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Messages - jackstarr

Games / Re: Morrowind
25 October, 2013, 02:36:13 PM

...I'd suggest always keeping a couple of cure disease potions with you, as getting a disease mid-fight or out in the wilderness can often have fatal consequences.  I'm pretty sure the first shopkeeper you meet in Seyda Neen stresses this advice too.
Games / Re: Morrowind
25 October, 2013, 02:29:32 PM
From your other thread:
Posted by: The Doctor Alt 8
« on: Today at 12:41:57 PM »

Help! I think that I have caught something ( and I have been sooo careful) I only have 3 health points... Harth heal doesn't work. I have taken a cure poison potion and that didn't work either... Strength was at 0 until I took a potions to cure that... But fortitude is stuck at 0 and I can't get the panacea scroll to work... At least it doesn't work like using everything else.... Advice please  ( twitch I am a n addict )

Ok, cure poison won't work, as it looks like you've contracted a disease rather than been poisoned - so you'll need a cure disease potion (or scroll, or spell).  You can make a potion yourself if you know the ingredients (don't cheat though, it's more fun to discover these things as you go), or you can buy a spell, potion or scroll from a vendor.

Hopefully you've contracted a common disease rather than the Blight (which is part of the main quest) - do you know the name of the disease?  If unsure, look at the icons at the bottom right of your screen - you should see a red icon which denotes a negative active effect).

If you mean the Scroll of Daydene's Panacea, that should do the trick if you cast it correctly (you select it and cast it as a spell, and the scroll will vanish from your inventory.  There's always a chance a spell can fail in Morrowind (can't remember if this applies to scrolls though).  I'd suggest always keeping a couple of
If lowering the settings doesn't help, then it's worth updating your graphics card drivers.

And just to discount other possibilities - are you running any mods, and have you messed about with your Skyrim ini files at all?
Yep, that advice is sound - a good clean can help sometimes!
Are you on a laptop or desktop?

The 5670 is a mid-range GPU, it's not top of the range and may be struggling if you try and run Skyrim on higher settings that the card can cope with - so that may be part of the issue - if you try lowering your settings in the launcher, do you still get the strobing?
Games / Re: A long time ago..
24 October, 2013, 06:29:27 PM
I do indeed remember the Amiga - in fact I have one set up in my games room now (along with my commodore 64, binatone, and other miscellaneous early machines)

Do you mean the official Monty Python game for the Amiga?

Video of the game -
Games / Re: Morrowind
24 October, 2013, 06:21:30 PM
These are the "Boots of Blinding Speed", and hence will blind you when worn!

Morrowind is a game of trade-offs - you get superspeed, but at the expense of being able to see clearly.

Luckily there's a way to get around this - you can use resist magicka to minimise the blinding effect and allow you to see much better.

These boots are also unique and collectable - there's a museum in the expansion Tribunal, and you can sell the boots to the museum for decent cash.
QuoteBought Morrowind. will get oblivion when finished and the two expansion packs.
That may take you a while! :)
How are you finding Morrowind so far?
Morrowind has plenty of mods of its own, so if you find anything a little too old-fashioned, there are mods which do anything from improve the visuals to be on par with Skyrim's, to mods which make the combat less clunky.  If nothing else, I find the Morrowind Code Patch essential which fixes many game-breaking bugs - you can get it from

QuoteDon't suppose you've come across a fix for this bug? I bought Skyrim for PC via Steam, but it's unplayable as it keeps strobing - if you look at something dark or at the ground it stops, but as soon as you look up and can see any sky or light-sources, the whole screen starts strobing yellow. I've not been able to find any helps so far.

It sounds like an issue with your graphics card - do you know which card you're using?

Does this sound like your issue?

£9.99 rather than £10?

Well, that makes all the difference - that means it's well within my budget now.


Yep, if you're looking at modding Oblivion, follow a few rules and you'll be fine:

1) Install one mod at a time.  Play the game for a couple of hours or until you're happy with the mod, before installing another mod.  Don't install loads of mods at once - if there's an issue, you won't know what caused it.  Install one mod at a time, and you'll be fine.

2) Read the mod description and the comments section on the downloads page for that mod.  Many common problems are caused by not reading the instructions - for example, one mod might require another mod, or might have optional files that require another mod.  It's all common sense really!

3) Load order is important.  This is the order in which the game loads your mods (the order in which you'll see them listed in the game launcher), and is important because because of the "rule of one" - only one mod can edit the same thing at the same time.   Fortunately there's a program called "BOSS" (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) which automatically detects your mods and puts them in the correct order.  This will sort out many compatibility issues.  There's also a tool called "Wrye Bash" which will allow you to "bash" the more complex mods together to make sure you have full compatibility with all your mods.
Forgot to link to the UOP -

Unofficial Oblivion Patch -

If you're getting the Game of the Year Edition (and I think that's all that's available now?) you'll also be getting the official expansions, so you'll want the Unofficial Patches for the expansions too:

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch -
Unofficial DLC Patch (for the other smaller expansions) -
For PC, you'll be absolutely fine.

The official patches don't cover many of the bugs, but fortunately there is the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) which fixes pretty much everything.

Installing the unofficial patch is a breeze - just install the Nexus Mod Manager first, click on the UOP, and it installs it all for you.  This is all completely safe (and recommended).

For a full list of what the UOP fixes, take a peek here:

I'm a bit of a guru when it comes to the Elder Scrolls games - I'd heartily recommend any of them - you get more than your money's worth as it is, and you can extend your game time on PC exponentially by using any of the fan-made "mods" for the game - anything from improving the graphics to be more on par with current-gen games, to new quests, to bugfixes, to completely changing the game mechanics.  Some modders have since gone on to bigger things - for example one of the guys who made mods for Oblivion became a developer & designer for Fallout New Vegas.

If you have any other questions, fire them at me  :D
Games / Re: Skyrim
20 August, 2013, 02:49:22 PM
You're *never* done with Skyrim  :D

Which platform are you on?  If you're on PC, mods keep the game going indefinitely - from Immersive Creatures ( to Falskaar ( by way of Frostfall ( - there are mods that'll keep you playing forever...

If you're not on PC, then go get it on PC :P
General / Re: What age group was/is 2000AD aimed at?
08 August, 2013, 06:38:37 PM
QuoteAll ages ≠ kiddies. All ages means just that.
"All ages" suggests to me a narrative which works on multiple levels - a clear story which can be understood by younger readers, and a subtext which can be read by a more mature reader.  I don't see much in the way of this in DC's general output.  As Mister Pops points out,
QuoteThen why does their output read like it's aimed at puerile adolescent boys?
- puerile is the key here - there's no sophistication or maturity in most comics, but at the same time the violence and explicit content often make it unsuitable for the young reader.

QuoteAlso: the argument that kids aren't interested makes no sense. As I have said before: Little Jimmy McHypothetical can get up in the morning, go to school in a Batman t-shirt, with his sandwiches in a Batman lunchbox, spend his breaks scooting around on a Batman skateboard, come home and play Batman video games and watch Batman cartoons... the only people who don't want to sell little Jimmy a Batman product are DC Comics.
It makes perfect sense - geek culture for the past few years has been fashionable and culturally "cool" both for adults and in the playground, and Little Jimmy McHypothetical is happy to be associated with these "cool" brands.  And as I mentioned before, watching tv/films and playing both in real life and in videogames is a much more immediate form of entertainment than reading, which is often much more associated with schoolwork - something kids have to do rather than enjoy doing.  Comics are a pretty old-fashioned form of entertainment in the eyes of many.  If kids do any reading these days it'll either be for schoolwork, or will be in bite-size chunks on their iphone or ipad - which is one of the reasons I think anthologies may be more likely to keep their attention than a 20 page comic.

QuoteAs I have said so many times in these sort of discussions that it makes me wonder if I'm speaking a foreign fucking language: in this country, at least, pre-teen comics are one of the few areas of traditional publishing showing growth. The problem is that the kids get to about ten and suddenly no one has a product for them.
Are we now considering the age of ten to be the age at which one enters their teens?  Things have changed since I was young!  :D
The growth area of "pre-teen" is I suspect heavily focused on the younger side of things - more of a "read with mother" situation - I'd be surprised if there are kids older than 8 or 9 actively wanting to buy a comic to read themselves.  I may be all wrong about this, of course - feel free to throw some facts at me!

QuoteI always thought the point of DC or Marvel characters having four or five monthly books each was so they could publish at least one title without any cock mutilation, zombie rape, or politics. Y'know, for kids.
Yeah, but it's "edgy", y'know?
General / Re: What age group was/is 2000AD aimed at?
08 August, 2013, 04:59:22 PM
QuoteI've no idea how DC fogets that these 45 year olds weren't always 45.
QuoteBecause Dan Didio is a fucking idiot.
Both true, but realistically it *is* the 45 year olds buying comics these days - kids today have other, much more immediate forms of entertainment at their fingertips than those 45 year olds had when they were younger.
There are still DC comics suitable for the kiddies - the recent "Batman '66" being just one such example - it may be aimed at oldies, but is also suitable for younger children, if only they had the interest in the first place...