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Messages - Shewrog

General / Re: DImebag RIP
10 December, 2004, 04:11:45 AM
This is a damn shame, america's gun control is bullshit, it could have been anyone up there, S club, daniel beddingfield, blazin sqaud...why??
General / Re: The Reset Button
10 December, 2004, 03:56:42 AM
Think this is all fascinating stuff...

Think Dredd def needs a kick in the ass, its time for something new...

And if they are going to keep Strontium Dog why don't they start doing something interesting or provocative with it instead of these dull dull dull "funny" srories. Surely I can't be the only person who finds them to be just the opposite (people have told me that I lack a sense of humour.) Great character, great art, terrible stories. The last Strontium Dog story I enjoyed was in a Xmas special about 4 years ago because it was without the "funny" bits.

And as for the Red Seas, Jesus, brown seas more like...

And more Button Man! Please!
Off Topic / Re: a careers / despair thread.......
10 December, 2004, 04:15:48 AM
Maybe coming a bit out of leftfield here but....

What about teaching art in a prison??
General / Re: My review of the year!......
10 December, 2004, 11:28:31 PM
I think I'd like to change my film to SAW....
General / Re: My review of the year!...........
10 December, 2004, 02:01:26 PM
I read the Chabon novel to, thought it was great, the comic is already out. He is also "reimagining" Snow White as a live action Kung Fu movie for 2005/6!!
General / Re: My review of the year!.........
08 December, 2004, 06:40:53 PM
Shit, forgot about SAW!!
General / My review of the year!
08 December, 2004, 05:54:21 PM
Comic of the Year: Punisher "The End"
Book of the Year: Stephen King "The Dark Tower"
Album of the Year: The Stills, "Logic Will Break Your Heart"
T.V. of the Year: Monkey Dust
Film of the Year: Dawn of the Dead remake
Game of the Year: Thief, Deadly Shadows

Lets have everyone elses!
General / Re: Could I have 200 words or phra...
10 December, 2004, 04:03:30 AM
General / Re: The Punisher
07 December, 2004, 12:18:03 AM
Hmmmmmmm, sounds like a rental then, rather than a purchase...cheers everyone.
General / The Punisher
05 December, 2004, 02:20:11 AM
Has Anyone seen the latest film version of this?

Is it as bad as some of the reviews say?
Off Topic / The Punisher
05 December, 2004, 02:20:11 AM
Has Anyone seen the latest film version of this?

Is it as bad as some of the reviews say?
General / Re: All hail Monkey Dust!............
08 December, 2004, 05:44:25 PM
Cool, hope its shaping up to be just as good as the last two!
General / All hail Monkey Dust!
04 December, 2004, 06:03:41 PM
Just revisited the godlike genius of the first seaso, oops, sorry, series of this on DVD. Any other fans out there?

Its the only comedy that's got the old brain working since The Day Today and that was over ten years ago now wasn't it?
General / Re: Lipsmackin'thirstquenchin'acet...
18 December, 2004, 04:18:22 PM
Everything I consumed yesterday:

2 spring rolls
1 portion sweet and sour chicken
1 portion boiled rice
2 bottles of bud
2 mince pies
half big pack of galaxy minstrels
1 chicken flacour "Mug Shot" Noodle Snack
1 pint Guinness
2 Jim Beam and Cokes

Everything a growiwng boy needs!!
General / Re: Boozy do!
29 November, 2004, 01:29:58 AM
Excellent! looking forward to meeting you all there for a seasonal pint of the good stuff.