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Messages - Priv8eye

General / Re: Shaun of the D.V.D.
04 August, 2004, 03:11:40 PM
When is it out?
Off Topic / Re: Charity comics event this Satu...
09 August, 2004, 05:37:56 PM
My daughter got a really nice Bannaman sketch from Steve Bright.  

Sorry, that probably doesn't make it any better David.
Off Topic / Re: Charity comics event this Satu...
09 August, 2004, 02:48:26 PM
Just wanted to say "thanks" to Trout for the info on the stall.  It was nice being able to meet him and put a face to the icon, taking time out to chat despite being obviously very busy.

Also a big thanks to Graham Manley for the excelent Dredd sketch he did for me, and to the other artists for their time doing sketches for my kids!
Off Topic / Re: Charity comics event this Satu...
04 August, 2004, 08:54:31 PM
Thanks Trout for the info!

We won tickets to go to the show so I'll definately look for out for that (espescially as the kids are into Beano & Dandy at present)
Off Topic / Re: Books to film
04 August, 2004, 08:56:58 PM
Wouldn't disney take it out under their Touchstone movies name?  That way it can be non-disney.
Off Topic / Re: Books to film
03 August, 2004, 08:29:33 PM
"I always thought The Stainless Steel Rat would make a good film but Hollywood would only ruin it... "

Doesn't that happen to almost everything Hollywood gets its mits on?

Off Topic / Re: Books to film
03 August, 2004, 03:01:34 PM
Not long finished reading Neil Gaimans American Gods.  Don't know how easy it would be to translate to screen but it would be worth seeing.

Agree with you Legend, even though its not one of his best, it would be epic to watch.
Prog / Re: 'the village'
09 August, 2004, 03:01:24 PM
'they get hurt by water'

Actually if watch M Night's movies he has a thing about water, its Bruce Willis' weak point in Unbreakable as well.  
Prog / Re: 'the village'
03 August, 2004, 03:04:10 PM
Yeah, I think that that having twist is not the sole purpose of the film.  Espescially after watching Sixth Sense again knowing about Willis' character adds a differant view to it.

Was never very keen on Signs though for some reason.  Loved Unbreakable.
Links / Re: hilarious
02 August, 2004, 02:40:08 PM
Like DD says, the movie that Thunderbirds could have been.

Looks good.  Especially the puppet look.  Kinda gives you that childhood feel with more modern (adult?) laughs.
News / Re: Batman Begins
30 July, 2004, 06:32:26 PM
Doesn't give much away does it?

I hope the film doesn't spend too much time on the pre-bat action, as the trailer appears to be showing.
Off Topic / Re: Manhunt Manhandled Out of Stor...
30 July, 2004, 03:35:24 PM
I saw this on the news and really thought "here we go again".  This does seem to happen every now and then and its normally something linked to our genre loves that is the cause.  

It is tragic that such a young life was lost, but i really feel that no one single thing could ever be the cause.  Yeah, it looks like a violent game, but thats more likely to give violent people ideas, as opposed to actually making them go on a killing spree.

Yes, the kid who owned it was under age, but only by a year.  As a parent I would possiblty allow my kids access to age restricted stuff after I had screened it myself to make sure I felt it was okay for them.  ( I do it now woth certain movies and the like).

Parents do need to have a degree of responsiblility to know what their kids are doing, it probably does get harder as they get older (mine are still kinda young), but it means taking time with your kids, which sadly many people do not seem to do nowadays.
Off Topic / Re: Hawk the Slayer on telly.........
30 July, 2004, 04:26:27 PM
The Sword and the Sorcerer

Thanks PVS, thats the one!
Off Topic / Re: Hawk the Slayer on telly.........
30 July, 2004, 03:23:34 PM
Wow, Hawk the Slayer - so bad its good!

I remember it comming out when I was a kid and it looked soo good.

Then I saw it years later finally on TV and what a laugh I got at it.

It always reminds me of the other one with Frodo in it - not LOTR but the really old one with a sorcerer and the fight at the end has blades springing out the broken handles of swords and stuff.

Anyone rememeber it?
General / Re: Hitchhiker's Guide Teaser Trai...
30 July, 2004, 06:31:24 PM
The teaser does look promising but then so does almost every good teaser.

I have heard so litle about this film apart from the pics of Marvin that were here a good while back.  

Where is the publicity?