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Messages - frazer

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
20 October, 2004, 07:52:45 PM
Futurequack: U r wrong. If u go to my website, there are some designs I did for cabballistix, and the hannah chapter design is based on this bird (googling may not help, but all interested parties are more than welcome to have a go). As far as the Simpin D goes, all ladies are original creations (aside from a leg or an arse which needed a bit of reference).

As far as Demarco grassing up Jack, well she had her reasons. She may not tell u, and they may not seem to make sense, but then I get that a lot with many of the ladies I know.

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
20 October, 2004, 08:57:08 AM
Well he don't know about it does he?

Anyway, just seen the cover on the site and I quite like it:) Very nice use of text n stuff, and it's always a buzz when I see another artist draw my stuff:P Nice coat. I might nick that for a later story...

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
20 October, 2004, 01:33:02 AM
"Mia (sp?) "

No, Maya. U get it wrong every time, Mr Lugan...

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
19 October, 2004, 10:10:12 PM
You're forgetting that I also used it as a latrine during a rather long coach ride.

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
19 October, 2004, 09:18:09 PM
Nope, no prize (I have none to offer), and there's nowt wrong with lookin at pretty things, lad. As long as it's in a purely professional capacity. Yes.

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
19 October, 2004, 09:00:02 PM
Actually, the design of the thong-that-gets-so-much-attention goes beyond yer normal bootlace hanging on a frame idea of most clothing. It was secured in most inventive ways, what with this being the future and all, I doubt technology exists today that would be able to match it. Yet.

But no, I won't provide diagrams, or illustrations of the pole dance routine that Demarco rehearsed in front of her office mirror prior to going on stage.

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
19 October, 2004, 08:55:28 PM
"That was an educated guess until I looked at the pic again. She looks dead familiar ... is it Gauge, by any chance?"

Very good sir, nail on head (as it were). Tho if I would have gone ahead with the strip I'd have developed her a bit so that the resemblance was only slight.
And after all, despite the lady's obvious athletic skills, I doubt I could find reference of her fighting zombies or jumping thru windows shooting things. Or even wearing clothes.

As for demarco, well she's all fictional. Tho I am currently doing some designs for a pitch to (name of publisher censored) and one of the characters once again bears a striking resemblance to another contemporary digital dame, tho if I get the gig then I'll have to make it all up in me head when I do the pages.

Not seen the latest meg yet, so I can't possibly comment on the cheesewire/bacon sandwich cover which u chaps seem to be describing. But i'm very very curious now.

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
19 October, 2004, 05:39:05 PM
"Briana Banks."

Well, if u chaps are just gonna start listing porn starlets then we're gonna be here for a loooong time. Informed guesses only, methinks.

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
19 October, 2004, 08:11:48 AM
"BTW, Fraze - was that Tracii Lords you used as a model for your Caballistics designs? Inquiring minds, and all that... :-D"

Nope, but keep guessing:)

Megazine / Re: Meg 225 Ladies who punch!........
18 October, 2004, 11:59:36 PM
Actually, "camel toe" is smack dang on the line that-is-not-to-be-crossed by art droids, for some reason. At least, that's what I was told when my original designs for Demarco's thong involved a speculum and various other vulvic-fantastique ornaments.

News / Re: Jonathan Woss pulls out..........
26 October, 2004, 05:52:00 AM
Well there's a fair few things on that blog over the past few months which have made me wonder about where Phil is coming from thesedays, and whether he IS an embittered etc etc or just playing some sort of game to get attention, but slagging off my buddies (and apparently claiming I live in PJ's arse or something) with that sort of venom has soured my opinion of the chap. He wasn't nearly that nasty a couple of years ago.

News / Re: Jonathan Woss pulls out..........
25 October, 2004, 09:12:38 PM
Yeah, kev went round sorting the refunds out when we were in the room. I have witnesses that no fraud or mugging took place. Just the return of funds. So that means they got to be amused by 4 no-bodies and a tv screen fer free! Yay!

News / Re: Jonathan Woss pulls out..........
25 October, 2004, 09:02:59 PM
Well, seeing as Spurious and I were one-half of these "nobodies" that Professional Embittered Internet Ranter Phil Hall described, I can say that it was in fact quite fun.

We didn't answer in the style of Grant, in fact we didn't even answer half the questions because we didn't understand them, neither did Jonathan or the audience. But it was a very easy and pleasurable experience for all involved, and for once noone walked out of the talk (unlike the viz talk and pretty much every other talk I've been to) and I can only put that down to the dazzling with of myself and the 3 fellows on stage.

And I would once again urge anyone who reads such ill-informed rants from said internet ranter to take it all with a dose of salt, seeing as he wasn't there why in gods name is he talking with any authority on the performance of these "nobodies"?

Takes one to know one I spose....

News / Re: Jonathan Woss pulls out..........
20 October, 2004, 07:55:18 PM
Hmm, yes. Take a biiiig dose of salt when U read that blog.

16 October, 2004, 09:34:51 AM
That cover is fucking amazing. Puts me in my place it does.