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Messages - thinky

Megazine / Re: MEG 274 - Hellzapoppin'!
23 July, 2008, 02:11:00 PM
am i the only one who thinks the Anderson story is terrible? the art is mostly lovely, but the story is incredibly meh! in fact i can't recall the last Alan Grant story i liked (although i'm willing to proven to be talking out of my arse)

this is my last meg due mostly to my impending emigration, but the fact that i'm only really taking an interest in the 'horrible' dredd at the moment (and the impending price rise) means that i'm not likely to miss out on much

Website and Forum / Re: 2000 AD Online
12 July, 2008, 07:24:36 PM
QuoteThanks! I'm assuming you're talking about .net?

indeed - and a very good mag it is too...

Quotehee...hee...hee...ha, ha, ha!

see? all it took was a concerted 3 year epic bore-fest to ram home the fact that the monarch was right all along!  ;)

well done sir! the 2011 hardback edition of chronos carnival can't come around quickly enough...

Website and Forum / Re: 2000 AD Online
10 July, 2008, 12:26:46 PM
QuoteIndigo Prime said...
And now I'll shut up, before everyone gets sick of me going on about web stuff...

on the contrary - i think it's good that everyone understands (or at least has an appreciation of) the complexity of catering for all browsers / screen-sizes / etc. At least this way everyone is aware that there is very little chance of a "quick fix" to something and that changes do indeed change time

oh and i've just worked out who you are - and that i enjoy reading your web-based column in another of my regular mags (not that you were hiding or anything ;). good work btw

at least i now know the "foes" list works

my two-creds worth...

the finale certainly had it's dodgy and dodgier moments (earth being towed raised adult eyebrows when the kids weren't looking), but i can honestly say that at the time i found it exciting and exhillerating. Okay, on reflection it was a load of tosh, but as it unfolded the four of us (2 adults, 2 kids) thought it was great, which for family-oriented fun was what we were looking for

my eldest (7) keeps drawing the medusa cascade, and my middle one (4) was just greatful that donna didn't die

Help! / Re: cheap or free office packages
03 July, 2008, 03:38:31 PM
Quotewod said:
Any issues you know of with Vista?

we use it primarily on vista as i'm too cheap to buy yet another licence, and i've not had any problems as yet

Help! / Re: cheap or free office packages
29 June, 2008, 06:36:57 PM
QuoteYou'll be wanting OpenOffice

agreed - i use the word-alike package for my business and save it as ms-word format and no-one is any the wiser.

*and* it's free!

Announcements / Re: Welcome to the new forum!
28 June, 2008, 11:23:09 PM
i have to say that the "read latest posts" link is bloody marvelous - it gives the old rsi-fingers a bit of a break when attempting to navigate the new section structure

Megazine / Re: Meg 273 - Like Father... Like Son
27 June, 2008, 04:12:11 PM
well done to mr molcher for the incredibly candid Pete Doherty review - it managed to be a perfectly good read without any of the can-i-crawl-up-your-backside comments that seems to be abound these days

Off Topic / Re: Wedding Reading Suggestions!.....
20 May, 2008, 10:44:44 PM
Love & Marriage
Horse & Carriage
All pure thoughts will surely vanish
Leaves you naked and defenceless
Shut your mouth
 and Fuck me senseless...

General / Re: How many of us are there?........
20 May, 2008, 10:03:23 PM

Off Topic / Re: Would you put COMICS as a hobb...
15 May, 2008, 02:06:55 PM
a degree in applied statistics and a career in software development has left me with a full quota of geektivities

adding comics is only going to confirm any assumptions already made ;)

General / Re: Bristol Prog Giveaway............
08 May, 2008, 11:10:22 AM

no problem - i presume that's 4.01 to 4.18?

do you want any from 201 onwards (not sure if these are classed as volume 4 or not?)

General / Re: Bristol Prog Giveaway............
08 May, 2008, 10:29:32 AM
the idea of having all the progs to hand seemed like a good idea when i was sourcing them, but once in the house they just seemed to get in the way :(

they've been at the back of my loft-storage-area (also known as the shit-pit) for a couple of years carelessly neglected...

the local surgery looks like it's getting a thrill-power overload some time in the near future
