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Messages - PsychoGoatee

Sounds cool! Comics and rock music, that's the good stuff.
Great read as always! I myself prefer other X-stuff, Allred I respect, bought a bunch of Madman trades etc, just not quite my thing. And the trying to be edgy and cold or off-putting thing you describe is not my fav. But I like hearing what other people enjoy about it, and vicariously I can appreciate it.

I'll take an operatic Claremont run for me.
I appreciate that 2000AD lets you download cbz files, this is the way it should be. But they are lower resolution than I'd like, especially older releases. So on a 10 inch tablet the text is smaller, and if you zoom in enough to be close to the actual size of the paper the text is too low quality, pixelated or blurry. And this is also true on PC or other devices.

Other companies like HumbleBundle releases etc tend to have around 3000 x 2000 as the standard resolution these days. Image Comics for example. Even older material like say the first Astro City volume is 1400 x 2150. Your release of say Brink vol 3 is around that, which is ok for now, but around 2000 x 3000 would be better. And more future proof with higher resolution screens.

The real problem is your older releases, which are only around 1000 x 1500. This is way too low, and has the low quality text for reading like I mentioned, if you zoom in to a decent size on high resolution screens. Rogue Trooper, Strontium Dog, all those classics are pretty low resolution, and it's a shame.

And with stuff like The Best of John Wagner release recently for example you have that older material at a higher resolution than that, 1550 x 2070 or so. And I get the impression you do have higher resolution versions of these old books, you just haven't released them? Not sure how much work it would take, but it would be worthwhile in the long run. Hope you fix it sometime.

Very cool, good stuff, thanks!

I read the preview pages on the store for Eazy and Clash, and them being these cheesy perfect shot super antiheroes is probably to me closer to what I'm looking for actually. Granted it could get repetitive, especially with these being 3 or 4 page stories instead of 6 or more serialized ones at times. But I wondered if maybe those went somewhere interesting anyway. And any other ones available.

So for me I'm not so much looking for the best, I'm looking for "the best of the rest" with my own parameters. But Charley is on the list too, do you like any of the more easy read fun ones as well? Seems almost like two different kind of things. And for another more serious one, HMS Nightshade looks kind of cool, but is only in an out of print hardcover from 10 years ago.

And side note, a more recent Carlos one, anyone like Tankies by Ennis? And for Ennis ones I'm actually looking for whichever ones are least horrific. I know, kind of a unique request, the gentlest war comics.  :D
I've never read any Battle comics, but as a 2000AD fan I'm of course curious to try some. Are there any that might be entertaining and fun to read, and hold up with the least you know racially of the time and uncomfortable with the real issues etc? I know war is a serious subject, but I'm looking at it more for its part in adventure comics history.

I'm curious about Major Eazy of course, for Carlos. John Wagner is my favorite writer, but Darkie's Mob sounds a bit heavy and not on the fun side, which is cool, but I wonder if any of his other war comics might be more my thing as well? And any others in general? Clash of the Guards looks good.

And by fun I mean I still enjoy the drama and intense stuff, but you know in that entertaining 2000AD kind of way, where it does feel safely in the fiction realm etc. Also I heard this kind of comic is an influence on Rogue Trooper. So pretty much looking to take a tourist trip into this era of comics a little, anything that might be a good read for me?
General / Re: Top 3 single episode Dredds
10 February, 2024, 04:57:42 AM
I showed a friend two Dredd stories lately, and they became a fan, read America and Necropolis etc.

The two tales: A Letter to Judge Dredd and Bury My Knee at Wounded Heart, definitely seconding that.

Punks Rule is another classic. I like Vienna. Judge Minty of course, seconded.

John Cassavetes Is Dead is an interesting one. Of course I'm tempted to cheat with a bunch of two episode stories (similar length to a Meg episode), but I'll resist.
General / Re: Forthcoming Thrills - 2024
10 February, 2024, 04:17:06 AM
I have a lot of nostalgia for Stainless Steel Rat, since the prequel novel A Stainless Steel Rat is Born was one of my top fav books as a kid.

It does sound cool coloring this, usually I stick with b&w but 2000AD has such a good track record, colorized stuff looks great so far. And for example I don't like the coloring on The Walking Dead's new versions, it can miss pretty easily.
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
09 February, 2024, 09:56:21 PM
Very cool! Can't beat Wagner Dredd. And love David Lynch too.
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
09 February, 2024, 11:29:46 AM
I'm in the middle of a bunch of stuff, here's a few.

Mega Man by Ian Flynn and several cool artists. Some good Nintendo/Capcom nostalgia, fun read.

Saga by Vaughan and Staples, I'm 15 issues in. Solid start, pretty smooth so far, getting more invested in the characters a bit.

Savage Dragon by Erik Larsen, always. Just got the latest extra size wedding issue 267, it rules. One of the back-ups is a recolored Megaton comic from the 80s, always cool.

Usagi Yojimbo, I'm near the beginning, great stuff from the get-go. I've been collecting it for a while since Stan rules and want to support it, yet I am decades behind. Got into it a couple years ago. Lot to enjoy!

Deadpool by Kelly and several artists, the 90s run that made him such a fun character. I'm really liking it. I feel like Marvel bounced back with some titles like this from say 1997, with the more cartoony style and looser vibe.

Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont, I'm on the From the Ashes collection, issue 168. Classic.

One Piece by Oda of course. Bless him. We are on the cruise, yes indeed.

Fist of the North Star by Hara and Buronson. Iconic. I read the first 4 or 5 master edition versions 20 years ago, they stopped at 7 or 8 vols. Now Viz picked it back up and they've gotten much more out, finishing the first major saga and getting to the ever classic time skip. Love a good time skip.

Judge Dredd by John Wagner and many cool artists. I have up to Case Files 42 on my shelf, but I am on Case Files 26.  :D I will read all this, that's a promise to you fine people here.
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 08 February, 2024, 09:42:55 AM(Similarly, while I often see calls from the US that they'd buy Dredd or other 2000 AD titles in omnibus format, I suspect that would be maybe a few dozen copies sold and an awful lot of books sitting in warehouses.)

I think there's gotta be at least 100s of us US fans. :D But I do prefer the regular trade paperbacks to heavy hardcover omnibuses. Although I do like the new Strontium Dog hardcovers, just got the latest Portrait of a Mutant one. Mainly paperback for me though, lightweight works for me.

Great countdown as always! And even 2000AD titles that had kind of slid down my to-read list are being bolstered here and higher. I've never read Bad Company, not much Red Seas etc, so much great stuff to read. Been meaning to read Y too. For Saga, I just started it recently.

Very cool to hear! I've been meaning to read more myself, so many great comics for the read list. I can say I have not read 100 full distinct titles, I think, so I've gotta get reading to get my own top 100 going!
Very cool topic, gotta love comics. And all the different takes, and well said on the contexts and different tastes and what everyone brings to entertainment they take in.

For example, two of my top three comics ever were mentioned and not favs in the topic. Savage Dragon and Invincible. My #1 is of course Wagner Dredd.

I dig what you said about 60s Spider-Man and FF, I did enjoy that issue 32/33 thing where he lifted the heavy thing.  :D

Great stuff, and reading your write-up just now Human Target by Milligan is on my list now for sure. And lots of others to check out.

Are you a Frank Miller fan, the classic stuff? That's stuff that I know is divisive that I rate high. Also, any manga on the list?
Cool, thanks! Chain Gang War does sound pretty good, that cover that says "say hello, gun" is really funny.
Curious if anyone has favs of Wagner's work for other publishers in the 80s and 90s, or anything since?

I've been meaning to read that Detective Comics run, though that's more Alan Grant I hear who is also a fav always.

Wonder if that The Crow: Dead Time that Wagner wrote is recommended?

Also have some Bogie Man on the shelf, and both Rok comics, Last American. Did read A History of Violence. Anything cool I've missed? I mention 80s and up since that interests me a bit more, but I know he did cool comics before that too.