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Messages - Natsan

General / Re: Don't judge a comic by its cov...
07 May, 2003, 05:54:20 AM
I agree,it's a stunning cover.I didn't realise it was by Harrison at first though.

General / Re: Bristol - Travel
23 April, 2003, 11:41:52 PM
Good thing I'm going by National Express then:)

Off Topic / Re: Comics Clobber
30 March, 2003, 04:01:06 AM
This site doesn't have exactly what you want but give it a try,might be something you fancy.

Link:" target="_blank">80's Tees

General / Re: Comics 2003
26 March, 2003, 01:46:37 AM
Hope the link below is of some help.


Link:" target="_blank">Comics 2003 hotels

General / Re: Comics 2003
26 March, 2003, 12:45:54 AM
As everyone from the chat already knows I'll be at Bristol.I shall be mostly manning a table,pimping my art,drinking and looking odd.

General / Re: Ah Vanity, thy name is PJ........
27 March, 2003, 12:12:45 AM
I've finished the pencils for mine but I've just found out that I can't access my webspace til the end of the month so uploading it will have to wait:(

Website and Forum / Re: Chatroom problems
18 March, 2003, 11:06:33 PM
Please keep the lurk function as I like to use that and I know quite a few others do too.

Help! / Re: Met any good scanners recently...
14 March, 2003, 04:11:27 AM
I use a Primax Colorado USB 9600 that I got free with my computer.It's about three years old now but with that and Photoshop it does everything I need it to do.
One day I'll like to have an A3 so I don't have to 'stitch' pages of artwork together again in Photoshop but till then I'm happy with my Primax:)

Off Topic / Re: Oi! Londoners! Look at the sky...
12 March, 2003, 01:48:05 AM
Eh??What was it?Pretty sunset?The Apocalypse?

Bored minds need to know!

General / Re: Dredd design for new film........
10 March, 2003, 04:01:02 AM
What about using neoprene?Seems like a more likely material for a judge to wear than leather.Can't imagine there's many cows in Mega City 1 :)

BTW,neoprene is the stuff they make wetsuits out of,if anyone's wondering......

Off Topic / Re: Carson City art
10 March, 2003, 05:17:49 AM
It's a bit pricey-nearly a fiver a bottle.Plus the only place I know you can get it is the London Graphic Centre.If you don't live in the Big Smoke though you can order it thru their website,just Google for it.
If you've invested in sable brushes to ink with can I recommend also buying the Higgins pen cleaner solution-it's really good for dissolving dried ink in the ferrule of your brush(without dissolving your brush at the same time!).

Off Topic / Re: Carson City art
10 March, 2003, 04:08:07 AM
RE:FW acrylic ink

Yep,it's good stuff.Personally though I use Higgins Black Magic which is great ink although you need to leave the top off for a couple of days to allow evaporation of some excess water.

Off Topic / Re: Carson City art
08 March, 2003, 02:13:14 AM
Blah,I meant to repost my reply tonight but I'm brain dead.Busy day at work with experiments making fertilisers or measuring ascorbic acid content.Try again tomorrow.

Off Topic / Re: Carson City art
08 March, 2003, 12:34:46 AM
Heh,I'm flattered that you think I spent ages on the shirt but the pattern took a matter of minutes with a fineliner:)
As for it being necessary-if a writer specifies a particular outfit(or anything else for that matter)that's what he gets!

Off Topic / Re: Carson City art
07 March, 2003, 04:42:15 AM
It's a page from the first issue of a five issue mini-series.
