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Messages - John Caliber

News / Re: City of Dredd (2134 Edition)!!
23 April, 2012, 02:45:32 PM
At the back of CITY OF DREDD 2134, there will be a page of URLs to Dredd sites that readers might be interested in. If you're the webmaster (or Facebook owner) of such a group, feel welcome to submit your http for review.
News / Re: City of Dredd 2134
23 April, 2012, 01:00:04 PM
Press Release for CITY OF DREDD 2134 - published next Monday!

Owing to the way handles PDFs, I don't know what the price will be until I upload the files and see what kind of cut they'll take from each sale. I'm aiming to keep it just under £10.
Games / Re: DREDD VS DEATH (Windows 7)
23 April, 2012, 11:47:03 AM
Thanks for the replies; I forgot to check back!
News / Re: City of Dredd (2134 Edition)!!
19 April, 2012, 03:08:47 PM
News / Re: City of Dredd (2134 Edition)!!
18 April, 2012, 06:51:22 PM
The entire CITY OF DREDD 2134 manuscript is now finished and edited. Tomorrow, work begins on the new cover art, which will be exclusively revealed on the EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO 2000AD blog. Stay tuned, law-jockeys!
I think that John Wagner's only involvement in Judgement Day was that he agreed with Ennis that MC1 being attacked by zombies might be fun. The plot is wafer-thin, not the usual Wagner hallmark.
Prog / Re: Prog 1779: Rise of the Reptoids
14 April, 2012, 12:58:27 PM
[spoiler]Judge Haldene may actually be loyal to Justice Department, but planning to take extreme, unsanctioned measures to save MC1 - in what direction that might take, I have no idea. Notice that he makes it public that he wants the Dark Judges removed fronm their containment, as though he requires help to tackle them. Not exactly the actions of a covert Sov-sympathiser.[/spoiler]
How about popping the Dark Judges in a robot-controlled ship, landing them within Sov-Block territory and then releasing them?

I reckon the Dark Judges will be less interested in slaughtering the MC1 populace if they believe the city is already doomed to fall victim to the Chaos Bug.
WHAT IF.... MC1, devastated by plague, voluntarily freed the Dark Judges to wipe out the Sov-Block population? Using them as a true biological weapon...?
News / Re: City of Dredd (2134 Edition)!!
11 April, 2012, 09:01:57 AM
As CITY OF DREDD, the ultimate Dredd reference book, approaches publication, enjoy the many excerpts featured on
News / Re: City of Dredd (2134 Edition)!!
01 April, 2012, 09:49:26 AM
The poster-sized maps are off the schedule for the time being, owing to lack of time to devote to them (the maps in the PDF, being approx 6x9 inches, would need to be redrawn and have lots of extra detailing added). Maybe in 2013?
News / Re: City of Dredd - NOW ON FACEBOOK.
15 March, 2012, 09:44:01 AM
CITY OF DREDD is the largest JUDGE DREDD reference project ever undertaken. It documents all the localities and the events that occurred within them in MEGA-CITY ONE, Dredd's home.

The original edition of CITY OF DREDD was published in June 2011, in paperback and PDF formats. In 2012, a completely reformatted, edited and expanded update will be published in PDF format in May to tie-in with the cinematic release of DREDD, the second feature film centered on Judge Dredd's thrill-powered exploits.

CITY OF DREDD will be joined in July by WORLDS OF DREDD, a guide to all the locations beyond Mega-City One - on Earth, the Moon, the solar system, deep space and among the Otherdimensions.

Members are wekcome to post questions about the book's contents and maps, and also to fire off questions concerning MC1 history and geography.

Thanking new members in advance!
John Caliber
News / Re: Brett Ewins hospitalised by police
14 March, 2012, 10:35:39 AM
We're seeing a parallel in the recent murder of Afghans by the mentally ill US soldier. They're now talking about the Death Penalty for him! That's just bloody evil .... at best it's Manslaughter, but the guy's in the worst possible place at the worst time. But, since all governments think nothing of sending soldiers to politically legimitate deaths, this soldier's fate is sealed by the slapdash of a pen. A war that no government in its right mind should have entered into ... the lines between enemy and friend blurred, state of the art weaponry readily at hand ... it's the US Army's mismanagement that is at fault.
Games / DREDD VS DEATH (Windows 7)
12 March, 2012, 05:40:44 PM

Will DREDD VS DEATH play on Windows 7? I've done some research on the topic but am still not sure... TIA.
Prog / Re: Prog 1774: Roarhide
12 March, 2012, 05:25:45 PM
The same dramatic license that saw PJ Maybe waltz out of Iso-Block 4...!