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Messages - Diminished Responsibility

I've been saying that the red cross on the visor projects a HUD. bit of imaginary tech to throw of naysayers, never seen it in the comics though.
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
09 July, 2012, 04:44:49 PM
QuoteHmm. If only we could get Stallone to plug this version in an interview. Haha! It's the least he owes us.

Don't think Stallone has much choice in the matter, since Lionsgate are almost certain to run trailers for DREDD on Expendables II.

Oh sweet irony  :D
I have yet to see ONE negative comment from the pre screening in LA, no guarantees that this one is any more legit than the others, but it's my favorite so far!

QuoteSaw this at a screening in LA and LOVE IT. It's so violent, so manic and so much fun. Karl Urban is the kind of actor this project needed – he's no diva, but he commands the screen (even from behind the helmet).

Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
05 July, 2012, 06:15:27 PM
Yeah, I understand what your saying here, for instance; Danny Boyle is well credited with 28 Days later, yet you won't see much mention of Juan Carlos Fresnadillo for directing the follow up.

Still, in this press release they talk about the writer, the actors, the producers and the cinematographer, but not the director? Regardless of the hired gun status, it feels a bit off. He was an important part of the creative team.

Anyway, the big plus I got from reading the press release was that they are all stoked for this move, there's plenty of talk of a franchise and sequels. They sound universally confident that they are bringing us the goods. Yeah its a press release, what should I expect, but it sounds genuine.

Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
05 July, 2012, 04:16:58 PM
There are two quotes from him, but there is nothing on what he brought to the project, at all. He isn't mentioned, Just quoted. Its pretty rare for the director to be unmentioned don't you think?
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
05 July, 2012, 02:44:43 PM
With regards to the press pack...

Seems everyone involved gets a good mention, except Pete Travis. in fact apart from being mentioned in the creative team section, he has only one mention in the entire press pack. That has got to be a first for a director.

Even if there were problems during filming, this appears a bit churlish, and counter productive.
Film Discussion / Re: Links to trailer coverage
03 July, 2012, 08:07:40 PM
This is someones blog, quite a nice browse, dystopian post apocalyspe stuff, Mad Max, upcoming sci-fi movies and a nice screenshot rundown for the DREDD trailer.
From: Anoop Shamim on Facebook, via Getglue
he's an aspiring actor who messaged he was going to see the private screening, followed by a summary of the experience. Seems legit.

"Hi guys I feel the same way about 3D but this one definitely needs to be seen in 3d . The big plot of the movie not too spoil it , but to feel the movie you need to see it in 3D was a badass movie and karl urban was awesome !!! Source ....watched the whole movie last night at a private screening in3D !!!! Full theater and people were clapping and cheering. I am glad I saw it cause I wasn't sure either, lets see how lionsgate market it..."
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd - Offical Trailer
27 June, 2012, 09:38:29 PM
QuoteYeah, but none you'll see outside of SA.. And I don't mean those goofy looking mine protected things. Either way, it's irrelevant now.

That got me curious...
Film Discussion / Re: Fantasy sequel Thread.
27 June, 2012, 09:15:32 PM
If they bring Judge Death into it, then it should be a horror movie, somewhere around 'The Thing' meets 'Alien' ;)

Some of the stuff I remember reading definitely had a fantasy/horror theme to it. We're already getting hard R rated action film, I don't think a hard R rated horror would be a stretch
Welcome to the board / Re: Hello .... and WOW!
24 June, 2012, 02:51:15 AM
Hey man!

I'm pretty new here too, couple o weeks to be precise(ish) so from one old noob to another:

Welcome to the forums, man!

some advice when you get on the movie boards:

Don't post any dodgy shoops (hehe)

Yeah, and mind the oranges...
Film Discussion / Re: Links to trailer coverage
23 June, 2012, 11:27:55 PM
QuoteDon't think this one has been posted yet.

...positive, but extremely minimalist.

Took longer to load up than read ;)
Film Discussion / Re: Dredd (2012)
23 June, 2012, 08:41:01 PM
I've seen this reference to a 'stoic but likable' DREDD more than once, either the same poster or its a crib sheet response by the studio.
I'm starting to believe all these comparisons to The Raid are a BIG, BIG positive! The Raid is a small time subtitled movie that despite all the positive buzz, will not be viewed by the majority of the public. 

REC was a brilliant film which received a lot of positive press, but it didn't get anywhere near the box office of its American remake which came out soon after.

DREDD is bigger and it's American (well set in America anyway lol) The Raid - 30 floors, DREDD - 200 floors. In the land where bigger is better (and subtitles are a turn off) DREDD probably sounds like a must watch movie.

For the average viewer it sounds like a bigger and better version of a film which has a cult following. That usually means more bums on seats.

Well that's why I'm not so worried about it anyway.
Film Discussion / Re: DREDD Trailer!!!
22 June, 2012, 07:59:41 PM
I'm betting that the DREDD trailer is going to run with Expendables II.

I wonder what the Stallone fanboys who have been cluttering up the forums will make of that?

I might go see Expendables just to revel in the moment :)