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Messages - Mabs

Quote from: Cursed Earth Dweller on 06 October, 2012, 02:45:47 AM
Aahh, just got back from my sneak preview.

Loved it and can't really think of any praise that hasn't already been said but I will anyway.

I knew from Dredd's opening monologue that we were getting the movie we have all been waiting for, but when Dredd wasted his first perp with the awesomely delivered line "go right ahead, hot-shot!" my face transformed into a grin that I just couldn't wipe from my face throughout the rest of the film and only intensified whenever I heard words like "meat wagon", "recyk" and "high-ex".

This film does the comic justic on so many levels. I loved Dredd's deadpan humor, I loved Anderson's psycic mind propes(which the 3D used to great effect btw), I loved the little digs at the comic like the Chopper graffiti and the fattie who we see porking himself while Peach Tree's block is closing down(and who I have great affection for after reading the story "Reqiuem for a Heavyweight"), I loved Ma-Ma who totally fits the bill of the kind of criminals Dredd has to deal with, I loved how this film was able to get the most of it's reletively small budget and still manage to get so much of the comic in there. Of course this is speaking from a fans perspective and people totally unaware of the films source material will be baffled by these things without any backround or any refference to the Stallone films but who cares! This was clearly made for the fans, let that 95 film remain a minor cult hit with morons!

Some people say Ma Ma was a little underdeveloped but I disagree, I think the details the film provided were enough to give her some characterization. I mean [spoiler]working as a prostitute and getting your face cut by some pimp would turn any woman psycho[/spoiler] wouldn't it?

Standout moments? I geuss My two personal favs are Anderson giving that perp a lesson in psychic mindgames and Dredd's warning over the intercom(Ma-Ma's not the law here, I am the Law) before [spoiler]torching a gang of perps with an Incendiary round[/spoiler], that shit really made me repress the urge to jump out of my seat in a public theatre.

Also, I have to say that had there not been 3D showings of a few trailers I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference as this was my first 3D viewing but I can most certainly tell that 3D works in Dredd's favor. One of the 3D trailers was for some Underworld film and it looked like shit! All the close-up shots looked like moving cardboard images(although to be honest I'm not quite sure if the cinema I wen't to had a good 3D setup, the 3D in Dredd was impressive but not mindblowing).

I do have some issues with the film but they are so minor and insignificant that they are nothing more then a tiny mouse sitting on the back of a roaring lion with a jetpack because Dredd 3d or Dredd none 3D or whatever the hell you wan't to call it is just DAMN GOOD!

PS: Sorry if my comments are a little off-putting, I am a bit drunk.

Glad to hear that you liked it Cursed Earth Dweller! I agree with you that the 3D is really excellent especially in Anderson's interrogation scene. And for me the Slo-mo scenes were absolutely beautiful to watch in a strange way, seeing as most of it was when the perps were blown away to pieces! I thought the scene of the bullet tearing through that guys mouth/ face was both repulsive and beautiful at the same time! And I also agree that Ma-Ma was a great villainess, and I feel her character was developed. This month's Meg had a great prologue story to Ma-Ma's origins. And it really helped to bridge her story to the film. In the end. I had a smidgeon of sympathy for her demise I have to say.  One of my very small problems with the film was that it wasn't long enough! By the end I wanted MORE!

Anyway, great review!  : )
Quote from: Lee Bates on 05 October, 2012, 11:07:51 AM
Really? The 'big helmet' is STILL a topic?

Fuck me.

With a big helmet...

I thought it looked okay!
Prog / Re: Prog 1803 - Splashdown
03 October, 2012, 10:31:48 PM
Quote from: Eme on 03 October, 2012, 09:38:04 PM
Quote from: Mabs on 03 October, 2012, 07:23:13 PM
It serves me right for checking out this thread (before reading this weeks Prog) as i've just spotted a massive spoiler for Brass Sun!  :-\  :D I'm really enjoying it, and cannot wait to get my hands on it (hopefully tomorrow). None of my bloody newsagents near to where I live sell 2000AD and I have to make a near kilometre walk to my nearest W.H smiths to buy a copy. It really pisses me off, we can buy all the American comics without any hassle, but when it comes to THE GREATEST BRITISH COMIC, I have to go on a mission.  :-\
postal subscription ;)

Yeah I did think of that, but i've had some problems in the past with subscriptions, namely magazine taking time to arrive and on one occasion, not arriving at all. I'll give it a month or two, see if I can persuade any local newsagents to stock it.
Prog / Re: Prog 1803 - Splashdown
03 October, 2012, 07:23:13 PM
It serves me right for checking out this thread (before reading this weeks Prog) as i've just spotted a massive spoiler for Brass Sun!  :-\  :D I'm really enjoying it, and cannot wait to get my hands on it (hopefully tomorrow). None of my bloody newsagents near to where I live sell 2000AD and I have to make a near kilometre walk to my nearest W.H smiths to buy a copy. It really pisses me off, we can buy all the American comics without any hassle, but when it comes to THE GREATEST BRITISH COMIC, I have to go on a mission.  :-\
Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
03 October, 2012, 06:56:39 PM
SBT, I started reading the Progs you so kindly posted to me, and I have to say its so drokkin' fun! I've finished Prog 1650; and it was absolutely brilliant! This is my first introduction to Shakara and Kingdom and I thoroughly enjoyed reading both! I cannot wait to get through the rest : )
You remember the part that Dredd breaks that rogue judges neck? Or more rightly slams his Lawgiver into his throat? That was some brutal sh*t right there! But you have to say he had it coming!
Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
03 October, 2012, 05:41:08 PM
Quote from: orinAGN on 02 October, 2012, 04:19:01 PM
Quote from: Mabs on 01 October, 2012, 06:09:35 PM

I understand what you mean by Miyazaki's film's, sometimes it can seem a little long, and slow paced. But I think theres a certain beauty to his film's, and a lot of messages you can take from them mainly about the eco system and man's folly.

I love the slow pacing and the length.  And the beauty.  And the ecological message.
What I hate is the amount of over the top crazy/stupid in so many characters.
I think the one that sums it up best for me is "Howl's Moving Castle". Everyone in that movie is a complete moron.  No one makes a smart decision the ENTIRE film. And when they're not being moron's they're just insane.
Princess Mononoke has a lot of that same problem.

It's why I like Kiki's Delivery Service, Porcor Rosso, and Arietty.  A lot less crazy/stupid.  And a lot more relatable characters.

I never realised that so many of the characters in Howl were bad decsion makers! :D I must give it another watch. I have to say I have a soft spot for Howl, I think some of the characters were really fun, like Calcifer and that little kid. Its based on a novel by British writer Diana Wynn Jones , and. I really must give it a read.
Quote from: Cursed Earth Dweller on 02 October, 2012, 01:04:15 PM
This thread couldn't have come at a better time, turns out my local cinema is showing an early midnight screening this friday and saturday before Dredd officially premiers in Holland on October 11, and on my birthday too! Woo hoo, awesome as der cucumber or what!

I'll tell you guys what I thought of it when I get back but I am pretty sure I'm bound to love it.

wow! Its about time it premiered in Holland! Why so late? Anyhow, I'm pretty certain you'll like it CED! Do tell us how it went. : )
Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
02 October, 2012, 04:15:46 PM
Quote from: Dash Decent on 02 October, 2012, 12:43:16 PM
Quote from: Mabs on 29 September, 2012, 12:00:38 AM
Oh my grud! This 2000AD thing is taking over my life! Last night I woke up screaming in my sleep,  ''whats the matter?''' Cried my missus. ''it was terrible''' I cried ''i saw myself getting attacked by Snap, Crackle and Pop, and they were draining the life out of me!'' ''oh well'' cried my wife calmly ''looks like no more Rice Krispies for you then''!

Does the story end there, or is it a serial?

I'll get my coat.

Lol! It ends there thankfully!  :D
Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
02 October, 2012, 11:21:50 AM
Just received my package this morning and I am absolutely elated! A really nice variety of Progs and I cannot wait to get started on them! I will treasure them for years to come!

Thank you SBT! You're a star! What I lovely way to be welcomed into the forum! : )


Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
02 October, 2012, 09:09:10 AM
I just finished reading the first volume of Sweet Tooth last night - and it was drokkin' awesome! Lemire's artwork is stunning. I read The Underwater Welder not too long ago and fell in love with his storytelling. He's a name I will definitely look out for in the future.
Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
01 October, 2012, 06:09:35 PM
Quote from: orinAGN on 01 October, 2012, 05:59:44 PM

Akira, Appleseed, Bubblegum Crisis (and Bubblegum Crash, as I recall) and Dominion Tank Police, Ghost in the Shell are all awesome.

QuoteI have nearly all of Hiyao Miyazaki's films. My 4 year old boy love's watching them (Ponyo and Spirited Away being his faves).

I have very mixed feelings about Miyazaki.
Though, I do love LOVE Kiki's Delivery Service.  My favorite is Porco Rosso!
I got very tired of his other movies very fast.  I used to love Princess Mononoke.  But now, I can barely sit through it.  And I never liked Howl's Moving Castle, or Nausicaa.

And YES!  I love Vampire Hunter D and Bloodlust!  And definitely Ninja Scroll.
Glad to see we have a lot of common tastes.

Lol! You're right mate and I should've mentioned it that Bubblegum Crash was called 'Crisis' in the U.K! So just a slight difference. But yeah, glad to see we share the same tastes in Anime! I understand what you mean by Miyazaki's film's, sometimes it can seem a little long, and slow paced. But I think theres a certain beauty to his film's, and a lot of messages you can take from them mainly about the eco system and man's folly. There's a feeling of innocence in most of his films which I like. But then again I also love my more grown up Anime like Ninja Scroll and Urotsukidoji!  :D
Quote from: adogg4629 on 01 October, 2012, 05:45:26 PM
QuoteIt was like Judge Dredd in The City of God.

I like that.  It would really be something if the producers were able to launch a TV series of this (akin to City of Men), focusing on the lives of the people in that big MEG.  I liked your write up.


Thanks mate! Thats the first thing which hit me when watching it, that it seemed so real, like it was taking place in some of the most deprived and dangerous place in the world. And Ciry of God was the first thing which popped into my head (a brilliant film by the way). Its as if the writer/ director gave us a glimpse into our nightmare future. Thats one of the reasons why I found the film so thrilling and visceral (not to mention scary aswell!).
Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
01 October, 2012, 05:41:25 PM
Quote from: orinAGN on 01 October, 2012, 03:17:47 PM
Quote from: Mabs on 28 September, 2012, 05:08:01 PM
Greeting everyone!

It feels great to be part of this drokkin' awesome forum!

Growing up i'm ashamed to say I wasn't that familiar with Dredd. Sure I read the odd programme here or there, but I was more a Tin Tin/ Asterix and Manga nut.


Hey hey! I'm a newbie, too! But welcome all the same!

Just wanted to share.  I love Tin Tin, too!  I grew up reading and watching Tin Tin all the time.
One of my closest friends was an Asterix & Obelix nut. And he showed me a lot of those strips and cartoons.
Also, I'm a big Anime & Manga nut, myself. Glad to see you are too.
What are some of your favorites?

Hi orinAGN! Yeah I was a big fan of Anime/ Manga growing up. I was a fan of Akira, Appleseed (Masamune Shirow's artwork is superb!) and Black Magic (also by Shirow), Bubblegum Crisis and Dominion Tank Police to name but a few. I also read some Ghost in the Shell too. I was a regular reader of UK's Manga Mania magazine and they used to publish these comics every month.  Recently I started collecting the massive Akira volumes by Kodansha (i've got the first four volumes, still got another two to go!). Glad to hear you like Tin Tin too! Even as an adult I still love reading 'em, same goes for Asterix too! Speaking of French comics, recently I started reading the Aldebaran saga (consisting of Aldebaran Vol 1-3, Betelgeuse 1-3 and the recent Antares): its an awesome science fiction story by writer/ artist Leo. I highly recommend them!  :D

And its not just comics too, I love collecting Anime films. I have nearly all of Hiyao Miyazaki's films. My 4 year old boy love's watching them (Ponyo and Spirited Away being his faves). I love Vampire Hunter D, both the original and the sequel Bloodlust by Kawajiri (i'm a big fan of his!) . Ninja Scroll by him, is one of my all time favourite Manga! I love Akira and Ghost in the Shell too.  Recently I watched Black Jack and thought it was superb! So yeah, Anime and Manga is pretty much in my blood! :D
Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
01 October, 2012, 04:41:08 PM
Thank you mate! I'll notify you when I receive 'em.  :D