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Messages - frazer

General / Re: while you weren't listening...
15 April, 2002, 11:28:02 AM
yep, says it all there.

plug june 12th plug plug

and borderline are sposed to be doing some feature on it too.

General / Re: Warrior reprints in the Meg?.....
14 April, 2002, 07:03:39 AM
There are always many reasons why comics cease to be, and it ain't always the simple conclusion that "it didn't sell enough".

i do know, that at every UKCAC that ahppened after warrior stopped the "ideal" comic that was suggested in the panels held there was b/w, monthly, short strips, serialised...Warrior in fact.
Many brave souls have since started comics ont heir own and failed. none of them followed the editorial path that 2000ad or warrior used, and most were run by utter idiots who pissed money up against the wall. but i still maintain that if well organised and properly maintained, a "warrior clone" could do well, even in todays market place, tho tharg and I have had many drunken arguments about this.

General / Re: Tax Returns
13 April, 2002, 08:02:57 AM
Hey, I needed you in december!
i have my own accountant now.

mind you, having a hell of a time converting those galactic groats into pounds....

General / Re: The BBC discovers comics.........
14 April, 2002, 01:45:28 AM
apparently in the latest CI i have noticed that it was I, not Carlos, who was the artist on necropolis.

not only that, but Si Fraser was at the 25th anniversary party whilst he was also in africa.

amazing talent, that...

Other Reviews / Re: Canon Fodder returns
12 April, 2002, 04:09:05 PM
So you keep saying, floyd.

General / Re: Swipe It!
09 April, 2002, 05:19:17 AM
i dunno...this is a murky area for sure...

being an artist, i know how much rewferencing goes on in art naturally, and when a reader sees theft, and artist sees vague similarity etc. for instance, i've used a very specific image of the halls of justice in the death strip (only one panel of course) which i  chose because it needed to be instantly clear in that one panel that this was the halls of funting justice, and not just any old building.

on the other hand the real issue of swiping comes in more subtle forms, such as Adam Hughes' complaints that many american artists literally lightboxed his figures from one illustration into another, changing the costume but basically letting him do all the hard work.

there is a fine line between homage and theft i agree, but i'm of the inclination that one should err on the side of Homage before hurling accusations of swipage at any artists.

hell, i've had a few "berni wrightson" swipe accusations meself. the bastards.

General / Re: Swipe It!
09 April, 2002, 12:59:32 AM
"A little harsh - IIRC, that was originally a 2000ad cover and Mark Harrison added "after Frazetta" (or was it Steranko?) under his signature to indicate the original source. "

this is true. in fact, iraised this point in Comics International when another reader accused Mark of "swiping" the image.

the thing is, in context the homage is totally appropriate. maybe many younger readers (or hardcore 2000ad readers who missed the warren  magazines) won't get the connection, but seeing as that cover is considered a classic the reference should be crystal clear.

the only times i've seen genuine cases of "swiping" have been when lesser known images (mainly interiors) have been stolen out of laziness.

other covers that have been repeatedly pastiched (sp?) have been the cover to fantastic four #1, giant sized xmen #1, amazing fantasy (spidey's first showing) #37 i think, and o i could go on. but i won't.

The credit to frazzetta was indeed on the original cover, but has tragically been removed from the cover of the reprints.

General / Re: so THAT'S why the b@stards won...
10 April, 2002, 06:42:11 AM
"I still don't see how writing a synopsis has anything to do with writing a good story or script though - it's an entirely different set of skills needed."

one could equate it to an artists skills, like "why do they need a sketch, when it's a totally different skill to doing my uber-oil painted meisterwork?"
in this biz one needs to be able to summarise effectively and easily, otherwise the cogs of creativity seize up.
the best writers i know are very good at pitching stories of various lengths verbally, wether it be down the pub or on the telephone.
likewise, the best artists are also able to display ideas as sketches and thumbnails without explaining "it'll all make sense in the final drawing".

General / Re: Submissions for FSes
07 April, 2002, 10:34:23 PM
"p.s. I'll leave the last word on the Terror Tale to Dr Terrible...

"That was truly diabolical..."

no no the best line was "my feet are killing  me" :)

Off Topic / Re: hey fraston!
01 April, 2002, 07:55:33 PM

this is what happens when i have multpile buddies hanging out on message boards:)

where did you see the "fort" series promoted then? was it in previews? o goodie:)

basically it's a 4 part b/w series for Dark Horse which i'm still kinda drawing, set to see print on june 12th plug plug plug.

that's it really.
