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Messages - Bat King

Often so with Hollywood.  They also stink at historical films.

But sometimes films work out ok.
Games / Re: PLAY DREDD
23 April, 2011, 05:07:06 PM
I'm currently running a one-on-one adventure for a 6 year old Cadet set in 2116 entitled Academy of Law: Year 2.

John Caliber is running Black View - a mission set on a stretch of Black Atlantic Wall

Upcoming games this year include The Trouble with Calculation (mine - in June) in June; New Cells (John Caliber - in July); BRIT-CIT BEAT: No Murders Before Midnight (John Caliber - in October)

I will be running one in August and October but I haven't settled on which plots I will run then.  December will bring AoL: Year 3.

New players always welcome:
Quote from: Colin MacNeil on 23 April, 2011, 03:50:18 PM
Quote from: malkymac on 21 April, 2011, 01:50:24 PM
Dredd seems to age in real time so he can't have that long left anyway if he is pushing 70.

Well, if currently we're looking at working to seventy, then what would the retirement age be in a hundred years time? With all their technological/medical advances, Dredd might have another fifty years left till retirement!  :D

Quite so, at 70 he is not over the hill.  I commented earlier that with rejuve technology etc he should be considered as being in very good conition still.  Maybe Rico (current one that is) might be a tad faster but Joe would still have the edge from experience.
Film & TV / Re: Moffatt: Suggestions wanted for...
23 April, 2011, 03:05:55 PM
Dead things in masks.

Whether they are little boys wearing a gas mask or skeletons in space suits.  Robots in masks, statues that are an entire living mask in a way...
Off Topic / Re: RIPs
23 April, 2011, 02:58:04 PM
Still not come to terms with Lis Sladen dying.  Odd how much the death of someone you never met can affect you.

I recall earlier episodes without her, but only the Doctor, his earlier assistants I know better from reading about them or on DVD.  I just remember he had different women with him, and the Brigadier.  So though Spearhead from Space is my earliest recollection of the series Planet of the Spiders is the earliest one I remember actual assistants.

Mark Gatiss sent out a link on Twitter that was poignant

And a reminder, there is a tribute to her on CBBC (18:45 CBBC) tonight after Dr Who (18:00 BBC1)
Prog / Re: Prog 1731
23 April, 2011, 02:35:24 PM
I was torn (pardon the pun) between Dredd and Dante this week.

I saw the secret in Flesh coming, or rather I thought 'it'd be good if...' and turned out to have speculated correctly.
Events / Re: Nort Forum Gathering
22 April, 2011, 07:50:04 PM
You all look like 2000AD readers!!!

Oh wait...
Off Topic / Re: Jury Duty : Justice Will Be Served
22 April, 2011, 06:32:27 PM
I too have been ion Jury Duty.  2 weeks of quite a lot of reading.  They seem to have roughly double the amount of Jurors required.  Someone somewhere must have been and sat on none...

Read when not on a Jury.  Listen when on a Jury.
Due to cloning it is perfectly possible for Dredd to die when Wagner leaves and a clone to take up the name.

If well written it'd be a great story.  Personally I'd want the clone to be holding Dredd in his arms and tell the Meat Wagon crew "He isn't heavy, he's my brother."

I'd find it sad, yet acceptable.  Time moves in most 2000AD stories; I like that.  And time has moved in Dredd, he is old.  But with regen tech and general better Med care him being active at his age is believable to me.

But yeah, you can't kill the strip.  But you could kill Joe.
It is 22/04/11...  I just saw this and I fell for it... OUCH!
Quote from: strontium71 on 21 April, 2011, 10:46:57 AM
What about Stainless Steel Rat? Crying out for at least a trilogy!
Well it was optioned quite a while back...
Books & Comics / Re: Star Wars Omnibus
21 April, 2011, 11:59:42 PM
i loved the Star Wars comic...

Micronauts was great.  Wasn't Warlock one of the back ups too?
General / Re: Charlie says...
21 April, 2011, 08:58:28 AM
Help! / Re: Ant Wars!
21 April, 2011, 08:57:14 AM
Getting rid of ants can be aardvark.
News / Re: City of Dredd (paperback) May!
16 April, 2011, 07:17:15 PM
I'm putting pennies in a jar...

Looking forward to this.