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Messages - jackstarr

Or you just playing Skyrim?

Funny, you should mention Skyrim, as I did call my first character in this game Slaine! Even though he was of the Nordic race. Perhaps I should have made him a Breton instead. I really must resume playing this game.
Hah!  I try and break my Skyrim addiction by returning to the 2000ad community, and what do I find here but more Skyrim!  I'm literally addicted to that game, not so much in terms of playing, but in terms of modding the pc version - if you're on PC and you haven't played for a while, you should really check out some of the new mods. 
And with that note I shall relapse and load up the Skyrim Creation Kit to finish off those mods I was in the middle of making...
Only as long as it has the same "whack-a-mole" text options as on the original 8-bit game  :lol:

On a serious note, I had that game for the commodore 64, and the attempt to give a text-based adventure a GUI was a complete failure - I dug out the game a couple of years ago, and if anything it's more frustrating now.

It did have great music though -
General / Re: Preview art for McMahon's Slaine
08 August, 2013, 10:18:55 AM
QuoteYes. It's sort of like conversations I've had with people who complain that characters in manga don't look like 'real' people. I have to point out to them that the collection of marks that denote people in US and European comics don't actually look like real people, either. It's just that we've collectively come to accept that visual shorthand as meaning nose, eyes, whatever, and western artists can find themselves meeting audience resistance when they deviate too far from that shorthand.
I agree - it's the audience's expectations that define their reaction.
From my experience, the resistance to manga is based on a number of factors:
1) It's cartoony, to the extent that an adult reader can feel embarrassed reading something where the visual design looks as though it is aimed at young children.  Some people want something that just looks a little more adult.
2) The narrative syle of a typical manga story.  In the same way that US superhero comics follow similar beats and tropes, most anime also follows certain standards.  As was pointed out, western readers are so used to the cliches of western comics that they are often ignored.  Anime is less integrated into western society, and so the similarities between publications are more striking.  A similar comparison between western comics and manga would be a typical Hollywood flick compared with one from Bollywood.  Or music - fans of dance music love some tracks and hate others, but to those not into the scene, all tracks can sound pretty much the same.
Megazine / Re: Meg 335 - Reaper Files
25 April, 2013, 04:18:09 PM
Well, I have to say that I'm finding the Meg far superior to the prog at the moment.  Other than Stickleback (which I like for the art) there's not much for me in the prog - but I really do think that the Meg is on top form at the moment.

The sheer variety of styles on offer is in itself a delight.

Dredd - really enjoyed this one-off - nice to see John Burns back on Dredd, and Michael Carroll has been writing some cracking Dredds of late.  Wagner's on a break, GRennie seems to have lost his touch since he took his long break, and the Robs have never really clicked for me when writing Dredd - but Michael Carroll on Dredd doesn't seem to disappoint.   

Interrogation - enjoyable enough as filler.

Dan Fransisco - what a splash page!  As for the story, it depends where things go from here - Francisco is a complex character who has been through a lot - and mixing action with character-based drama could be a winning mix.  Just hope they don't turn Dan into another one-dimensional judge and actually do something interesting with him - the political undertones could be very interesting.

American Reaper - Nice centre page splash.  Once you get past Pat's expositionary dialogue (not as cringeworthy as usual) and the usual exagerrated facial expressions there's a summer blockbuster in there somewhere.  Not only that, but it's short which also allows us to have...

Tipping Point - Cracking art by Fay and a nice little story.

Twisted Tales - always been a fan of these...just wonder how far Bob can take the whole "tiny creature" idea.  Nice art, and following Reaper it really reinforces that you don't need to "say" when you can just "show".

Going Wheely - I like these short stories - far better use of space than reviews, and this one is pretty good.

These alone would be worth the money, but then to finish off with -

Insurrection - a real gem...the first series was probably the most enjoyable thing for in the meg me for many years, and although sequels never quite reach the same heights, the two following series are still hitting a pretty high bar.

And then I realise there's also the bagged collection - haven't read this yet, but nice to have yet something else in the package:)
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd 2D
07 September, 2012, 06:09:54 PM
Thanks for the info - Crawley does appear to be the closest, and is a heck of a lot closer than the other locations I'd seen it for...but getting there and back would be a bit of a trek!
Film Discussion / Dredd 2D
07 September, 2012, 05:55:29 PM
It seems that pretty much everywhere is only showing Dredd in 3D.

There are a few exceptions where it's showing in 2D, but I'm in the south-east (Kent/London borders) and I can't find it in 2D anywhere remotely near me.

I'm unable to view passive 3D due to my eyesight (active 3D works fine) - surely I'm not going to have to wait until it's out on Blu-Ray before I'll be able to see it?
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
14 July, 2012, 04:00:39 PM
Ready and waiting for you...
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
14 July, 2012, 02:04:28 PM
Ok, no probs - am making my own chamber in the Portal 2 editor at the moment...just sign in whenever you're ready let me know.
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
14 July, 2012, 09:38:12 AM
Good morning - I'm up earlier than expected!

Are you free any time today between 1pm and 5pm to game?  Can't do later than 5pm today.

Or tomorrow the same time?

I just checked your Steam profile just to see if you were online and it says you were last online 15 days ago, and "This user has not yet set up their Steam Community profile.  If you know them encourage him/her to set up their profile and join in on the gaming!"...I don't know if you need to do this before we can play?

Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
13 July, 2012, 06:17:54 PM
Ok great, well it won't be first thing tomorrow morning, that's for sure  :)

Is it ok if I confirm things with you when I'm up and about tomorrow?   Maybe arrange for Sunday?
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
11 July, 2012, 01:42:59 PM
ok, let's make it the weekend...need to check with my significant other if we have any plans for either day, but in the meantime when would be best for you?
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
10 July, 2012, 11:13:42 AM
Sorry, didn't see your post in time!  I had my friends settings turned off in Steam as well, but have now turned them on.  I can be available this evening 7-9pm, Thursday any time during the day, or at the weekend.
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
05 July, 2012, 07:17:21 PM
Aha - it now says invitation when you accept we can arrange to co-op.
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
05 July, 2012, 06:51:24 PM
Ok, I tried to add you as a friend, but it said:
"This user has not yet set up their Steam Community profile.
If you know them encourage him/her to set up their profile and join in on the gaming!"

Have you set up a Steam Community profile?

Do you want to try and add me as a friend on Steam, see if it works for you?
Games / Re: Portal 2 Co-Op
05 July, 2012, 11:06:00 AM
Are you Cyberleader2000 on Steam as well?  Just want to check before I add that user to my friends...

My steam username is jackstarr.