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Messages - Gothmog

Games / Re: My wee Wii queries
22 April, 2008, 08:02:20 PM
Can anyone tell me if these games are region encoded or anything? Eg, can I order something from Amazon UK or US and play it in Aus? Games are notoriously expensive here..

Games are region locked but historically UK PAL and Aus PAL games are interchangeable on consoles so you should be ok importing games from the UK.

You won't be able to play US or Japanese imports without a freeloader though.
Off Topic / Re: Dreams /nightmares/premonition...
13 April, 2008, 12:04:29 PM
I sometimes get flying dreams which always start and end the same way: I'm jogging along a lane where I used to live, my stride gradually increases until I'm sort of bounding along the lane for longer and longer distances.  Then I realise I'm actually floating and don't need to run so I hover along just above the road surface for a while.  I then progress to proper flying and have a good look around but at the end I'm always hovering just above the ground again and can't get any higher.  At this point I'll always be accelerating towards a bend in the road and no matter how hard I try I can't slow down or move to take the bend so I crash into a hedge/fence/wall as I wake up.

Whenever I'm really ill (not coughs/colds) I always seem to get a standard dream the night before the illness kicks in: I'm in a T shaped corridor, painted grey with a random number of closed doors, occasionaly there'll be a person stood against one of the walls who doesn't have any features and never respond to me.  If I enter one of the doors an short event from my previous day will play out (usually something mundane like a a TV clip or me posting a message on a message-boad).  Once it finishes I'm back in the corridor again, the same event repeats itself whenever I enter a door.
Prog / Re: Prog 1571 - SHAK ATTACK!.........
30 January, 2008, 02:36:50 PM
"I thought the best thing was Davy Moyes getting eaten. Clearly somebody's not an Everton fan."

I was wondering the same thing during Leviathan. IIRC another Davy Moyes was shown as Hastur's first victim and got referred to as something along the lines of "a lumpen-brained Caledonian".
However after looking through D'Israeli's blog a while ago I'm now guessing it's a reference to his friend David Moyes who isn't the scarey eyed manager of the team I support.

Link:" target="_blank">Kilt on kilt action near the bottom *fnar*

Film & TV / Re: ..NEW Dr Who TONIGHT, 'VOYAGE...
26 December, 2007, 03:51:55 PM
Yes it was nice surprise to see Bernard Cribbins given that I thought he'd died.  Don't know why I though that.  Mind you I could've sworn there was a news report a few years ago saying Geoffrey Palmer had died but he seems to have been regularly employed since then so either the BBC are very zombie friendly or he is also actually still alive.

Bit confused to say the least with The Host:
1) Absolutely anyone on the ship can trigger security protocols just by talking to them?
2) "No witnesses" very specifically means no witnesses from registered crew or passengers only.  Anyone/thing not registered is safe.
3) They stop obeying a command if the person that issued it dies.  They then obey the next ranked individual who in this case isn't one of the crew, passengers or an employee of company who built the ship/them and has also just told them that he's a stowaway.  

Games / Re: Summary of board Wii Codes...
22 April, 2008, 08:09:53 PM
Finally got the magical interweb without wires working.  My code is 8107 7045 6949 9193

Got about 19 Metroid Prime 3 tokens to swap if anyone's interested.
Off Topic / Re: 'Nuff said
06 September, 2007, 09:34:28 PM
So the Marvel Universe's  fictional occupants co-exist and interact with each other in ways that  resemble the social networks of  the humans who created them.  And the protagnoists of the comics are the social hubs.

Sounds to me like he's got a masters degree in stating the bleedin' obvious.  As you say, he probably should've been looking for quarks and hanging weights off springs but was actually sitting around the lab all day reading comics until his colleagues caught on.
"Yes I am reading a comic but it's a vital part of my study into social networks.  Erm,  yes I know I'm looking at the specail swimsuit edition at the moment but a minute ago I was reading a fascinating issue where The Thing and The Hulk had an argument after one of them accidentaly trod on the other's foot.  Then they started punching each other through buildings,"
General / Re: Wulf Sternhammer.
03 September, 2007, 11:55:49 PM
As Johnny forlornly said to Wulf...
General / Re: The Black Plague!
05 September, 2007, 01:59:22 PM
Maybe it's an artistic statement.  The spiders can't wrap the Reichstag in webs because the cleaners keep interrupting them so they did trees instead.
There's a spider art critic somewhere giving them rave reviews.
Games / Re: Bioshock!
29 August, 2007, 08:54:46 AM
The similar enemy thing was deliberate I think.  The idea is that with slight exceptions you're battling against the inhabitants of Rapture.
So although they've been genetical altered they're basically human beings who've gone a bit off the deep end(sorry for the pun) not freakish, alienish monsters.

Some of the videos I've seen of the AI reactions are quite funny in a sadistic kind of way.  Like if someone's set on fire they'll try to find water to put themselves out. If you plant a proximity mine in a pool of water and burn someone they'll run straight to the mine while trying to save themselves.  
Games / Re: Edge 100
06 July, 2007, 10:41:01 PM
Where's the PC RPG's?
Planescape:Torment, Fallout 2, Baldurs Gate II.  At least one of those should've made the list.

I personally would've placed Sensible Soccer higher, it's my favorite football game of all time for it's sheer energy and an absolute blast against friends.  The more photo-realistic FIFA and Pro Evo get the less interested I am for some reason.
I'd also stick Dungeon Master and Speedball 2(same reasons as Sensi) in there as well.
Games / Re: Mega-City One Online
27 June, 2007, 12:07:18 PM
There's a link in the Dredd zone section of this site.
Their website says all Judges were recalled to Mega City One after the recent Total War attacks so it looks like Justice Dept in Paragon City is no more.

I'd love the idea of a Dredd MMORPG.  I'm currently getting pant wettingly excited about Warhammer Online but that's not due until next year.  I'm MMORPGless at the moment and starting to get withdrawl symptoms.

Link:" target="_blank">linky

Off Topic / Re: Chris Beniot
27 June, 2007, 12:12:28 PM
Starting to look more horrific than a sudden mood swing due to roid rage.  Early police reports are suggesting his wife was bound and killed sometime Friday/Saturday while his son might not have been killed until Sunday.  They think Benoit hung himself on Monday.

If that's true he had plenty time after murdering his wife to consider what he'd done before murdering his son.
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, 23/06/0...
28 June, 2007, 07:29:22 PM
"he drumming in his head is the sound of something (or someones) trying to get out?"

If the orbs are something to do with the Timelords maybe the drumming represents the Timelord  heartbeats.
Two hearts beating slightly out of time with each other could produce four beats like the drumming.
Film & TV / Re: ...NEW DR WHO TONIGHT, 23/06/0...
25 June, 2007, 11:40:14 AM
I'll second the future human killing globe idea.  The Master said it'd break The Doctor's hearts and there's nothing he loves more than us fantastic, brilliant humies.  Although having them drop through a rift and start wiping out their ancestors causes a bit of a paradox.  Guess that's why The Master built a pardox machine.

"Sim's pantomime mugging just made me wish that they'd stuck with Jacobi"
In confidential after the episode John Simm said that all his manic moments were specifically written into the script so he just followed them to the letter.  Couldn't tell whether that was a diguised apology for them or a celebration of the detail RTD puts into the script.

Seeing as that bomb timer was set for the moment The Doctor and his companions were in the flat and The Master made a comment to them on live Tv couldn't he have also had the foresight to deploy a large force of armed police there after they'd entered the house.  It would saved a lot of running around.  
Film & TV / Re: Erm never mind the snakes......
22 June, 2007, 11:52:21 PM
Oh and watch out for the

Link:" target="_blank">sheep?!