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Messages - NikolaiDante

General / Re: BRISTOL 2005 convention photos...
18 May, 2005, 07:54:55 PM
More photos can be found at this link, I thought it better not to flood the thread!

Let me know what you thinK!

Link:" target="_blank">Barny's Comic Con Photos

General / Re: THE BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD......
13 May, 2005, 08:01:16 AM
If I wanted to comission Si to do me one for my next anniversary, which will be TEN YEARS, how do I get hold of him?

BTW See you all at Bristol! Mrs Dante and Mini-Dante are coming as well. You'll recognise mini-Dante as he'll be the only six-year old sitting at the Future Quake table wear his personalised Future Quake T-shirt!

Buy Future Quake, you know it makes sense!
General / Re: Futurequake #4 ... has arrived...
17 May, 2005, 06:02:02 AM
Turned out that the server was one (and hence Future Quake) was in imminent danger of dying and taking everything with it. So the hosting company did an emergency transfer but didn't quite get it right. They've moved one of the databases back and I'm just waiting for them to rescue the one that drives the FQ message board. Nearly there....
General / Address Change For Subscriptions
22 March, 2005, 10:21:11 PM
Hey guys, I've tried 2 or 3 times to write to PMC Maldon to tell them I've moved house but they a) don't ack the request and b) don't change my address!

I've now been moved for over a year.....

Anyone got a phone number or email address I can try?

General / Re: Who's Got A 100% Hit Rate?.......
22 March, 2005, 10:18:12 PM
I'm going for Frazer Irving
Film & TV / Re: Yet another Hitchhikers guide ...
01 March, 2005, 05:41:23 AM
it just keeps playing the bloody annoying commercial!
General / Re: Logan's Laws Of Robotics.........
27 October, 2004, 12:22:44 AM
I'd go for :
A female Judge's hair IS subject to the laws of gravity.

Off Topic / G-Mail Account Competition
04 October, 2004, 05:15:55 PM
I've just received two invitations to create a GMAIL account when I only expected one. (I now have '

So I'm putting the other one up for grabs. If you would like one then post the email address you would like (

The winner will be picked next Monday @ 10am. I will put all the names in the 'hat' and the first one drawn that HAS NOT been created will get the account. I will mail the winner and they need to mail me back their real name.

So get creative! Oh and BTW and have already gone!

Best of luck!


Prog / Re: Prog 1410: City on Fire!...
04 October, 2004, 05:58:24 AM
Help! / Re: MSN Display Pictures
30 September, 2004, 10:14:19 PM
What are MSN Display pictures for start?

General / Re: Re:
30 September, 2004, 07:20:41 PM
Have to agree with Gordon. LoG was just plain wierd.

I also couldn't stand Men Behaving Badly. Talk about milking a joke for all it's worth. The only thing I ever saw that was funny was Maddie waking up with a Kleenex stuck to her face.

Fawlty Towers
Dad's Army
'Allo 'Allo
My Family
Off Topic / Re: HALO to FINN
30 September, 2004, 10:09:52 PM
Actually I'e just reduced it but I did need to resort to foreign languages! :

BASON (Name of a farm and a US Computer company)
BASWN (Welsh for 'would')
BAOWN (American Surname)
Off Topic / Re: HALO to FINN
30 September, 2004, 07:43:39 PM
Since we are going from a name to a name it's only fair that some intermediatory steps can be names as well. BISON to CLOWN was darned hard but I've done a chain of 11 steps.

BESON (A real surname)
MESON (Sub-atomic particle)
MASOE (A real surname)
MASSE (A real surname)
MAOSE (Egyption version of Moses)
COOSE (A real surname)
CLOWE (A real surname)
General / Re: We mean it, maaaaaan
30 September, 2004, 06:20:18 AM
Before you slag Queenie and her family off I suggest you take a good hard look at what they do. (BTW When it comes to the Royals I'm somewhat on the fence)

Some of them do a huge number of engagements each year (I think Princess Anne has been know to do over 300!) also they live in a Goldfish bowl and have to live within very strict guidelines.

Ie They can't 'pop' down the pub, they can't just nip out for a curry with their mates. And so on.

To be honest most of what the Queen 'owns' belongs to the State.

When it comes down to it, although they have what looks like an opulent lifestyle they really are just well dressed prisoners!

Now don't get me wrong, I think the top Royals are sorta okay with the civil list and all but it's the lower end ones that are the spongers.

Deep down would you REALLY like to live like a rich goldfish?

General / Re: UK in the USA
29 September, 2004, 07:44:01 PM
I'd quite like the Nikolai Dante one....
