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Messages - Anemic_Newt

General / Re: 2000AD Crown Court - Wasting ...
18 February, 2002, 11:01:17 PM
If it pleases the court perhaps when this thread breathes its last perhaps we could bring on the next case - "classics" most people loved but someone is prepared to condemn? A few have reared their heads on this thread eg Dead Man, Necropolis, (Hate to admit it but Metalzoic) etc.

Newt (Counsel for the Prosecution Q.C.)
General / Re: 2000AD Crown Court - Wasting ...
18 February, 2002, 10:57:00 PM
An appeal to the judge - you can't let this happen there has to be some that stay in there...please.

Matt should be charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. :)

Has anyone else noticed that without Matt's post everything ever printed in 2k by Fleischer is on the list. Someone should contact hime and tell him. Perhaps he would like to defend himself! Unless Matt is the man himself?!

General / Re: 2000AD Crown Court Re-convened...
18 February, 2002, 05:10:16 AM
Armoured Gideon -  Found this interesting in its day. I guess I like it because I like stories with Big Robots. I quite enjoyed the art it wasn't the best but by no means the worst I have seen in 2k, it reminded me of Cliff Robinson's linework.

SHAKARA (Newt in disguise again)
General / Re: 2KAD CC - Update...
18 February, 2002, 03:37:24 AM
Daring to stick my neck out I'm gonna try to save Mean Team. It was part way through its run when I bought my first ever 2k. As I hadn't come across something like this before I really enjoyed it. Especially the ending where they all got blasted by that spaceship. At the time it was one of the moments that made me stick with 2k. The fact that they weren't afraid to kill their heroes.

I will admit that this feling did lose its effect when Henry Moon was resurrected for Survuvor, hiwever I do declare I like Mean Team.

A few years later I also got to read a reprint of the original Mean Team. Again this was an original story for me and I did enjoy discovering the past of a strip I had enjoyed. Mean Arena must have had something goin for it for 2k to have decded to rewrite afew times to reprint as Killer, amongst many other rehashes of the same idea.

Hope this gets them off the list - but I am not saving Survuvor - no way baby!

Have to agree with the comments saving the Clown - loved the idea of a childs enertainer going round withthe head of his pet horse on a stick and killing people, loved the story and the art.

Whilst on the subject how about submitting these to the jury

Red Razors - 2k version
Tor Cyan
Tales of Telguuth
A Life less ordinary
Black Light
Rose O'Rion
Soul Gun Warrior
Any Shaky Kane/Shaky 2000 art

The Newt who doesn't mind Scojo until he goes off on one!
General / Re: Stories we love to hate
17 February, 2002, 06:51:57 AM
Oops should have changed the message header in that last one.
General / Re: More Morrisonramblings....
17 February, 2002, 06:50:27 AM
Can I suggest
Survivor come on peeps get voting its only just on the thrill suckers list.
Top of the thrill suckers list - currently
Rogue Trooper(Friday) - Apocalypse Dreadnought
Robohunter - not sure which one but think its return to Verdus
Chronos Carnival
More RoboHunter
More Friday
Space Girls
Dead Meat
Babe Race 2000
Mean Team
Harlem Heroes
Kola Kommandos

Are these really the worst series ever? are they in the right order? What no Zippy Couriers? What no Bad Company 3? What no Shako? Come on get voting

General / Re: Q3 Model
16 February, 2002, 06:45:53 PM
There is also a Judge Dredd Model here

Link:" target="_blank">Judge Dredd Quake 3 Model

Help! / What did happen to...
11 February, 2002, 06:07:41 AM
What did happen to Feral from Strontium Dogs in the end - I'm sure it wsa printed but after the recent post suggesting Shakara might be a Stront, I was just wondering - Any help + what prog did he last appear?

11 February, 2002, 06:22:44 AM
Now thats a start, Wake.

Milo - still doesn't convince me though!
11 February, 2002, 06:15:02 AM
Yes - but it did then too!
11 February, 2002, 06:00:45 AM
It's a long time since there were any free gifts in 2k - do we want them still - last one was Homeworld PC demo - prog 1159 September 1999 - and I don't really think that counts or prog 1111 Sept 1998 - Free Comics International again not 2k related so IMHO does not count. This means the last 2k related free gift was 1068 Judge Dredd Poster Magazine way back in November 1997.

Come on Rebellion give us something for nothing!

General / Re: Pop Idol
11 February, 2002, 06:32:03 AM
So is mine :)
General / Pop Idol
11 February, 2002, 05:46:21 AM
Now the mass PR machine that is ITV's Pop idol has temporarily ended - until the release of the new Westlife song - Which 2k character should be a pop idol?

My suggestion - Judge Death
Even Judge Death and the Gribligs

Have heard a rumour that the Dark Judges are playing at Ministry of Sound event - Move over Here'Say!

Anemic_Newt - trying to create a thread that doesn't lead to Scojo challenging Rebellion or attacking everyone and everything
General / Lets have a poll!
11 February, 2002, 05:26:33 AM
Who thinks Scojo should shut up?
Help! / Re: Death of Judge Corey.............
11 February, 2002, 05:40:11 AM
Looks like I got there straight after Wake put it in!