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Messages - the shutdown man

Film & TV / Re: V for Vendetta Trailer.........
20 December, 2005, 07:30:39 PM
I thought it looked cool. And I don't think it really matters that we know what Hugo looks like, he has the perfect voice for the part. Aside from the dominoes too, there are a few images in the trailer that look like they were lifted straight from the comic, so it's all shaping up pretty nicely..... Also, as for the bullet-time/dagger thingy, I don't see what the problem is that everyone has with it, but one particularly nice touch in the trailer is when V throws the dagger straight at the screen, you can see a guy's face reflected in the blade.

Yeah, I was pretty bored the other day, but I still found it......
Film & TV / Re: X-Men 3 Trailer and Pics.........
06 December, 2005, 05:12:10 PM
As for Magneto in the forest, there's also Juggernaut, Pyro, and the guy who played Sing in Saw, but I don't know who he's playing here. There's no-one else I recognise. And yeah, Vinnie's wearing a muscle suit. Still looks silly.
Film & TV / Re: X-Men 3 Trailer and Pics.........
06 December, 2005, 06:44:52 AM
Now that's a pretty damn cool trailer. Beast looks cool in it, much better than he did in that linked photo, and some of the action scenes look damn impressive. I was worried about Ratner taking this over, but it seems like he's actually doing a pretty good job. The only thing I'm still worried about now is Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut, but you never know....
Film & TV / Re: X-Men 3 Trailer and Pics......
06 December, 2005, 01:23:32 AM
That's just the intro to the website, there's a proper trailer due out in a few hours.
Film & TV / X-Men 3 Trailer and Pics
06 December, 2005, 12:05:09 AM
The trailer's not up yet, it's due sometime today, but here are the first official picture from the film, including Beast and Angel. Is there hope after all?
General / Re: Sinister Dexter - Death shall ...
20 December, 2005, 07:19:21 PM
Something that only occured to me recently, and maybe it's been pondered here before,(or maybe I just missed one really important bit of dialogue) but if Apellido is a clone of Holy Moses, who went and got a clone made of Moses in the first place?
General / Re: Sinister Dexter - Death shall ...
08 December, 2005, 08:25:39 PM
A great episode with only one real mistake; "You have the right to know that I love you Ray Dexter." What were they thinking? :)

But, this has really got me giving a shit about Sin/Dex again, like I haven't done in a long time, in fact pretty much since they finished the aftermath of the Eurocrash arc.
And while it's a damn shame about Dex, I hope they don't do what they did with Finny years ago when they killed Moses, namely Finny ends the story with a mortal wound, then in the next story Dex appears alone, everyone assumes Finny's dead and five episodes later Finny appears in bandages. Not cool.

General / Re: Sinister Dexter - Death shall ...
04 December, 2005, 07:37:38 PM
Could The Mover perhaps be that guy from the same storyline in which the alternate Moses appeared, I can't remember his name but he was Finny's old mentor or something? Pure speculation, but that could be interesting... Either way, I'm really liking this story, it's been a while since Sin/Dex have had something this good.
General / Re: Red Seas Underworld: Too Slow?...
02 December, 2005, 10:33:47 PM
I can see all those points, but as for the Mandroid/Leatherjack one, I'd say this: to me anyway, those stories may have been slow paced but they never actually felt slow moving. That's what I'd define as the difference: something important happened every week, while in Underworld, it just feels stretched out. Personally I feel they could have told the story they've told so far in half the time. And I don't think they even have done a lot of fleshing out of the characters, just a few bits and pieces here and there.
General / Red Seas Underworld: Too Slow?
02 December, 2005, 08:10:04 PM
Does anyone else reckon Underworld is taking ages to get going? I loved the first two Red Seas stories, but with them, within the first couple of episodes, important storylines had been laid down, and the crew was actually going somewhere. Here, we're eight eps in, and to me anyway, it doesn't feel like much has happened. Okay, we've found out about Jack's dad and brother, some lizard guys have appeared, but it wasn't until last week's episode that they actually got on a ship and went anywhere.
Film & TV / Re: Superman Returns Trailer......
18 November, 2005, 07:29:35 PM
I heard it won't be showing with Harry Potter in Europe though, just in the states. Still, the trailer kicks all kinds of ass. I need to see more....
Film & TV / Mercy Point/Heights
11 November, 2005, 04:51:50 AM
I don't know why this popped into my head recently, but I was just curious, did anyone ever actually see Mercy Point? If you don't know, it was a very briefly run tv show about a space station/hospital, that sounded a hell of a lot like 2000ad's Mercy Heights, but I never got the chance to see it, so just wondering if anyone else did. And if so, was it any good?
Film & TV / Re: Eighth Wonder of the World.......
08 November, 2005, 03:53:32 AM
Personally I can't wait. That moment of silence when Kong and the V-Rex (for that is apparently what it's called, not a T-Rex. I've no idea why.) come head to head for the first time, Kong looks at Rex, glances down at Ann, then back up at Rex, and then they both charge.....that is how one makes a film trailer. And Kong's facial expressions look brilliant too.

Three hours ain't gonna be long enough.
Film & TV / Re: Watchmen: The film that wouldn...
06 November, 2005, 11:30:59 PM
Norton and Bale for Rorschach and Ozymandias are actually pretty cool ideas, they wouldn't have occured to me. Strangely enough, when I recently ran a google image search for "Watchmen Rorschach", a picture of Andy Serkis came up. Does this mean he's being considered? And also legend has it that Jude Law is very interested in this if it gets made, and I'd say if he was in it,it'd be as Veidt.

But Stallone and Arnie should not be allowed within spitting distance of this film/miniseries/whatever it ends up being....
General / Re: Anyone else remember OUTLAW?.....
25 October, 2005, 10:23:56 PM
Okay, point taken, but that was just one guy's style. And to be fair, I don't think he really did much else in AD, so maybe somebody got the message. But I seem to remember most of the artwork being up to scratch at least, if not better. (Like I said, Davis and Langley being the front runners)