

Good luck to all

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
General / Re: Help and Contributions wanted....
14 April, 2002, 08:38:49 AM
I have taken the liberty of posting a brief submissions guidelines on Dredd Times for anyone who wishes to submit or help out with the site. You can find the guidelines from the main page on the menu bar.
Thanks again

Dredd Times
Upholding the law since 1999

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
General / Help and Contributions wanted
14 April, 2002, 01:13:04 AM
Hi there,
I am Marc Farrimond the webmaster and editor of Dredd Times, a
online site dedicated to Judge Dredd and all things 2000AD related.
Dredd Times has been around now since 1999 and was recently
relaunched with an all new domain name and as such I am currently
looking for input for the site. If you are a writer, artist and
would like to have your work aired to the public on Dredd Times then
please feel free to contact me. I am also looking for help with
reviews and articles on the site as due to time constraints I cant
write as much as I would love to0, so anybody who is interested in
writing short fiction, poetry, reviews, articles or anything of a
similar nature please feel free to contact me.

At the moment I can't afford to pay out for any input, but right now
I am looking for sponsorship of the site and that may well change.
From time to time however I do get offered games, miniatures, DVDs
and such and these will be made available to any contributors for
review, etc.


If so please contact me at or reply to this
post and help make Dredd Times a site for Dredd Fans written by
Dredd Fans!
Warmest regards

Dredd Times
Upholding the law since 1999

Gamers Web
Written By Gamers For Gamers

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
General / Wanted: Dredd or Alive competition
05 April, 2002, 05:19:55 AM
Greetings fellow Dreddheads,
Big Finish Productions have kindly donated 5 copies of the first Judge Dredd Audio adventure Wanted: Dredd or Alive to Dredd Times for us to give away in a very simple competition. To enter simply visit Dredd Times and check out the competition at the following url  then just answer the very simple question.

Good luck to all
Dredd Times

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times

General / Re: Greatest Artist Ever
03 March, 2002, 10:30:49 PM
The influences of Mike McMahon has had on 2000AD artists over the past three decades are plain to see, from works of Bolland to Bisley, Yeowell and beyond. Ask any artist who is involved in the British Comic scene what they think of Mike and they will have nothing but respect for this talented artist. I have always loved Mikes work and would never say that it is messy, organised chaos sometimes but never messy.

As for my vote for greatest artist ever. Well talking British creators here, I feel that there can only be two artists in my own mind who fit that prestigus bill. Brian Bolland is simply amazing as we all know, his sheer attention to detail is almost beyond compare, its just a pity that he takes so long to finish projects.

Colin McNeil is my favourite artist of the past ten years or so, his work is vibrant and alive with action, and the effects this man can get with colour are unbeleivable.

Just my two creds worth.


Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
General / 25th Anniversery Party
02 March, 2002, 02:09:48 AM
Hi folks.
Just a quick one here. If anyone went to the party last night (I live the other end of the country and couldnt make it sadly) adn is interested in writing a mini review for Dredd Times, I would be really interested in chatting with you about it. I cant offer any payment at the moment, but you will get full credit and maybe a few freebies could wing their way to you from some games companies if I can blag them.

Anyone interested in helping out, or just contributing to Dredd Times in general can contact me at or anytime.


Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
General / Re: 25 Years, Creep!
03 March, 2002, 11:11:19 PM
stront said
>Also I noticed Terry Pratchett made an >appearance.  He a fan?

The tag at the bottom of Prog 1280 just under the bar code reads
"2000AD is the best comic in the world"
Terry Pratchett

Guess he must be a fan after all.


Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
Help! / Re: Titan Miniatures
04 March, 2002, 03:15:04 AM
Hi folks,
Thanks for all the help here with the information on the miniatures. I have a complete list of the miniatures that Games Workshop released for the roleplaying game, and the board games (including Rogue Trooper). The real information I was after was pertaining the larger 54mm scale miniatures from Titan Books, and now I have most of that info I can continue with the article.

Thanks again to everyone for their help.


Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
Help! / Titan Miniatures
01 March, 2002, 12:58:21 AM
Hi everyone,
I am currently writing a review of all the 2000AD related games and miniatures that have been released over the years for Wake and the official 2000AD site (ie this one)and it is now more or less finished, but I am missing info on the 54mm scale miniatures that where released by Titan Books, under Games Workshop, back in 1979/80. I have a list at the moment of all I can remember that where released, but still have gaps in the list, and would love to know who was the scupltor if anyone knows. Here is a quick list of what I have so far.

If anyone has any more to add to this list can you please contact me at or via my website Dredd Times.
Thanks everyone

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times

General / Re: Nice site Marc.
02 March, 2002, 02:25:11 AM
Thanks Scojo
Its in the transitional phase at the moment with some cool stuff to come. Loads of original artwork, more fiction, and hopefully some competitions, plus a lot of support for the upcoming Dredd/Slaine roleplaying games from Mongoose Publishing. Thanks for the kind words again.

Dredd Times

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">
General / Re: I am back! Anyone see the err...
01 March, 2002, 12:47:47 AM
Hi Scojo,
I don't think that the perp acutally turns the tap off, rather just covers the faucet with his thumb, hence when Dredd shoots him the tap starts to drip again.

Dredd Times
Other Reviews / Re: Big Breakfast - interview...
01 March, 2002, 12:50:41 AM
I only managed to see the last few mins of the interview, where Richard Bacon and Amanda Byron where talking with Siku and Richard mentioned twice that it was the 21st anniversery of 2000AD. Go figure. Still good to see some coverage :)

Dredd Times
General / Re: BIG NIGHT OUT!
02 March, 2002, 02:18:41 AM
Got to agree there. I couldn't make it to the bash myself as I live in the Cursed Earth, well Wigan but at ?100 to get to the bash, it may as well have been.

I have been reading 2000AD since Prog One, and now my 9 year old son and 8 year old daughter both read the comic every week. I want to thank John,Alan, Carlos, Brian, Colin, Mike, Steve (both Dillon and Yeowell), Cliff, and the other hundreds of writers, artists,letterers, and colourists for 25 years of sheer entertainment.

Okay thats my oscar acceptance speech, just remains for me to thank god, my parents and all the baby thrillsuckers...

Seriously though. Excellent work guys and thanks for everything.

Dredd Times

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">