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Messages - Mabs

Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
01 October, 2012, 03:43:03 PM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 01 October, 2012, 03:32:28 PM
No postage help needed- this board is a very special place and has a long history of 'random acts of kindness', and i like to continue that when i can.


You're a star mate! : )

I sent mine too. I hope your toes get better mate.
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
01 October, 2012, 12:51:14 AM
Quote from: Satanist on 01 October, 2012, 12:27:20 AM
Quote from: Mabs on 30 September, 2012, 08:51:54 PM
I'm reading Y The Last Man (Deluxe Hardcover) book 2

Love Y and really wish it was on HBO  :)

Oh and you're in for a treat with Leviathan.

Thanks mate! Looking forward to reading it. As for Y, I agree, a mere film cannot do it justice, it would have to be a series like The Walking Dead, although much shorter than that!
Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
01 October, 2012, 12:04:25 AM
So SBT, I take it you're still undecided about who wins the progs? I don't blame you mate! ; )
Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
30 September, 2012, 10:24:30 PM
Quote from: PreacherCain on 30 September, 2012, 10:09:19 PM
Hello Mabs! I think I know you from another forum, I go under a more 2000AD-centric name here (but he was a bastard too!) :D

ha ha!  :D

Yeah, i'm known as Nexus Wookie over  'there'! But here I think i'll keep my 'proper' nickname! :D

And I may be mistaken, but I think I know who you are too! Lol!

Thanks mate! Good to be on board! :D
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
30 September, 2012, 08:59:50 PM
Quote from: Aonghus on 30 September, 2012, 08:23:19 PM
Bought Leviathan the other day, mainly for that beautiful D'Israeli artwork, but the story itself was cracking as well! I was really chuffed with it, left me wanting more.

On a similarly nautical theme, I'm pondering The Massive by Wood and Donaldson as my next purchase; any opinions on it?

Leviathan is on top of my (comic book) shopping list! Heard nothing but praise for it. And seeing as I'm enjoying Ian Edginton's Brass Sun in the Prog's, I thought it a must buy!
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
30 September, 2012, 08:51:54 PM
I'm reading Y The Last Man (Deluxe Hardcover) book 2, just halfway through and really enjoying it ! Pia Guerra's artwork is absolutely brilliant. I know a lot of fans have commented on how its too 'pop arty' but I think it complements the story really well. Also reading Judge Dredd Case Files 05; had it delivered (from Amazon) a few days back and have been thoroughly entertained by it!  :D On top of all that just finished 2000AD prog 1802 last night - in a word, superb!
Quote from: AlpineNewt on 30 September, 2012, 06:22:42 PM
Quote from: Mabs on 29 September, 2012, 08:19:26 PM

And the scenes of a skating ramp hundreds of kilometres up in the middle of the sky-scraper showed the insanity of it all. I think his decision to shoot the film in South Africa brought an air of believability to the whole film.

For me that was a pretty scary scene. Can't stand heights!

I concur! Those kids had some guts! If it was me i'd by lying flat on the floor praying to Grud! :D I have a phobia of heights, just the thought makes me queasy  :(
Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
30 September, 2012, 08:30:28 PM
Quote from: AlpineNewt on 27 September, 2012, 07:52:53 PM
Good idea adogg.

I know many don't rate the opening chase seen too highly - what with the modern vehicles and such - but I loved it. I think it set the character up perfectly, Dredd's a hard bastard who won't stop until your cubed or dead and doesn't need any help doing it. I really couldn't help but grin all the way through that scene.


I loved the opening scene! I thought it set up the film perfectly, from the moment the perps hit that poor sod and splatter his remains on the windscreen, you knew you were in for one hell of a ride! You knew this is a Dredd film nothing like what you've seen before.
Welcome to the board / Re: New Readers Start Here!
29 September, 2012, 08:30:40 PM
Just a question about posts.

How long before a newbie can post on the main forums? Is it a matter of time, or depending on post numbers? Because its a little frustrating not being to share in some of the discussion! Especially to post my reviews of The Meg or Progs.

I'm sorry, I know you've probably answered this before but I cannot find it!
Cool idea for a thread! Its a shame we can't post our views on the main threads yet.  :(

Anyhow, I loved the film! It was a non-stop, visceral, ultra-violent, ultra-kick a** thrill ride! I wrote a review of it for a film forum recently and thought i'd post it below if thats okay.


Wow! What a thrill ride! Visceral, bloody, depraved, beautiful (yes beautiful!), but most of all - awesome! Right from the offset from that thrilling opening Lawmaster/ car chase, to the closing scenes of Ma Ma's face getting beautifully splattered on the screen - I was on the edge of my seat, gripping my arm rest like a maniac. I was utterly thrilled, immersed into this nightmarish vision of Mega City, filled with crime, disease and decay. 

It was like Judge Dredd in The City of God.

The action and violence was unrelenting. No flinching from the brutality of it, but made strangely beautiful by the drug induced slo-mo scenes. And for those scenes alone, the choice of 3D was the right choice. You cannot view it any other way. It is visually arresting. Look at the scene of Ma-Ma in the bath, the water droplets dancing like minature planets in orbit,  enhanced further by  that beautiful, uplifting music - visual poetry. Who would've expected to see such beauty in an 'action' flick?

Karl Urban was brilliant as Dredd - his gruff one liners, and ''yeah''s reminded me of Eastwood. The decision to keep his helmet on at all times (save the begining - and even then we don't see his face as it's obscured by shadow) is a good choice. It makes the character more mysterious and harken's back to the comics - we even get Karl Urban grimacing like Dredd - he gets the character down to a T. He is coolness personified. Check out the look on Ma Ma's face when Dredd - after taking a whole floor out to kill Dredd with their firepower -  emerges unscathed from the smoke and cooly throws a baddie over the side! The look on her face shows that she has totally underestimated Dredd. And Dredd is not a man - he is The Law!

Olivia Thirlby as the rookie Anderson was superb and a joy to watch . I don't think i've seen her prior, but what a great choice she was for this role (I wont lie when I say i've fallen in love with her!) And her psychic abilities are awesome to say the least - especially in one stand out scene with the goon they're transporting. How cool was that?! And Lena Headey? This is quite possibly the best role she has played. I believed her as a ruthless, methodical, no bull, head of a drug empire. Her criminal persona like a flip side to Dredd's upholding of law. She was perfect for this role and by the end, I even had a little sympathy for her because she was a product of her environment.

Regarding the look of the film, Pete Travis captures the sprawling  vision of Mega City  with its massive block rising up to the sky like rows of concrete colussus' brilliantly. A concrete jungle -  a chilling look into the future, a future wherin over-population, crime, decay run rampant. And the scenes of a skating ramp hundreds of kilometres up in the middle of the sky-scraper showed the insanity of it all. I think his decision to shoot the film in South Africa brought an air of believability to the whole film.

I loved the music (by Paul Leonard-Morgan) for the film too, and thought it complemented the film perfectly. Especially in those tense action scenes.

Finally Judge Dredd has a film worthy of his legendary name! I admit there are a few minor quibbles, the film's low budget does show in some places, but in a way it makes it more gritty and real. And therefore the experience was more thrilling, than if it were a big budget film. And of course with bigger budget comes the pressure to dial down the violence - compromising the directors vision in the process. In an age where the whole film industry is filled with 12 rated fodder - Dredd is a breath of fresh air. I wish Dredd becomes a success, and hopefully it can signal a change for Hollywood to make more comic-book/ science-fiction/ action film's for adult's. As for Dredd, I really hope we get a sequel. The Dredd universe is so rich that the possibilties are endless -  Judge Dredd kicking a** on Cursed Earth?  Now there's a film I would gladly go pay to see.


So a wicked film as a whole! I think the film's comparison to The Raid is a tad unfair as both went into production at roughly around the same time. I thought it was a sterling effort from Pete Travis. I did have a thought though, if (hopefully) we do get a sequel,  I believe the director's vision would be to stay in stylistic tone as the first film. But would there be room for character's like Judge Death or Walter to appear, seeing as Travis' film is grounded in a certain reality?

Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
29 September, 2012, 12:15:04 AM
Thanks guys! A pleasure to be part of this awesome forum!  :D
Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
29 September, 2012, 12:00:38 AM
Oh my grud! This 2000AD thing is taking over my life! Last night I woke up screaming in my sleep,  ''whats the matter?''' Cried my missus. ''it was terrible''' I cried ''i saw myself getting attacked by Snap, Crackle and Pop, and they were draining the life out of me!'' ''oh well'' cried my wife calmly ''looks like no more Rice Krispies for you then''!

Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
28 September, 2012, 09:26:52 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 28 September, 2012, 05:13:04 PM
welcome aboard Mabs  :wave:

Thanks mate! : )
Welcome to the board / Re: NEW READERS: WIN FREE PROGS!
28 September, 2012, 06:31:15 PM
Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 28 September, 2012, 07:04:28 AM
BUMP! Nobody want free progs?


Yes please! And I'm from London by the way. :lol: