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Messages - DoomBot

I could maybe do 2 pages. Click my web link to see my portfolio and let me know if I meet the required standard. Cheers
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello from Derbyshire!
19 February, 2014, 07:14:26 PM
Welcome, FBK

I believe we've met....
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
11 February, 2014, 08:47:38 PM
I quite enjoyed doing this. These one pagers are fun and easy for me to fit around other things so I'd like to do more. Except I'm rubbish at writing them. If anyone has any one page scripts they'd like to work on with me, let me know...

General / Re: OCTOBER ART COMP - 1800AD
18 October, 2013, 08:39:30 PM
Nice work everyone. Here's my ANDERSON:

01 October, 2013, 09:50:14 PM
Well this is hard, but here goes:

1. BenWilsonham - Rogue Trooper
2. Steven Austin - Gerry's Angels
3. Moali - Rogue Trooper

HM -Pictsy - Legend in the Fog, ChrisAskham - Rogue Trooper
19 September, 2013, 07:37:42 PM
Blimey where'd all the fiendy pics come from!

Quote from: ming on 16 August, 2013, 08:57:17 AM
How big is it?  Compared to, say, the Art of Dredd book (or a Case Files volume)?  I'm still tempted to go for this, despite having the extremely rare ( ;)) single Eagle issues...  Will be interesting to hear some more views on this edition, anyway.

About half an inch taller and wider than a standard case book and about three quarters of an inch thick including the chunky hard cover
Termight edition just turned up. It looks ok I guess but I somehow thought it would be bigger. And the book isn't numbered it's just the two postcard things that are numbered which is a shame. I'm number 133.
Creative Common / Re: HdE - LETTERPUNK!
15 June, 2013, 08:46:32 PM
Lettering is such an under appreciated skill. Great work and a great blog too. Bookmarked.
Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
01 June, 2013, 09:29:01 PM
Manga Studio practice - Saturday afternoon's entertainment...

Albion, how did you manage to do that with Procreate? My efforts with that or any other app on the Ipad turn out rubbish so all the more impressive.

Been fiddling with this one on and off for what feels like an eternity:

Great work as always, but Jon, those are just epic. Loving the last one in particular...
Fixed it yet?

I believe some people have resolved tablet issues by selecting (in MS) file->Preferences->tablet and select TabletPC or Wintab (whichever is currently not set) although depending on your PC the TabletPC option may be grayed out. Just a thought....
Crickey  - there's some nice work posted recently. I almost feel this should go in the Doodle thread...

Creative Common / Re: Does my Art look big in this?
23 April, 2013, 08:39:54 PM
Hey Nice Dredd Johnny. Inspired to go do something new in Manga Studio myself now.